Court victory for America!! Navy SEALS aquitted!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010

2 of the 3 US Navy SEALS that the Obama administration has dragged into court for, how dare they, punching a terrorist who murdered and dismembered 4 US contractors have been aquitted!!! They bravely stoop up for themselves and won!

This is a victory not only for the heroic SEALS. But for every Marine dragged into court for being aggressive in a WAR. For every cop accused of civil rights violations for daring to enforce the law (coming soon to Arizona thanks to Obama). For every brave CIA agent who Obama and Pelosi ridiculed and slandered, for every intelligence agent Eric Holder has desperately tried to unmask in civilian court discovery motions for terror suspects.

In the Obama, Pelosi, Holder assault on our uniformed services, we have finally began to see some victories. The latest the two SEALs, whose crimes were punching a terrorist in the stomach while in a war zone. Our greatest generation of men who stormed Normandy would be so proud of our country right now, seeing SEALS prosecuted for punching the enemy in the gut, Marines prosecuted for storming a house they were taking fire from, seeing cops prosecuted for civil rights violations for simply enforcing laws........well, the list goes on.

So, while Obama may think the SEALS "acted stupidly", they have been aquitted and hopefully will soon be back to their SEAL boat crews once again defending this nation from all enemies, despite the cowardly attacks on them from those in the highest political offices in our land.
^^Honestly, I didn't see the 1st one. Sorry. But glad to see another supporter of the SEALS.
2 of the 3 US Navy SEALS that the Obama administration has dragged into court for, how dare they, punching a terrorist who murdered and dismembered 4 US contractors have been aquitted!!! They bravely stoop up for themselves and won!

They were charged by the Navy. Not the "Obama Administration".

So, while Obama may think the SEALS "acted stupidly", they have been aquitted and hopefully will soon be back to their SEAL boat crews once again defending this nation from all enemies, despite the cowardly attacks on them from those in the highest political offices in our land.

To my knowledge, the President has never commented on this incident. At heart of the matter is that everyone has to play by the rule, even the SEALs. Their acquittal seems to indicate that they did.
2 of the 3 US Navy SEALS that the Obama administration has dragged into court for, how dare they, punching a terrorist who murdered and dismembered 4 US contractors have been aquitted!!! They bravely stoop up for themselves and won!

They were charged by the Navy. Not the "Obama Administration".

So, while Obama may think the SEALS "acted stupidly", they have been aquitted and hopefully will soon be back to their SEAL boat crews once again defending this nation from all enemies, despite the cowardly attacks on them from those in the highest political offices in our land.

To my knowledge, the President has never commented on this incident. At heart of the matter is that everyone has to play by the rule, even the SEALs. Their acquittal seems to indicate that they did.

Yes, the same Navy that is under the charge of the United States Commander in Chief. I think Obama and his followers sometimes forget he is that. If Obama wanted these SEALS to be tried, or not tried, it would have been so.

Leftist, activist and immoral lawyers and prosecutors aren't exclusive to the civilian world and Eric Holder. JAGs are sometimes the same.

But again, the Commander in Chief could have ended this trial a long time ago. BUT....then again, they committed the sin of punching an enemy in the stomach in a war zone. Oh the horror. WW2 vets should be proud.
2 of the 3 US Navy SEALS that the Obama administration has dragged into court for, how dare they, punching a terrorist who murdered and dismembered 4 US contractors have been aquitted!!! They bravely stoop up for themselves and won!

They were charged by the Navy. Not the "Obama Administration".

So, while Obama may think the SEALS "acted stupidly", they have been aquitted and hopefully will soon be back to their SEAL boat crews once again defending this nation from all enemies, despite the cowardly attacks on them from those in the highest political offices in our land.

To my knowledge, the President has never commented on this incident. At heart of the matter is that everyone has to play by the rule, even the SEALs. Their acquittal seems to indicate that they did.

Yes, the same Navy that is under the charge of the United States Commander in Chief. I think Obama and his followers sometimes forget he is that. If Obama wanted these SEALS to be tried, or not tried, it would have been so.

