Cyborg America: Christian Heresy (ATM Saturday)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism remind you of ants (e.g., Mad Money)?

Maybe it should remind us of candy (e.g., Who Wants to Be a Millionaire)!

Maybe Donald Trump is a robot...

Signing off,



"As the clock stroke noon on Saturday, cyborg-Batman (a superhero from the future!) travelled to 2018 Los Angeles to take notes on the sociology of TrumpUSA (since it was so darn 'capitalism-symbolic'). Cyborg-Batman had only one goal --- to eliminate all terrorism which destabilized capitalism on Earth (e.g., 9/11)."


"America in the time of cyborg-Batman (3000 L.A.) was much more machinated, metallurgy-philosophical, silver, economically-balanced, and A.I. respectful. Cyborg-Batman knew that Christian mythology was still considered supremely-intriguing but that considerations about automated living (e.g., ATMs, Facebook, smart-cars, cyborg-genesis, laser-watches, etc.) made many aspects of civilization feel monotonously technological (and God-less)."


"America in the time of TrumpUSA (where cyborg-Batman travelled using his time-machine!) was all ATM, World Bank, Burger King, and Wall Street political. Donald Trump, the second celebrity-president after Ronald Reagan (a former movie-star), was a former capitalism-baron and casino-mogul (owner of Trump Taj Mahal aesthetics-modelled casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey) and was now expected to be a 'consumerism/commerce diplomat'. Cyborg-Batman noted that Trump had many critics who felt that electing a 'token-capitalist' as U.S. President might be too hasty (though 2018 L.A. was still arguably very very commerce-folkloric)."


"After the Great Tribulation of cyborgs fighting humans, Christian mythology resurfaced as a metaphysics-promoting form of social consciousness. Artists created renditions of a 'cyborg-Jesus' to capture this new civilization fascination with technology and streamlined intelligence. Jesus-freaks rose as a 'spiritual backlash' to all this 'tech-obsession' and cyborg-Batman wanted to appreciate why TrumpUSA was destined to become a 'stepping-stone' on civilization's way towards complete automation-imagination."


"After cyborg-Batman collected the sufficient noted about 2018 L.A. (TrumpUSA), he travelled back to his own time (3000 L.A.) and reported his findings to the General Council of the World Bank. America in the year 3000 was trying to engage with a hostile new A.I. species from a planet called Cybertron, led by an evil genius robot named Shockwave (who could blind people with a very bright purple-UV laser-light emanating from his Cyclops-eye and arm-lasergun). Cyborg-Batman wanted to use straight philosophy to deal with Shockwave's brand of 'machinery-terrorism' and 'intellectual-fascism'."


"Americans have always loved movies, and when cyborg-Batman noted how Hollywood (USA) was making all kinds of robot-future paranoia images in films such as Superman III, RoboCop, The Terminator, and Tron: Legacy, he realized that considerations about technology and manufacturing intelligence in the time of TrumpUSA was largely based on Orwellian-storytelling (e.g., Batteries Not Included)."


"America was negotiating lucrative consumer-electronics import-contracts with the South Korean electronics-giant Samsung (whose TVs and smartphones had begun to dominate the global market!). America was also negotiating lucrative renewable-energy contracts with OPEC, trying to keep pace with Algeria's impressive development of eco-friendly wind-farms. This was the time of great capitalism-edification and of course Wall Street thinking. Would capitalism be remembered as a 'thing of beauty' or a 'thing of danger'?"


"America would surely endure this great tribulation, so cyborg-Batman returned to his castle in the year 3000 and sat down to a cozy cup of tea and a Netflix presentation of the new Simon Spielberg film Becoming Cyborgs (starring Wayne Tandy and Shirley Jax --- a real-life cyborg like cyborg-Batman!). Cyborg-Batman loved Becoming Cyborgs, so he decided to purchase a robo-maid from the local factory and affectionately named it 'Magdalene'."


GOD: Cyborg-Batman is an idealist...
SATAN: He is preparing for the coming of the AntiChrist!
GOD: Will such an 'adversary' challenge the ethos of ATM-society?
SATAN: It was the ATM that built the daydreams of 3000 L.A.
GOD: Perhaps Magdalene (cyborg-Batman's robo-maid) will introduce love.
SATAN: There's always room for the amenities of religion...
GOD: I doubt capitalism will redeem a species so prone towards war.
SATAN: The Gulf War reminded everyone why capitalism is so competitive!
GOD: Are there writers who say, "Imagine all women carrying credit cards!"?
SATAN: Commerce can seem very regular (and hence boring).
GOD: In that case, maybe consumer-amenities (e.g., Netflix) are trophies.
SATAN: We need to find the 'angels' of capitalism(!).
GOD: I think Donald Trump is potentially such an angel...
SATAN: The AntiChrist will bring an omen of mind-control.
GOD: Well, America will embrace the 'innocence' of the Energizer-Bunny.
SATAN: Ain't consumerism funny?
GOD: Let's hope it's all human...
SATAN: Even robots/cyborgs shop.



Does capitalism remind you of ants (e.g., Mad Money)?

We don't have capitalism. We have economic interventionism. We have a planned economy. We have a welfare state, courtesy of both the blue and the red political helmets. We have central economic planning by a central bank. We have a belief in deficit finance. We have inflationism. We have protectionism. We have corporatism.

And, yes. All of that is failing. Observably.

What we have is so far removed from free-market capitalism that it's laughable to label it as such.
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