Democrat Lawyer Marc Elias Claims Faulty Voting Machines in New York Race

Judges deny Democratic lawyer Marc Elias's bid to shake court sanctions

14 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jerry Dunleavy
A federal appeals court shot down the bid of Democratic lawyer and discredited dossier funder Marc Elias to wriggle out of sanctions for misleading the court.
The former Perkins Coie lawyer, best known for funding British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s discredited dossier while he worked as Hillary Clinton’s top campaign lawyer in 2016, was punished by a three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in March. The reprimand came for his deceptive behavior in a battle against a Republican-backed Texas law banning straight-ticket voting.
Elias, former general counsel for now-Vice President Kamala Harris's 2020 bid, gained popularity during 2020’s election court battles. Michael Sussmann, another now-former Perkins Coie lawyer with whom Elias coordinated closely with on anti-Trump research in 2016, was indicted in special counsel John Durham’s criminal investigation.
The Washington Examiner detailed how Elias attempted to fashion himself as a guardian of democracy despite his lead role in undermining the 2016 presidential election using the baseless Trump-Russia narrative. Elias responded on Twitter by accidentally referring to himself as someone who was “fighting democracy” before correcting himself to claim he was “fighting FOR democracy.”
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Marc Elias has misled the Court, in fact he has lied, advanced voter fraud. He's a Democrat.
Other than a stern lecture, a required homework assignment, or a modest monetary penalty, how will this demonic perp and his co-conspirator Sussman be punished? What are the lasting legal impediments he faces?
The two attorneys of Perkins Coies are slippery as eels. It's going to be the prosecutors' job in 2024 to get these guys convicted.
Democrat Lawyer Marc Elias Claims Faulty Voting Machines in New York Race

Democrat Lawyer Marc Elias Claims Faulty Voting Machines in New York Race (
4 Feb 2021 ~~ By Joel B. Pollak

Marc Elias, the election lawyer who represented Democratic challenges to state rules throughout the 2020 election, alleged in a court filing this week that a close congressional race in upstate New York was marred by faulty voting machines.
Republicans have been vilified for making similar claims about the 2020 presidential race.
In the congressional race for New York’s 22nd district, Republican Claudia Tenney currently leads incumbent Democrat Anthony Brindisi by a razor-thin margin of 125 votes. Tenney declared victory on Tuesday, though challenges continue.
In addition, as Breitbart News has noted, “Elias was responsible for hiring opposition research firm Fusion GPS, on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, [which produced] the fraudulent “Russia dossier” on then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016.”

Hmmm....., the firm Perkins Coie's pops up once more concerning Democrat Election Law....I wonder. Did Marc Elais miss his party's memo. They've been saying that only traitors question election results for the last 3 months.
Guess Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats want to have it both ways.... everything is on the up and up if its a democrat that wins... but it is faulty if a Republican wins.
Isn't this the same Marc Elias that traveled throughout all our 50 states in 2019-2020 under the radar changing election laws in favor of cheating? He gets a hearing in front of a judge to present his case that he believes there is election irregularities. He got a hearing, he gets to present his case and he is not being called a domestic terrorist. We who have been saying these same things can’t find a judge to even listen and we are called terrorists. Marc Elias may be the single person most responsible for the landslide of Trump, the will of the vast majority of the American people, being stolen.

EXCLUSIVE: A Second Agreement In Georgia Between Democrats and Gwinnett County Is Discovered - This Illegitimate Deal Needs to Be Addressed (
The best way to rig an election would be to rig the voting machines.

Twenty years ago I read a book on conspiracy theories and I remember the one that scared me the most was rigging electronic voting machines. It’s not all that hard to do and therefore it is quite possible that it has happened.

Politics on the best days is a very dirty game.

The best way to rig an election would be to rig the voting machines.

Twenty years ago I read a book on conspiracy theories and I remember the one that scared me the most was rigging electronic voting machines. It’s not all that hard to do and therefore it is quite possible that it has happened.

Politics on the best days is a very dirty game.

Seems that when the Wuhan Covid-19 virus was running rampant in American in 2020. Marc Elias spent a lot of time in the key states that allowed new mail in votes to change their election laws without benefit of changing State Constitutions. The states in question. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin....

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125 vote difference with recounts not completed.


160,000 vote difference in Michigan , Biden win
65,000 vote difference in Pennsylvania, Biden win
10,000 vote difference in Georgia, Biden win....

Marc Elias former partner of Perkins-Coie continues to undermine the voting process of America.

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