Leftist, activist and immoral lawyers and prosecutors aren't exclusive to the civilian world and Eric Holder. JAGs are sometimes the same.

But again, the Commander in Chief could have ended this trial a long time ago. BUT....then again, they committed the sin of punching an enemy in the stomach in a war zone. Oh the horror. WW2 vets should be proud.

This is way too small to ever get NEAR Obama's desk.
They were charged by the Navy. Not the "Obama Administration".

To my knowledge, the President has never commented on this incident. At heart of the matter is that everyone has to play by the rule, even the SEALs. Their acquittal seems to indicate that they did.

Yes, the same Navy that is under the charge of the United States Commander in Chief. I think Obama and his followers sometimes forget he is that. If Obama wanted these SEALS to be tried, or not tried, it would have been so.

Leftist, activist and immoral lawyers and prosecutors aren't exclusive to the civilian world and Eric Holder. JAGs are sometimes the same.

But again, the Commander in Chief could have ended this trial a long time ago. BUT....then again, they committed the sin of punching an enemy in the stomach in a war zone. Oh the horror. WW2 vets should be proud.

This is way too small to ever get NEAR Obama's desk.

I don't know about that, Biden's in there all the time. He seems pretty small minded.
Yes, the same Navy that is under the charge of the United States Commander in Chief. I think Obama and his followers sometimes forget he is that. If Obama wanted these SEALS to be tried, or not tried, it would have been so.

Leftist, activist and immoral lawyers and prosecutors aren't exclusive to the civilian world and Eric Holder. JAGs are sometimes the same.

But again, the Commander in Chief could have ended this trial a long time ago. BUT....then again, they committed the sin of punching an enemy in the stomach in a war zone. Oh the horror. WW2 vets should be proud.

This is way too small to ever get NEAR Obama's desk.

I don't know about that, Biden's in there all the time. He seems pretty small minded.


English, please.
Sorry, I don't dumb down. Play up or go home.

Help me out here.

What does this mean:
This is way too small to ever get NEAR Obama's desk.
I don't know about that, Biden's in there all the time. He seems pretty small minded.

What does Biden have to do with what we're talking about? Where is Biden, all the time?

I don't get it.
Yes, the same Navy that is under the charge of the United States Commander in Chief. I think Obama and his followers sometimes forget he is that. If Obama wanted these SEALS to be tried, or not tried, it would have been so.

I would expect the CINC to defer to the respective branches of the DOD to enforce the UCMJ without interfering in the matter. This was a relatively small infraction. We are talking about simple assault and not shooting civilians or a "My Lai"-esque situation. I suspect Obama had little, if any, visibility over the matter.

However, if we want to use your rationale, do you blame the Bush Administration for the presecution of the Haditha Marines? I don't and never did.

Leftist, activist and immoral lawyers and prosecutors aren't exclusive to the civilian world and Eric Holder. JAGs are sometimes the same.

Have you spent a single day in uniform? JAG officers work for the chain of command and report to the senior ground commander (not a JAG officer). They make a report to the senior commander and he has the final say. It is their primary duty to ensure good military order and discipline is maintained. Blaming this on some "leftist activism" is retarded.

This went to trial, because these SEALs insisted on a trial. They were going to get non-judicial punishment, but obviously felt strongly enough about the situation to demand their day in court (which is their right. When you are slapped with non-judicial punishment you can demand a court martial).

But again, the Commander in Chief could have ended this trial a long time ago.

If I were the Chief of Staff of the Navy, I would be pissed off if the CINC micro-managed my attempts to enforce the UCMJ in my own branch.
No, they're making a big deal out of it because they shouldn't have been prosecuted in the first place.
No, they're making a big deal out of it because they shouldn't have been prosecuted in the first place.

Obviously the senior commander on the ground disagrees with your perspective.

This would have been a minor infraction had the SEALs not insisted on a court martial. Obviously they were right to do so, but that doesn't mean JAG doesn't have an obligation to ensure that the UCMJ is being respected by all persons, including those in elite units.

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