Death Penalty- No Doubt

Let's hope you and I are wrong about this.
But the interview I heard with a court observer predicted no death penalty.

With all due respect, PC, I don't need a court observer. All I have to do is look at the worthless sacks of shit I live around and work with every single day. There is no spine in this state. It's a bunch of panty-waisted liberal fucks who wouldn't condemn their own killer to death, nevermind anyone else.
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I agree with most of the world that the death penalty is barbaric

Save it for Muslims, China and India

I'll add that to the huge list of things about which you are incorrect.

The number of our allies who still support a barbaric death penalty are getting close to zero

But the American Taliban can align itself with the Islamic Taliban in their support of the death penalty

All of the victims of the savages you shield will be thrilled to note your support.

Always gratified to find a Liberal spokesperson admit to being exactly where I've stated that they stand.....shoulder to shoulder with evil.

With the exception of the American Taliban operating in Bible Belt states, most of America has moved beyond the barbarism of a death penalty

Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.
Let's hope you and I are wrong about this.
But the interview I heard with a court observer predicted no death penalty.

With all due respect, PC, I don't need a court observer. All I have to do is look at the worthless sacks of shit I live around and work with every single day. There is no spine in this state. It's a bunch of panty-waisted liberal fucks who wouldn't condemn their own killer to death, nevermind anyone else.

It really is a mental illness.
I agree with most of the world that the death penalty is barbaric

Save it for Muslims, China and India

I'll add that to the huge list of things about which you are incorrect.

The number of our allies who still support a barbaric death penalty are getting close to zero

But the American Taliban can align itself with the Islamic Taliban in their support of the death penalty

All of the victims of the savages you shield will be thrilled to note your support.

Always gratified to find a Liberal spokesperson admit to being exactly where I've stated that they stand.....shoulder to shoulder with evil.

With the exception of the American Taliban operating in Bible Belt states, most of America has moved beyond the barbarism of a death penalty

Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.

Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are
I'll add that to the huge list of things about which you are incorrect.

The number of our allies who still support a barbaric death penalty are getting close to zero

But the American Taliban can align itself with the Islamic Taliban in their support of the death penalty

All of the victims of the savages you shield will be thrilled to note your support.

Always gratified to find a Liberal spokesperson admit to being exactly where I've stated that they stand.....shoulder to shoulder with evil.

With the exception of the American Taliban operating in Bible Belt states, most of America has moved beyond the barbarism of a death penalty

Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.

Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News
Get that again?
No matter how heinous the crime.....what promises the 'justice' system promises....

...these beasts get out!

Leopold and Loeb killed Bobby Franks just to see how killing felt.

  1. 'It was a crime that shocked the nation, a brutal murder in Chicago in 1924 of a child, by two wealthy college students who killed solely for the thrill of the experience. Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb had first met several years earlier, and their friendship had blossomed into a love affair. Both were intellectuals—too smart, they believed, for the police to catch them.' HarperCollins US
2. It was, to oversimplify just a bit, the first great (nonpolitical) murder that prompted Americans to ask, "Why?" With so much given to them and such promising lives before them, how could "the boys," as they were called, have lured the innocent Franks into a rented car, beaten and strangled him, poured acid on his face and genitals, and dumped his body in a rural culvert?
They said they had killed Bobby Franks—Loeb's cousin—for "the thrill" of it. Leopold Loeb the Thrill of Murder and the Crime of the Century - US News

3. Early in 1958, after 33 years in prison, Leopold was released on parole. Leopold moved to Puerto Rico to avoid media attention and married a widowed florist. He died in 1971.
Leopold and Loeb - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And what of society’s promise to Bobby Franks?
The number of our allies who still support a barbaric death penalty are getting close to zero

But the American Taliban can align itself with the Islamic Taliban in their support of the death penalty

All of the victims of the savages you shield will be thrilled to note your support.

Always gratified to find a Liberal spokesperson admit to being exactly where I've stated that they stand.....shoulder to shoulder with evil.

With the exception of the American Taliban operating in Bible Belt states, most of America has moved beyond the barbarism of a death penalty

Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.

Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life
All of the victims of the savages you shield will be thrilled to note your support.

Always gratified to find a Liberal spokesperson admit to being exactly where I've stated that they stand.....shoulder to shoulder with evil.

