Dayyyyum. 517,000 jobs created in January, crushing estimates, as unemployment rate hit 53-year low


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
This is bad news for whoever wants to defeat Joe Biden in 2024..
Without a bad economy, all they would have left is "Hunter Biden flashed his penis".
53 year low!
People taking second jobs, just so they can eat and live indoors.

Meanwhile, real wages -what your paycheck actually buys- are down for the 21st consecutive month.

And yet, the percent of people doing that is lower than most of the time under previous Admin....weird

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This is bad news for whoever wants to defeat Joe Biden in 2024..
Without a bad economy, all they would have left is "Hunter Biden flashed his penis".
53 year low!

Bidenflation is eating that up. People are having to work more but have less for their money.

US Consumer Price Index: Purchasing Power Of the Consumer Dollar

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This is bad news for whoever wants to defeat Joe Biden in 2024..
Without a bad economy, all they would have left is "Hunter Biden flashed his penis".
53 year low!

Republicans love to say Clinton left and Bush took over just as a recession was hitting us. So? How did Bush handle that recession? Did his policies prolong it? I also was reminded yesterday that in 2005 the dollar's value was at an all time low. Do Republicans blame Clinton for that? 5 years later? And then the Great Recession of 2007/08. Was that Clinton's fault too?

Biden is doing a great job especially when we all know the Feds are going to raise interest rates and that's purposely going to slow down the economy to fix inflation. Last time this happened was Carter/Reagan era and it hurt. This one doesn't seem to be hurting so bad. Americans keep spending. That's helpful to the economy.
Some highlights:

  • After revisions, America gained 4.8 million jobs last year. That's 300,000 more than previously reported.
  • Job gains were widespread, in just about every sector. Leading the way: Leisure and hospitality added 128,000 jobs as America continued to rebound from the Covid pandemic.
  • The unemployment rate was 3.4%, the lowest since May 1969 — as in, before Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.
  • Wages grew 4.4% over the past year in January, higher than expected.

Some highlights:

  • After revisions, America gained 4.8 million jobs last year. That's 300,000 more than previously reported.
  • Job gains were widespread, in just about every sector. Leading the way: Leisure and hospitality added 128,000 jobs as America continued to rebound from the Covid pandemic.
  • The unemployment rate was 3.4%, the lowest since May 1969 — as in, before Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.
  • Wages grew 4.4% over the past year in January, higher than expected.


What's the participation rate?

BTW, people returning to the jobs they were locked out of, and/or returning to work because their layabout loot is running out, isn't "creating jobs", dickless.
What's the participation rate?

BTW, eople returning to the jobs they were locked out of during covidiocy isn't "creating jobs", dickless.

Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner!

Republicans whined about the Labor Participation Rate under Obama but were strangely silent under Trump

But under Biden……It’s BACK

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