Cost of illegal immigration


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Illegal aliens cost taxpayers billion each year in education, healthcare, social services ( in spite the left wing rhetoric that illegal aliens do not collect welfare, food stamps and Medicaid. They do via 500,000 anchor babies.) incarcerations and law enforcement, gang and drugs related crimes. Cheap illegal labor take jobs 14 million unemployed Americans need and lower wages for those same unskilled Americans.
We cannot round them up and deport them? Yes we can but it is not necessary. During Operation Wetback when they were rounded up and deported, most of them self deported. And if we make E-Verify mandatory they will not be able to work and they will leave and they will not come.
Enforcement cost too much? No enforcement cost us more. Lack of enforcement has resulted in 20 million illegal aliens in this country in the past 20 years since the 1986 amnesty that was suppose to fix illegal immigration.
We need them to save our social security, Medicare, etc? Drug dealers, gangs, pimps and prostitutes buy more products, etc and contribute to the economy than illegal aliens. Do we legalize them in order to save our economy?
Illegal aliens cost California more the than the entire deficit.
Illegal aliens are directly related to our failing schools, healthcare, and economy and if we are ever going to recover from the recession we will have to do away with uncontrolled immigration. We have a immigration system that works and it allow 500,000 to immigrate legally each year. We have H-2A that allow farmers unlimited supply of foreign farm workers. The problems in illegal aliens don’t want to do farm work either. Only 2% of illegal workforce is doing farm work. The others are in the inner cities taking jobs from Americans and lowering wages.
Who would baby sit our kids, clean our toilets, cut our lawns, make our burgers, pick up our garbage and pick our lettuce? Who did these things when there weren’t 20 million illegal aliens here? We have a massive supply of unskilled American workforce. high school dropouts and those who do not want to go to college or cannot afford to. The rhetoric that there are jobs Americans will not do it a bucket of horse shit.
Our farmers need them? Farmers has H-2A to supply them with unlimited supply of foreign farm workers. There are 20 million illegal aliens in this country and only 8 million in the workforce. So what are the remaining 12 million doing? 20 million illegal aliens did not come here to pick our lettuce, etc.
If it were easier for them to migrate legally they would not come illegally? Another bucket of horse shit. We allow over 500,000 to immigrate legally each year.
The cost of anchor babies is another story and is costing us billion alone.
The cost of a path to citizenship or amnesty would be astronomical and would push us into a depression with chain migration of family members who have never contributed anything to the system but would benefit. Do this have to happen before we recognize the problems cause by illegal
immigration? Chain migration is importing poverty. We have homeless unemployed hungry men, women and children that we cannot take care of now, why would be even consider adding to that poverty. Legalization would cost us more them rounding them up and deporting them. Compare what 20 million is costing us to the cost of 80 million. We cannot afford illegal immigration or a path to citizenship of millions.
We have been invaded and occupies by 20 million illegal aliens and drug cartels and drug dealers and the crime related is costing us billions. Illegal aliens are killing 15 American daily and raping 8 children daily. Not the mention the live lost from drugs crossing the border.
You cannot get a jobs without a college education? Bucket of horse shit. 8 million illegal aliens are working without a college education and most do not even speak English. We have a large unskilled American labor force and they need those 8 million unskilled jobs taken by illegal aliens. Unemployed Americans should not have to compete will illegal aliens for jobs. Hurt the most are Afro-American men whose unemployment rate is at depression rate.
Unemployed Americans Competing With Immigrant Labor for Unskilled Jobs
Saturday, December 20, 2008

LOS ANGELES — A year ago, a day-laborer center adjacent to a Home Depot here teemed with Latin American immigrants who showed up and found a sure day's work painting, gardening or hauling.
These days, more than immigrants are packing the Hollywood Community Job Center: Unemployed Americans are joining them. There's little work for anybody.
"Everybody is coming to look for work," Rene Jemio, outreach coordinator for the hiring hall, told the Wall Street Journal. "It's not just your average immigrant anymore; it's African-Americans and whites, too."
For the first time in a decade, unskilled immigrants are competing with Americans for work. And evidence is emerging that tens of thousands of Hispanic immigrants are withdrawing from the labor market as U.S. workers crowd them out of potential jobs. At least some of the foreigners are returning home.
Unemployed Americans Competing With Immigrant Labor for Unskilled Jobs - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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