With the exception of the American Taliban operating in Bible Belt states, most of America has moved beyond the barbarism of a death penalty

Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.

Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life's simply one of the lies secularists tell to give cover to folks like you.

They get out.

" Darrow told Judge Caverly that a life sentence was punishment severe enough for the crime. He reminded the judge how little Leopold and Loeb would have to look forward to in the long days, months, and years ahead..."
An Account of the Leopold and Loeb Case
With the exception of the American Taliban operating in Bible Belt states, most of America has moved beyond the barbarism of a death penalty

Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.

Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life's simply one of the lies secularists tell to give cover to folks like you.

They get out.

" Darrow told Judge Caverly that a life sentence was punishment severe enough for the crime. He reminded the judge how little Leopold and Loeb would have to look forward to in the long days, months, and years ahead..."
An Account of the Leopold and Loeb Case

You do realize Leopold and Loeb were 80 years ago?

Why not bring up Cain and Abel?
Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.

Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life's simply one of the lies secularists tell to give cover to folks like you.

They get out.

" Darrow told Judge Caverly that a life sentence was punishment severe enough for the crime. He reminded the judge how little Leopold and Loeb would have to look forward to in the long days, months, and years ahead..."
An Account of the Leopold and Loeb Case

You do realize Leopold and Loeb were 80 years ago?

Why not bring up Cain and Abel?

That is the weakest defense of defending murderers you could come up with.

I posted that tale because it ends any obfuscation that you might come up with,along the lines of 'never happens.'

So much for your 'life sentence means life.'

Then there are the cautionary tales of what happens when Liberals latch on to killers and get them out of jail.....

"Perhaps the most infamous case of a death penalty opponent directly causing the murder of an innocent is that of novelist Norman Mailer. In 1981, Mailer utilized his influence to obtain parole for a bank robber and murderer named Jack Abbott on the grounds that Abbott was a talented writer.

Six weeks after being paroled, Abbott murdered Richard Adan, a 22-year-old newlywed, aspiring actor and playwright who was waiting tables at his father's restaurant.

Mailer's reaction? "Culture is worth a little risk," he told the press. "I'm willing to gamble with a portion of society to save this man's talent."

That in a nutshell is the attitude of the [death-penalty] abolitionists. They are "willing to gamble with a portion of society" -- such as the lives of additional innocent victims -- in order to save the life of every murderer."
Opponents in capital punishment have blood on their hands - Dennis Prager - Page 2

QED....Liberals have no compunction when it comes to the innocent because they cannot recognize evil.

Tell a Liberal that their fellow totalitarians, communists, killed over 100 million, and all one gets is a shrug. So, why be surprised when they chalk up the death of a young waiter as "Culture is worth a little risk," ???
Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life's simply one of the lies secularists tell to give cover to folks like you.

They get out.

" Darrow told Judge Caverly that a life sentence was punishment severe enough for the crime. He reminded the judge how little Leopold and Loeb would have to look forward to in the long days, months, and years ahead..."
An Account of the Leopold and Loeb Case

You do realize Leopold and Loeb were 80 years ago?

Why not bring up Cain and Abel?

That is the weakest defense of defending murderers you could come up with.

I posted that tale because it ends any obfuscation that you might come up with,along the lines of 'never happens.'

So much for your 'life sentence means life.'

Then there are the cautionary tales of what happens when Liberals latch on to killers and get them out of jail.....

"Perhaps the most infamous case of a death penalty opponent directly causing the murder of an innocent is that of novelist Norman Mailer. In 1981, Mailer utilized his influence to obtain parole for a bank robber and murderer named Jack Abbott on the grounds that Abbott was a talented writer.

Six weeks after being paroled, Abbott murdered Richard Adan, a 22-year-old newlywed, aspiring actor and playwright who was waiting tables at his father's restaurant.

Mailer's reaction? "Culture is worth a little risk," he told the press. "I'm willing to gamble with a portion of society to save this man's talent."

That in a nutshell is the attitude of the [death-penalty] abolitionists. They are "willing to gamble with a portion of society" -- such as the lives of additional innocent victims -- in order to save the life of every murderer."
Opponents in capital punishment have blood on their hands - Dennis Prager - Page 2

QED....Liberals have no compunction when it comes to the innocent because they cannot recognize evil.

