DEA report: Minutemen reduced drug trafficking


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
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San Diego, CA
This is the main reason I joined the Minutemen: They are effective. When they are on station, illegal border crossings, with or without drugs, are stopped cold. Unfortunately they can't stay there 24/7, across the entire 2,000 mile border. They have jobs, lives etc.

It would have the same effect if the Border patrol were at those stations instead of the Minutemen. "Eyes on the border" are effective no matter whose they are. But the BP is badly undermanned, and they can't cover the entire border any more then the Minutemen can.

While I know well why the Minutemen can't do the whole job as it should be done, I'm less clear on the reasons why the Border Patrol can't be beefed up to the point where it could. With a $seven-trillion-plus budget, we can't spare less than a fraction of one percent of it to safeguard our border?


DEA Report: Minutemen reduced drug trafficking

Lupita Murillo Reports
July 12, 2006 06:46 AM PDT

The Minuteman Project formed for one purpose: to protect the border, and it has, according to an internal Drug Enforcement Agency report.

The report credits the border watch group with helping to cut down on drug trafficking.

This intelligence report obtained by News 4 says that the Minuteman Project had an impact on drug trafficking in Cochise County in 2005.

DEA officials say bulk loads of marijuana crossing the border dropped siginificantly.

Anthony Coulson, with DEA says, "When you have eyes on the border -- I think any law enforcment will admit this -- you have a great deterrent effect of keeping things away."

The report says that, during April and May 2005, several high-profile operations targeting illegal immigrant smugglng operations may have impacted drug smuggling operations and the usual flow of illegal drugs corss the Arizona and Mexico border.

A graph shows a 20% decrease between 2004 and 2005.

But the Minuteman Project isn't the only reason there was a reduction.

Mexican President Vicente Fox also sent in a significant amount of resources to the area. [Editor's note: For or against? - LA]

Special Agent Coulson says, "Drug organizations didn't want to risk coming up through that area. Things just sat."

Loads of marijuana were warehoused in communities along the Mexican side of the border.

"They just kind of hunkered down, waiting til the Minuteman Project was over and there was a stand-down of the Mexican law enforcement and military presence on the nothern part of their border."

There was also an increased presence of Border Patrol agents during that time, so all that adds up to keeping drugs from coming across.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)
Little-Acorn said:
This is the main reason I joined the Minutemen: They are effective. When they are on station, illegal border crossings, with or without drugs, are stopped cold. Unfortunately they can't stay there 24/7, across the entire 2,000 mile border. They have jobs, lives etc.

It would have the same effect if the Border patrol were at those stations instead of the Minutemen. "Eyes on the border" are effective no matter whose they are. But the BP is badly undermanned, and they can't cover the entire border any more then the Minutemen can.

While I know well why the Minutemen can't do the whole job as it should be done, I'm less clear on the reasons why the Border Patrol can't be beefed up to the point where it could. With a $seven-trillion-plus budget, we can't spare less than a fraction of one percent of it to safeguard our border?


DEA Report: Minutemen reduced drug trafficking

Lupita Murillo Reports
July 12, 2006 06:46 AM PDT

The Minuteman Project formed for one purpose: to protect the border, and it has, according to an internal Drug Enforcement Agency report.

The report credits the border watch group with helping to cut down on drug trafficking.

This intelligence report obtained by News 4 says that the Minuteman Project had an impact on drug trafficking in Cochise County in 2005.

DEA officials say bulk loads of marijuana crossing the border dropped siginificantly.

Anthony Coulson, with DEA says, "When you have eyes on the border -- I think any law enforcment will admit this -- you have a great deterrent effect of keeping things away."

The report says that, during April and May 2005, several high-profile operations targeting illegal immigrant smugglng operations may have impacted drug smuggling operations and the usual flow of illegal drugs corss the Arizona and Mexico border.

A graph shows a 20% decrease between 2004 and 2005.

But the Minuteman Project isn't the only reason there was a reduction.

Mexican President Vicente Fox also sent in a significant amount of resources to the area. [Editor's note: For or against? - LA]

Special Agent Coulson says, "Drug organizations didn't want to risk coming up through that area. Things just sat."

Loads of marijuana were warehoused in communities along the Mexican side of the border.

"They just kind of hunkered down, waiting til the Minuteman Project was over and there was a stand-down of the Mexican law enforcement and military presence on the nothern part of their border."

There was also an increased presence of Border Patrol agents during that time, so all that adds up to keeping drugs from coming across.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)
cuts drug traffic eh?? talk about a nice side benefit :D
Its pretty obvious acorn why they cant find money to beef up Border patrol. ITs because they dont want to. Making illegals legal will create a whole new dependent voter bloc for politicians to throw handouts to in exchange for a ballot pull.

Republicans want them because they think the mexicans will remember that it was Reps that voted for amnesty. Democrats want them because they feel that these people can be manipulated just like the blacks as another en masse voting bloc come election time. Liberals want them because they want to further establish the Socialist ideal of one world with no borders for all people to love each other freely. Conservatives are the only ones opposed to this for the obvious reasons of too many people undocumented, driving down the cost of labor, driving up the cost of big government programs and making our country unsafe with all the criminals coming in.

I bid you good luck in your work Acorn. People like you define the term Patriotic American. Second to our soldiers fighting overseas, you have the most right to hold your head high and declare yourself an American. :salute:
What baffles me is Bush could seal the border and vastly reduce the drug traffic, which is what his father should of done back in his "War on Drugs".

Can we get a real conservative in office please?
Little-Acorn said:
With a $seven-trillion-plus budget, we can't spare less than a fraction of one percent of it to safeguard our border?

Especially with the savings on government-funded programs.
theHawk said:
What baffles me is Bush could seal the border and vastly reduce the drug traffic, which is what his father should of done back in his "War on Drugs".

Can we get a real conservative in office please?

The Bushes are big pushers.

This is perhaps the most shocking book written this century about treason committed by the highest leaders within the U.S. Government. This disturbing and thought provoking expose, which few american know about, shows the truth about the drug running activities in behalf of the "secret" government". You will learn about the unsavory past of George Bush and his family, and well as the uncrupulous activities in which he has been involved.
Mr. P said:
Are you single handedly keeping Alcoa in business lately?:tinfoil:

BTW I just went by your old neighborhood.:D

Annsbrooke? Too "stepford".

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