Crisis: Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Warner demand FBI, DoJ DEFY Trump over FISA Declassification


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Crisis: Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Warner demand FBI, DoJ DEFY Trump over FISA Declassification

Crisis: Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Warner demand FBI, DoJ DEFY Trump over FISA declassification
Unconstitutional: You can always tell how desperate and panicked Democrats are about the disclosure of certain information to the public by the level of authoritarianism they are willing to engage in. And boy, are they panicked over POTUS Donald Trump’s intent to order the Justice Department to declassify all documents related to FISA warrant applications used by the Obama Deep State to spy on the president’s 2016 campaign. On Tuesday we reported that the president had ordered the declassification of those documents and what to look for; there are a lot of people who, if (and it’s a big ‘if’)… the justice system works will have a lot of explaining to do to a grand jury. Many of them will be lucky if escape jail time..... In short, despite the fancy wording and talk of ‘procedure,’ the president has absolute authority under Article 2 of the Constitution to order any Executive Branch agency to declassify anything, a power that is not subject to congressional approval..... Democrats are in full panic mode. They know the FISA warrants were bogus because they were based on a lie, a hoax, a made-up “collusion” scandal concocted by the highly politicized Obama Deep State.

Hmm...., The Party has told us they are the most Transparent is in a dither and running scared in full panic mode. Why? What is it they don't want us to see?
The rats in the barn are place to hide. At last we can see what they have not wanted us to see...

It's just starting to get good. If/when the Huber grand jury starts with indictments it will be even better. There is still tons more of evidence that needs to be declassified. Starting with the subpoenas issued by Congress as well as FOIA requests, especially for wiretapping Trump Tower.
Who wants SUNLIGHT?

Who wants to keep secret just what the OBAMA/HOLDER/LYNCH DOJ/FBI was up to?

Whose side should the American People be on?

What in that FISA application on Carter Page could possibly hurt Mueller's Witch Hunt if the American People knew about it--after two years of investigating?

What did Bruce Ohr illegally pass along from his wife who was working for Hillary Clinton and the DNC to the fired criminals at the FBI and why should be kept from the American People almost two years after the election.


Give us the rest of the plotters' (Strzok and Page) Texts conspiring AGAINST our duly elected President.
Crisis: Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Warner demand FBI, DoJ DEFY Trump over FISA Declassification

Crisis: Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Warner demand FBI, DoJ DEFY Trump over FISA declassification
Unconstitutional: You can always tell how desperate and panicked Democrats are about the disclosure of certain information to the public by the level of authoritarianism they are willing to engage in. And boy, are they panicked over POTUS Donald Trump’s intent to order the Justice Department to declassify all documents related to FISA warrant applications used by the Obama Deep State to spy on the president’s 2016 campaign. On Tuesday we reported that the president had ordered the declassification of those documents and what to look for; there are a lot of people who, if (and it’s a big ‘if’)… the justice system works will have a lot of explaining to do to a grand jury. Many of them will be lucky if escape jail time..... In short, despite the fancy wording and talk of ‘procedure,’ the president has absolute authority under Article 2 of the Constitution to order any Executive Branch agency to declassify anything, a power that is not subject to congressional approval..... Democrats are in full panic mode. They know the FISA warrants were bogus because they were based on a lie, a hoax, a made-up “collusion” scandal concocted by the highly politicized Obama Deep State.

Hmm...., The Party has told us they are the most Transparent is in a dither and running scared in full panic mode. Why? What is it they don't want us to see?
The rats in the barn are place to hide. At last we can see what they have not wanted us to see...

The more the lefty swine squirm the curiouser I get to see who did what to whom and any law breaking that may have been part of it.
Crisis: Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Warner demand FBI, DoJ DEFY Trump over FISA Declassification

Crisis: Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Warner demand FBI, DoJ DEFY Trump over FISA declassification
Unconstitutional: You can always tell how desperate and panicked Democrats are about the disclosure of certain information to the public by the level of authoritarianism they are willing to engage in. And boy, are they panicked over POTUS Donald Trump’s intent to order the Justice Department to declassify all documents related to FISA warrant applications used by the Obama Deep State to spy on the president’s 2016 campaign. On Tuesday we reported that the president had ordered the declassification of those documents and what to look for; there are a lot of people who, if (and it’s a big ‘if’)… the justice system works will have a lot of explaining to do to a grand jury. Many of them will be lucky if escape jail time..... In short, despite the fancy wording and talk of ‘procedure,’ the president has absolute authority under Article 2 of the Constitution to order any Executive Branch agency to declassify anything, a power that is not subject to congressional approval..... Democrats are in full panic mode. They know the FISA warrants were bogus because they were based on a lie, a hoax, a made-up “collusion” scandal concocted by the highly politicized Obama Deep State.

Hmm...., The Party has told us they are the most Transparent is in a dither and running scared in full panic mode. Why? What is it they don't want us to see?
The rats in the barn are place to hide. At last we can see what they have not wanted us to see...


Simple really. The Democrats have an army of skeletons in their closets they were never prepared to show because they never considered it even a slight possibility that Hillary could lose to Donald Trump! So EVERYTHING you've seen since then, the Mueller investigations, the media scandals, the leaks, charges and delays have all been about keeping Donald on the front page to KEEP THEMSELVES OFF IT, until hopefully, somehow, they can get rid of Trump altogether.
During the last administration they had no problem with things being covered up. When Trump came along they yell holler and scream that he is trying to cover every thing up. Now they suddenly don't want to have the transparency. It seems they only want things transparent when it suits their cause. No transparency when it may hurt their cause.
During the last administration they had no problem with things being covered up. When Trump came along they yell holler and scream that he is trying to cover every thing up. Now they suddenly don't want to have the transparency. It seems they only want things transparent when it suits their cause. No transparency when it may hurt their cause.

The Ds are panicking:

1) they must get the SALT cap reversed or the Blue Wall will collapse.
2) The Janus case must be reversed or they will have no "volunteers" for their campaigns.
3) Because of the incentive to leave the Blue Wall this year they need a landslide mid-term.

Trump may be our A$$hole and bully but let's face it no president probably going back to the Roman consuls has ever had this big of a disconnect between economic improvement and popularity as Trump.

If members of the D leadership are in court and/or jail during the election campaign and for deserved charges the Ds cannot win big enough to save their political machines. That is a very good reason to panic on the D side of the aisle.
57,000sealed incitement’s waiting to be unsealed. No wonder they are in panic mode and so many are deciding to not run for re-election. The draining of the swamp is about to create a flood out of Washington. There is a lot of room in Guantanamo for all the Traitors.

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