Tell a Liberal that their fellow totalitarians, communists, killed over 100 million, and all one gets is a shrug. So, why be surprised when they chalk up the death of a young waiter as "Culture is worth a little risk," ???

And she thinks 30 years ago is better
handing down the death penalty is not part of anyone's civic duty

It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I agree with most of the world that the death penalty is barbaric

Save it for Muslims, China and India

I'll add that to the huge list of things about which you are incorrect.

The number of our allies who still support a barbaric death penalty are getting close to zero

But the American Taliban can align itself with the Islamic Taliban in their support of the death penalty
I don't support a barbaric death penalty.

Put them out with the same Verset used for surgery, and they will never have any idea how you kill them, or, feel a thing.

A ball peen hammer would work fine, once they are asleep.
All of the victims of the savages you shield will be thrilled to note your support.

Always gratified to find a Liberal spokesperson admit to being exactly where I've stated that they stand.....shoulder to shoulder with evil.

With the exception of the American Taliban operating in Bible Belt states, most of America has moved beyond the barbarism of a death penalty

Let's be clear as to whom you support.

10. "[Daniel] Marsh was just 15 years old on April 14, 2013, when he broke into the Davis home of 87 year-old Oliver “Chip” Northup, an attorney and popular bluegrass musician, and his 76 year-old wife, Claudia Maupin, a pastoral associate at the Davis Unitarian church where the couple met.

An early report from Davis police said Marsh killed the couple “in way that manifested exceptional depravity.”

As testimony at Marsh’s lengthy trial confirmed, this was no exaggeration. Psychologist James Rokop called Marsh a sexual sadist who killed solely to gratify himself. Victoria Hurd, Claudia Maupin’s daughter, told the court that an expert had to restore her mother’s body before she could see it, “just so we could hold her hand and kiss her goodbye.” Marsh “terrorized, tortured” and was “sadistic and without remorse,” continuing to attack Claudia after she pleaded for him to stop.

... the jury found that Marsh was sane when he committed the murders. Before handing down the sentence last week, Judge Reed said Marsh “stabbed and tortured and was proud of what he had done.” Indeed, the charges against Marsh included enhancements for use of a deadly weapon, lying in wait, and torture. His girlfriend testified during the trial that Marsh “liked to torture” and had made two other attempts to kill. As Marsh’s own confession made clear, he had tortured both victims for his own pleasure. “It felt great,” he told police after his arrest in June 2013. “It was pure happiness.”

In politically correct Davis, nobody organized a march or demonstration on behalf of the victims’ families. Instead, a group of Davis High School students launched a “Free Dan Marsh” page on Facebook...."
Exceptional Depravity in California by Lloyd Billingsley City Journal December 26 2014

a. He didn't get the death penalty

b. Liberalism made this beast the victim.

This is how the Left has changed America.

Evil people do evil things....lock them up for life

Having a government sink to their level does not prove anything other than that we can be as barbaric as they are

What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life

That would be fine, if people like you were the only one's taxed to imprison them, and, there were no murders in prison.

To people like you, there is no right to life until a person is convicted of a heinous capital crime.

You'd change your tune if murder or terror ripped some of your loved ones from you.
What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life's simply one of the lies secularists tell to give cover to folks like you.

They get out.

" Darrow told Judge Caverly that a life sentence was punishment severe enough for the crime. He reminded the judge how little Leopold and Loeb would have to look forward to in the long days, months, and years ahead..."
An Account of the Leopold and Loeb Case

You do realize Leopold and Loeb were 80 years ago?

Why not bring up Cain and Abel?

That is the weakest defense of defending murderers you could come up with.

I posted that tale because it ends any obfuscation that you might come up with,along the lines of 'never happens.'

So much for your 'life sentence means life.'

Then there are the cautionary tales of what happens when Liberals latch on to killers and get them out of jail.....

"Perhaps the most infamous case of a death penalty opponent directly causing the murder of an innocent is that of novelist Norman Mailer. In 1981, Mailer utilized his influence to obtain parole for a bank robber and murderer named Jack Abbott on the grounds that Abbott was a talented writer.

Six weeks after being paroled, Abbott murdered Richard Adan, a 22-year-old newlywed, aspiring actor and playwright who was waiting tables at his father's restaurant.

Mailer's reaction? "Culture is worth a little risk," he told the press. "I'm willing to gamble with a portion of society to save this man's talent."

