Death to Money Vampires

Mar 5, 2009
So many greedy bastards have sucked the financial lifeblood out of the American economy in the past decade.

You will enjoy my recent article if you, like me, feel very, very angry about the system that allowed these money vampires to screw the rest of us:

More on the economic crisis: Death to Money Vampires

Death to Money Vampires by Joel Hirschhorn
So many greedy bastards have sucked the financial lifeblood out of the American economy in the past decade.

You will enjoy my recent article if you, like me, feel very, very angry about the system that allowed these money vampires to screw the rest of us:

More on the economic crisis: Death to Money Vampires

Death to Money Vampires by Joel Hirschhorn

Haven't you figured this out yet----there is no rebellion because people are dependent on these "vampires". People still think that voting gives them some sort of power to change things.
Americans were royally screwed, trashed, suckered, taken advantage of, treated as expendable, lied to, robbed and slaughtered financially. The smartest, highest paid and most powerful people in government and the private sector flushed us into the economic toilet we find ourselves swirling in: 300 million turds descending into deeper darkness.


But the new stimulus package will grant households in the top 0.1 percent, the highest income group, an average tax savings of $39,350, according to the Tax Policy Center .

But hey! There's no class war going on, or anything, right?

Only so-called socialists think in those terms.

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