Covered Muslim Women are the most Respected Women

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Muslim Womens Are The Most Beautiful Womens On The Earth !!!‬‏[/ame]
I feel sorry for many Western women.

They have been sold a bill of goods by the advertisement on the media.

That the only way to attract a man is to dress like a hooker.

Then they can't figure out why they are disrespected and not taken serious.

It's really sad when you think about it. :(
So lets throw a black table cloth over them all

Dood. She's hot.

Or she's a beast. No way of knowing, is there?
How do you define "most respected"? How would you go about measuring this?

I don't cover up, and I work in a male-dominated field. The men I work with respect me because I have proven that I'm worthy of respect.

Tell me, Sunni? Why do you need to hide your women's faces and bodies in order to respect them? Are muslim men that insecure?
I really feel sorry for the role models that young girls in America have today.

Like Lindsay Lohan and her ilk.

That's probably true. But, there are two ends of a wide range there, amirite? We don't have to burkhafy the women of America to keep them from acting like Lindsay Lohan.

You know what's cool about my job? It exposes me to research about youth development. Do you know who the single most significant role model for a girl is? It isn't celebrities. It's her mother.

My daughter is a perfectly respectable person who doesn't dress like a slut or act like Paris Hilton. And yet, she's never once worn a burkha.

You're attempting to equate hiding women's faces and bodies with increased morality. That dog won't hunt.

And, you and I both know it.

But, way to stir the pot and generate some Sunni-love on the board.

Tell me, do you require your daughters to cover themselves?
I feel sorry for many Western women.

They have been sold a bill of goods by the advertisement on the media.

That the only way to attract a man is to dress like a hooker.

Then they can't figure out why they are disrespected and not taken serious.

It's really sad when you think about it. :(

So you think all western women are like that?

Not sure where that is. I noticed when I was in Egypt that the women who covered up did not look austere like these women do. They wore VERY beautiful brocade even sequined cover ups. And most are not in black. The fabrics are lovely. Also, I saw a lot of women wearing niqab who had on very low cut and seductive blouses and tight fitting pants. IMO, this is a double standard. Show your tits but not your hair? That's how it works there, apparently.

They told us not to look men in the eye. But I did to see what would happen. They looked me up and down and talked with a lascivious tone to their voices. They may have been calling me an American pig woman, but it sure sounded cozy.

And our tour guide, who BTW hit on me, claims they wear niqab because they don't want to have to do thei hair. ROFL. How dumb do they think we are?

But you are right they have beautiful eyes, and I fail to see how covering everything else and applying 5 coats of make up to the eyes makes one more modest. They play up what shows. Just like everyone else.

I got a chuckle from the sign in the hospital that said, 'Please do not tip the nurses.' Male chauvenism at its most arrogant.
Easier to cover up the bruises, maybe?

Seriously, if a woman WANTS to wear a burqa, niqab, or hijab, that's her business and I'm fine with that. But I really do think there's a line to be drawn when it comes to what any rational human being defines as 'ridiculous'.




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