That in a nutshell is the attitude of the [death-penalty] abolitionists. They are "willing to gamble with a portion of society" -- such as the lives of additional innocent victims -- in order to save the life of every murderer."
Opponents in capital punishment have blood on their hands - Dennis Prager - Page 2

QED....Liberals have no compunction when it comes to the innocent because they cannot recognize evil.

Tell a Liberal that their fellow totalitarians, communists, killed over 100 million, and all one gets is a shrug. So, why be surprised when they chalk up the death of a young waiter as "Culture is worth a little risk," ???

And she thinks 30 years ago is better

I'm not finished with you.
It is the only way to make a statement about the importance of innocent lives.

Opposition to the death penalty is largely an outgrowth of secularism.

There is not a good, truly passionate, powerful secular moral alternative to religion. It hasn't been made. And when it's been tried, it's been awful. Hitler is an excellent example. Hitler did not repudiate God as Stalin did, but he did repudiatethe Judeo-Christian tradition, as espoused below:

9. "…the reaction of Christian leaders to Scotland's decision to release Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the leader of New York's 2 million Catholics, said it was "a sad and perplexing mistake."

"While as a follower of Jesus Christ I believe in mercy, I also believe that mercy must always be tempered with justice," the Archbishop said in a statement. " Mercy can be demonstrated in ways other than by releasing a man responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death. Those who lost loved ones also deserve mercy and justice.

The leader of New York's Episcopal Diocese also condemned his release: "It seems to me to be a truly terrible misunderstanding of what compassion is," said Bishop Mark Sisk. "It truly undercut the sensibilities of those who are the survivors. And in that sense, it is, I think horrific."

As we Jews enter the 40 day period of reflection and repentance leading up to Yom Kippur, perhaps it would appropriate for Jew, Gentile, and atheist alike to ponder the universal truth of this ancient Jewish Medrash: "He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Mercy to the cruel spawns cruelty to the merciful OnFaith

"He who is merciful to the cruel will become cruel to the merciful."
Really? Because my opposition to the death penalty is built upon two things:

1. Belief that we can't risk putting an innocent life to death

2. the religious beliefs that killing is wrong, and that god loves everyone including sinners, and that everyone deserves the chance to repent

I agree with most of the world that the death penalty is barbaric

Save it for Muslims, China and India

I'll add that to the huge list of things about which you are incorrect.

The number of our allies who still support a barbaric death penalty are getting close to zero

But the American Taliban can align itself with the Islamic Taliban in their support of the death penalty
I don't support a barbaric death penalty.

Put them out with the same Verset used for surgery, and they will never have any idea how you kill them, or, feel a thing.

A ball peen hammer would work fine, once they are asleep.

I'd focus on the phrase "cruel and unusual..." with special attention on "unusual."

The 'cruel' is so very subjective, don't you think?

Not....'unusual'- Not usual,common,or ordinary.

Well....the manner the killer used in executing his victim....that's not 'unusual' to him/her, is it.

That's the way I want him/her sent to their just reward.

That is based on a lethal 'equality'.....and you know how important 'equality' is to Liberals.
What an excellent opportunity to blow another Liberal myth out of the water!

It would be redundant to observe how often you are incorrect.

"...lock them up for life."

Doesn't happen. Even long-term sentences are obviated.

11. March 8, 2011

Michael Woodmansee was convicted of murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1983 for the killing of 5-year-old Jason Foreman. Rhode Island police, who spent years searching for Foreman's body, eventually found the boy's shellacked skull and bones in Woodmansee's South Kingston home. Woodmansee later confessed to the murder.

To the fury of Foreman's father, Woodmansee, who is now 52, is set to be released from prison in August, 12 years before his prison sentence is complete. He is getting out early for good behavior.

The prospect of an early release has enraged John Foreman, Jason's father. "I will kill him if he is released," John Foreman told a radio interviewer at ABC News radio affiliate WPRO in Providence this week. "The man is a monster." Jason's mother, Joice, died in 2000.

The early release is "shocking," Superior Court Judge Susan E. McGuirl told the Providence Journal. McGuirl was a state prosecutor in 1983 and agreed to the plea deal that avoided a trial, which could have handed Woodmansee a life sentence. "Certainly there would not have been any anticipation of him getting out in 28 years,"
Child Killer Michael Woodmansee to Get Early Release But Victim s Father Vows to Kill Him - ABC News

I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life's simply one of the lies secularists tell to give cover to folks like you.

