"Democrat of the Year" loses title after being convicted of a felony.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Well, this scumbag fits right in with the Democrat party. Hopefully, she will get sentenced to the maximum time in prison. But once, she gets out, she is a future star with the Democrats, given their collection of thieves and robbing from others, Carson has the potential to be at least an assembly member, if not state senator for the Democrats.

'Democrat of the Year
No kiddding, it's a resumee enhancer

OJ was an Uncle Tom republican after he killed his wife and Goldman...he was "authentic" black man.......these people are nuts
Well, this scumbag fits right in with the Democrat party. Hopefully, she will get sentenced to the maximum time in prison. But once, she gets out, she is a future star with the Democrats, given their collection of thieves and robbing from others, Carson has the potential to be at least an assembly member, if not state senator for the Democrats.

'Democrat of the Year

You'd think the old bat woulda been nominated for Governor!

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