Democrat Congressman Jamaal Bowman Caught ILLEGALLY Pulling Fire Alarm at Capitol Ahead of Continuing Resolution Vote

The Rhino's - Aid and abedders of the Democrat agenda.

Democrat's - Underminers of the nation for their ill gotten agenda's.

Trump - Putting Americans back to work in every area that was being worked by illegal aliens for cheaper labor - Bringing companies and jobs back to America for Americans - Fixed the VA - Deregulated the regulators in order to ignite more investment into the American economy - Oil independence - Right to try - Begun the wall - Stay in Mexico policy - Trade equality dealing with fairness issues, and money matters. On and on I could go.

Biden - Began attacking everything Trump on first week or more by undermining or doing away with many of Trump's policies and/or his actions - then blame Trump - blame Trump some more - and blame Trump even more and more in which was bull shite, and most people knew it. Brought back illegals through code messaging incentives, and quickly begin the transformation on many job sites back to cheap foreign labor. Hanging on to abortion like a tick on a dog. Watching as Americans instead of working, die by the thousands due to Fentanyl. That ought to get balance right ? Left million's of dollars in wall panels to rust in lay down yards, and all while encouraging illegals to make the trip no matter how dangerous it is to the American border or how lucrative it is to the cartels exploiting them. Giving job's to specialty interest groups or individuals by preference, otherwise because they checked the right box. Helping to destroy our law enforcement by not having their backs. Race baiter, manipulator, gaslighter, and senile old man who screwed up the exit from Afghanistan getting people killed in the process.

How much blood do the Democrat's have on they're hands, especially in this president ????
Oooooooo, can you post if Rep. Bowman voted against the resolution.

Since, that would be intent or motive…..I’ll wait.
So you are arguing that if he didn’t do it on purpose, he’s incapable of reading at a second grade level.

You go ahead and run with that
The Rhino's - Aid and abedders of the Democrat agenda.

Democrat's - Underminers of the nation for their ill gotten agenda's.

Trump - Putting Americans back to work in every area that was being worked by illegal aliens for cheaper labor - Bringing companies and jobs back to America for Americans - Fixed the VA - Deregulated the regulators in order to ignite more investment into the American economy - Oil independence - Right to try - Begun the wall - Stay in Mexico policy - Trade equality dealing with fairness issues, and money matters. On and on I could go.

Biden - Began attacking everything Trump on first week or more by undermining or doing away with many of Trump's policies and/or his actions - then blame Trump - blame Trump some more - and blame Trump even more and more in which was bull shite, and most people knew it. Brought back illegals through code messaging incentives, and quickly begin the transformation on many job sites back to cheap foreign labor. Hanging on to abortion like a tick on a dog. Watching as Americans instead of working, die by the thousands due to Fentanyl. That ought to get balance right ? Left million's of dollars in wall panels to rust in lay down yards, and all while encouraging illegals to make the trip no matter how dangerous it is to the American border or how lucrative it is to the cartels exploiting them. Giving job's to specialty interest groups or individuals by preference, otherwise because they checked the right box. Helping to destroy our law enforcement by not having their backs. Race baiter, manipulator, gaslighter, and senile old man who screwed up the exit from Afghanistan getting people killed in the process.

How much blood do the Democrat's have on they're hands, especially in this president ????

What companies came back?
Give him a break!

It is absolutely possible that he was confused and was not able to understand what the sign said.

The Republicans should just move on.

We all know that the honorable congressman will never be expelled.

For obvious reasons.
Give him a break!

It is absolutely possible that he was confused and was not able to understand what the sign said.

The Republicans should just move on.

We all know that the honorable congressman will never be expelled.

For obvious reasons.
Bullshit his actions have consequences. Children get expelled from school for doing this. He's a former principle he knows better. Besides his act was intentional and politically motivated.
Give him a break!

It is absolutely possible that he was confused and was not able to understand what the sign said.

The Republicans should just move on.

We all know that the honorable congressman will never be expelled.

For obvious reasons.
What reasons are those.
Brain fart and you’re just using it as cover because you’re butthurt over an actual insurrection failing.
Bullshit he doesn't need to be an elected representative voting on laws if he's that stupid. Especially knowing what he would do to a child for doing the exact same thing.

Jamaal Bowman was school principle at Cornerstone Academy for Social Action Here's how Cornerstone punished kids for pulling the fire alarm: Calling 911, signaling or setting off an automatic signal falsely indicating the presence of a fire or an emergency is prohibited. This includes making calls that such an emergency exists on school grounds, on school vehicles or at any school function. JOL INITIATED CONSEQUENC Sus ion for Maumum LEVEL Suspension 201 1,529 3,624 360.1K MrsValLopez​

Poor wittle Simp Republicans who can't tell the difference between Jamaal Bowman and J6 rioters. 😄 Someone pat them on their heads, give them a bottle and put them down for a nap. They're having a day.
Isn’t intent part of you assertion to jail?

I never said he should go to jail. I said he's lying about it being an accident.
So, which way did he vote?
What difference does it make? The man has a history of making a spectacle of himself and acting like a clown and unless he's incapable of reasoning at a second grade level, he knew exactly what he was doing.

Keep carrying out your marching orders, Binar.
I never said he should go to jail. I said he's lying about it being an accident.

What difference does it make? The man has a history of making a spectacle of himself and acting like a clown and unless he's incapable of reasoning at a second grade level, he knew exactly what he was doing.

Keep carrying out your marching orders, Binar.

Are you not aware of the freedom caucus?
Poor wittle Simp Republicans who can't tell the difference between Jamaal Bowman and J6 rioters. 😄 Someone pat them on their heads, give them a bottle and put them down for a nap. They're having a day.
There is no difference they both interfered with a government duty.

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