They get out.

" Darrow told Judge Caverly that a life sentence was punishment severe enough for the crime. He reminded the judge how little Leopold and Loeb would have to look forward to in the long days, months, and years ahead..."
An Account of the Leopold and Loeb Case

You do realize Leopold and Loeb were 80 years ago?

Why not bring up Cain and Abel?

That is the weakest defense of defending murderers you could come up with.

I posted that tale because it ends any obfuscation that you might come up with,along the lines of 'never happens.'

So much for your 'life sentence means life.'

Then there are the cautionary tales of what happens when Liberals latch on to killers and get them out of jail.....

"Perhaps the most infamous case of a death penalty opponent directly causing the murder of an innocent is that of novelist Norman Mailer. In 1981, Mailer utilized his influence to obtain parole for a bank robber and murderer named Jack Abbott on the grounds that Abbott was a talented writer.

Six weeks after being paroled, Abbott murdered Richard Adan, a 22-year-old newlywed, aspiring actor and playwright who was waiting tables at his father's restaurant.

Mailer's reaction? "Culture is worth a little risk," he told the press. "I'm willing to gamble with a portion of society to save this man's talent."

That in a nutshell is the attitude of the [death-penalty] abolitionists. They are "willing to gamble with a portion of society" -- such as the lives of additional innocent victims -- in order to save the life of every murderer."
Opponents in capital punishment have blood on their hands - Dennis Prager - Page 2

QED....Liberals have no compunction when it comes to the innocent because they cannot recognize evil.

Tell a Liberal that their fellow totalitarians, communists, killed over 100 million, and all one gets is a shrug. So, why be surprised when they chalk up the death of a young waiter as "Culture is worth a little risk," ???

And she thinks 30 years ago is better


Well....let's include the present......

....and the future.

14. Sometimes Liberals inadvertently reveal how they view mass murderers.


This from an apologist who works for Rolling Stone.....

"I have to admit I was initially a little rattled when emailers told me my employers had "done a sexy photo shoot for Tsarnaev" and "posed him like Jim Morrison."

• Putting Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone automatically glamorizes him, because the cover of Rolling Stone is all by itself a piece of cultural iconography that confers fame and status.

• The photo used in the cover makes Tsarnaev out to be too handsome." Matt Taibbi Explains the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Rolling Stone Cover Rolling Stone

[This is how the Left portrays those who do this:"Three people were killed in the Marathon explosions, and more than 260 people were injured, including 17 people who lost limbs."]

In the same Rolling Stone article, the author writes what, in light of the UVA scandal, might be the most amusing line of the week...." "But Rolling Stone has actually been in the hard news/investigative reporting business since its inception,..."

And this is the stupidest...." in trying to understand someone like a Tsarnaev, there is a delicate line between empathy and sympathy..."


I said lock them up for life in return for eliminating the death penalty

Life means life's simply one of the lies secularists tell to give cover to folks like you.

They get out.

" Darrow told Judge Caverly that a life sentence was punishment severe enough for the crime. He reminded the judge how little Leopold and Loeb would have to look forward to in the long days, months, and years ahead..."
An Account of the Leopold and Loeb Case

You do realize Leopold and Loeb were 80 years ago?

Why not bring up Cain and Abel?

That is the weakest defense of defending murderers you could come up with.

I posted that tale because it ends any obfuscation that you might come up with,along the lines of 'never happens.'

So much for your 'life sentence means life.'

Then there are the cautionary tales of what happens when Liberals latch on to killers and get them out of jail.....

"Perhaps the most infamous case of a death penalty opponent directly causing the murder of an innocent is that of novelist Norman Mailer. In 1981, Mailer utilized his influence to obtain parole for a bank robber and murderer named Jack Abbott on the grounds that Abbott was a talented writer.

Six weeks after being paroled, Abbott murdered Richard Adan, a 22-year-old newlywed, aspiring actor and playwright who was waiting tables at his father's restaurant.

Mailer's reaction? "Culture is worth a little risk," he told the press. "I'm willing to gamble with a portion of society to save this man's talent."

