Decades Old Impressions and Thoughts from a Doomed Malcom X


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

I have no idea why, but this interview popped up in my YouTube feed today. Like most college-educated men of my generation, I read the "Autobiography of Malcom X," by Alex Haley, so felt that i had at least a general understanding of the man.

This interview takes place after he has split with E. Muhammad, and he is under open threats of murder, which shortly thereafter came to fruition.

It is interesting today to see the code of ethics enforced by the so-called, Nation of Islam; would that a similar major movement existed in the Black community today.

Malcom encourages Negroes in his time to purchase rifles and shotguns - not handguns - for self defense. I wonder if, like today, most Black victims of ad hominem crimes were other Blacks.

This is worth a watch.
I would think that in a highly segregated society, most crime was white on white and black on black.
If you watch the video, Mr. X's thoughts are clearly to help Negros protect themselves from malicious white people. While such attacks do occur, they are so rare that they are newsworthy, and can be counted on two hands in the course of a year, in a country of 330 million souls. If Black people are afraid of white people (or of cops) they are badly deluded.

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