Dear Trump Supporters! (please take 5 minutes and watch the entire video)


Apr 6, 2016
All you have to do is take 5 minutes out of your lives and you'll see how much Trump & Bernie supporters are the same. Stop letting them divide and conquer us by pitting us against each other with social issues. They use social issues as their platform yet they don't contribute to any of the cost of these plans as they hide their money in shell companies or overseas corp tax loopholes.

Quit being used....

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Oh hell no it's worse...a Sanders supporter :cuckoo:

Your response tells me that you watched about 30-60 seconds of this video.

There are 2 candidates that are pitching going against the establishment. 1 who is wall streets pawn and will put america on the auction block (Hillary)

Of the 2 candidates you have 1 who is a 1%er who has constantly lied, cheated and used the system to gain his fortune (BK's non stop etc... Hope you don't think a country can BK to get out of bad decisions). He is USING Americans rage at the system to put himself in a position with more power and influence to make his empire even larger. He is the Ghengis Khan, Napolean etc.. narcissist of our time.

Some Important Narcissistic Leaders in History - The Narcissistic Life

Bernie has social ideas (who thinks this is a bad thing?) but he just wants to make corps and the uber rich pay their FAIR SHARE OF TAXES to fund these programs. Basically raising the quality of life for all Americans. Especially by closing overseas tax loopholes to bring tax money back to America.


If we close tax loopholes corp profits will drop. Stock market will crash. Pension funds won't be able to be funded because they will have to rework contracts or they won't be able to fund these 90% pension contracts that are not feasible. Many cities will BK because they are over leveraged. Many business will go BK because they have been borrowing like crazy for a decade with the Feds free monopoly money rates.

The house of cards is stacked so high now... We have to actively start removing those cards to create stability before the entire house collapses. It's better to downsize to a smaller house than to keep building a crappy skyscraper that eventually collapses killing us all...

Or the worst case scenario happens again. Our gov and Fed decide to steal another 3 trillion dollars of tax payer money to fund bad businesses with bad business practices. Wouldn't you rather have that 3 trillion go to feeding the homeless, improving our infrastructure, lower tuition costs, afterschool programs for kids to help alleviate the cost of daycare for parents, bring music and art back to our schools etc..etc...

Or just keep funding bad businesses and steal Americas future. Brilliant
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And this sums up why 20 years of chiseling away our rights hasn't even registered for most Americans. The short attention span theater mind has taken over.. Only thinking 1-7 days in front of you instead of thinking 1-5-10-20 years ahead. I think every parent should be thinking otherwise what kind of parent are you if you are not thinking about your childrens futures 40 years out!

I say this and I don't even have kids! (I'm 40 btw)

Didn't watch. Too long.
And this sums up why 20 years of chiseling away our rights hasn't even registered for most Americans. The short attention span theater mind has taken over.. Only thinking 1-7 days in front of you instead of thinking 1-5-10-20 years ahead. I think every parent should be thinking otherwise what kind of parent are you if you are not thinking about your childrens futures 40 years out!

I say this and I don't even have kids! (I'm 40 btw)

Didn't watch. Too long.

If you had kids they'd be paying Barry's 20 trillion dollar debt.
Elect Colonel Sanders and your family will pay for the next ten generations.
So once again you don't read what is written. If you close overseas tax loopholes and go after shell corps in the US and overseas you can fund almost all of the social programs america has.

So no... My potential kids wouldn't.

And this sums up why 20 years of chiseling away our rights hasn't even registered for most Americans. The short attention span theater mind has taken over.. Only thinking 1-7 days in front of you instead of thinking 1-5-10-20 years ahead. I think every parent should be thinking otherwise what kind of parent are you if you are not thinking about your childrens futures 40 years out!

I say this and I don't even have kids! (I'm 40 btw)

Didn't watch. Too long.

If you had kids they'd be paying Barry's 20 trillion dollar debt.
Elect Colonel Sanders and your family will pay for the next ten generations.
So once again you don't read what is written. If you close overseas tax loopholes and go after shell corps in the US and overseas you can fund almost all of the social programs america has.

So no... My potential kids wouldn't.

And this sums up why 20 years of chiseling away our rights hasn't even registered for most Americans. The short attention span theater mind has taken over.. Only thinking 1-7 days in front of you instead of thinking 1-5-10-20 years ahead. I think every parent should be thinking otherwise what kind of parent are you if you are not thinking about your childrens futures 40 years out!

I say this and I don't even have kids! (I'm 40 btw)

Didn't watch. Too long.

If you had kids they'd be paying Barry's 20 trillion dollar debt.
Elect Colonel Sanders and your family will pay for the next ten generations.

Just what we need..more social programs.
And this sums up why 20 years of chiseling away our rights hasn't even registered for most Americans. The short attention span theater mind has taken over.. Only thinking 1-7 days in front of you instead of thinking 1-5-10-20 years ahead. I think every parent should be thinking otherwise what kind of parent are you if you are not thinking about your childrens futures 40 years out!

I say this and I don't even have kids! (I'm 40 btw)

Didn't watch. Too long.
Well, it was supposedly a video on how Trump and Bernie supporters are the same so I rather spend my time picking my nose than waste it on that. If you want to hold someone's attention it isn't hard. Make a point, cite a link with some text that makes the case.

What really fucks up this country is lack of accountability, blaming others for your failures.
If you close overseas tax loopholes and go after shell corps in the US and overseas you can fund almost all of the social programs america has.
That's pretty hard to believe. Can you back that up? You could start with defining terms instead of throwing out terms like closing overseas tax loopholes. What exactly do you mean, we aren't obligated to research your point for you. How does a corporation moving off shore, due to the punitive tax here, differ from let's say you moving from a heavily taxed state to a lesser one, like one that has no income tax, lower property taxes, etc.?
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All you have to do is take 5 minutes out of your lives and you'll see how much Trump & Bernie supporters are the same. Stop letting them divide and conquer us by pitting us against each other with social issues. They use social issues as their platform yet they don't contribute to any of the cost of these plans as they hide their money in shell companies or overseas corp tax loopholes.

Quit being used....

Trump supporters understand this much better than the blindly partisan Bernie supporters....

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