That in a nutshell is the attitude of the [death-penalty] abolitionists. They are "willing to gamble with a portion of society" -- such as the lives of additional innocent victims -- in order to save the life of every murderer."
Opponents in capital punishment have blood on their hands - Dennis Prager - Page 2

QED....Liberals have no compunction when it comes to the innocent because they cannot recognize evil.

Tell a Liberal that their fellow totalitarians, communists, killed over 100 million, and all one gets is a shrug. So, why be surprised when they chalk up the death of a young waiter as "Culture is worth a little risk," ???

And she thinks 30 years ago is better


Well....let's include the present......

....and the future.

14. Sometimes Liberals inadvertently reveal how they view mass murderers.


This from an apologist who works for Rolling Stone.....

"I have to admit I was initially a little rattled when emailers told me my employers had "done a sexy photo shoot for Tsarnaev" and "posed him like Jim Morrison."

• Putting Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone automatically glamorizes him, because the cover of Rolling Stone is all by itself a piece of cultural iconography that confers fame and status.

• The photo used in the cover makes Tsarnaev out to be too handsome." Matt Taibbi Explains the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Rolling Stone Cover Rolling Stone

[This is how the Left portrays those who do this:"Three people were killed in the Marathon explosions, and more than 260 people were injured, including 17 people who lost limbs."]

In the same Rolling Stone article, the author writes what, in light of the UVA scandal, might be the most amusing line of the week...." "But Rolling Stone has actually been in the hard news/investigative reporting business since its inception,..."

And this is the stupidest...." in trying to understand someone like a Tsarnaev, there is a delicate line between empathy and sympathy..."


Did you miss all the little girls whining about how "cute" he was, when this act went down, and how they felt sorry, because he looked so "scared" when finally caught?

Cops should have shot him in the boat, and just bough the guy a new boat.

Would have been much cheaper.

One thing for sure, Feds won't execute him even if he gets the DP.
Who else would the hand-wringing anti-death penalty activists want to save?

There are plenty of candidates....I read this book recently....perhaps Liberals can have "empathy and sympathy" for Benjamin Pedro Gonzales

  1. Meandering throughout the country, Benjamin Pedro Gonzales was arrested for numerous crimes, including multiple horrific murders of women. He had managed to avoid prosecution for yeas due to a great number of alias’s and authentic appearing fake ID’s.
    1. 1989…mutilated and burned the body of Dondi Johnson, a card club employee in Los Angeles.
    2. 1991…slashed to death Yvonne Hausley, a strip club dancer in NYC.
    3. 1992…hacked and eviscerated his employer, Barbara Muszalski, in Livermore, California.
    4. “In each case, Jacobson said, Gonzales became infatuated with women who were romantically unavailable. Muszalski was married for 31 years.Dondi Johnson, a Los Angelescollegestudent, lived with her boyfriend. Yvonne Hausley, a New York stripper, dated a police officer.” 1st Degree Murder in Livermore Slaying Rancher s family bursts into tears - SFGate

  1. But after viscously attacking a court appointed lawyer, Gonzalez was sent to Atascadero State Hospital, California Department of Mental Health, for evaluation to establish whether or not he was capable of standing trial.
  2. The treatment as Atascadero involved all of the prison population, and group therapy sessions with them. “Benjamin Gonzales may have watched the others tell about their crimes, but he certainly wasn’t talking about his. …He wasn’t admitting anything, especially when his words could become part of he court record an be used against him. He kept his mouth shut and his eyes wide open. Of particular interest were the truly mentally ill. He noticed how they walked, how they talked, and what they said in response to questions. He stored all the knowledge away for future use.” Robert Scott, “Savage,”p. 168-169.
  3. “He had well developed street smarts and he knew that if he ever appeared rational, it would be a quick trip back to Oakland to stand trial for the murder of Barbara Muszalski and the assault on attorney Les Chettle. He was a master at being a chameleon, changing into multiple personalities and identities.” Ibid.
  4. Judge Jeffrey Horner said the following at sentencing: “I have never come in contact with any person whom I believe combines the traits of sadistic brutality, viciousness, lack of remorse, and depravity to the degree these traits are exhibited in Mr. Gonzales.” This from the book “Savage,” by Robert Scott
Yet, he sentenced him to 30 years to life. Not a death sentence…but 30 years of room and board at the taxpayer’s expense.

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