Cost Of Illegal Immigration Clock

Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.[/QUOTE]

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico. [/QUOTE]

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.[/QUOTE]

I deleted my posting to you and changed it. At first, it looked as though you were addressing me. It was really you quoting Junior, the 12 year old. I don't do the multi quote crap as this is the kind of chaos it causes - and nobody knows or cares who said what at some point.
You deserved so much more than a winner acknowledgment so I wanted to say this:

For a number of years I financed the twice monthly meetings for the Georgia Patriot Network. Twice a month we would rent out the banquet room at a place called Ryan's Steakhouse. We would hold meetings and guest speakers were always invited. A lot of times I would speak for a 15 to 20 minutes (or take the spot of a guest speaker if we had not lined one up.) We did this from 1987 to 2003 - maybe 2004.

During that period I went to work in immigration law, working for six years and on every side to make sure I had the facts. I manned the border in civilian border patrol efforts; worked in one of John Tanton's think tanks, worked with a non-profit Latino organization, and worked with government attorneys that handled immigration cases. Rest assured, NOBODY has a more well rounded factual picture of this issue than I do. I wanted the FACTS.

In meetings, I would speak out and tell people the truth. At the meetings, people would sit there silently and hours later be on a discussion board, under an anonymous board name, calling me everything except a child of God.

Between the ages of 13 and about 17 I had run away from home and had to know everything one needs to know about fake ID in order to survive. The government had published a 600 + page book about fake ID and their ideas on how to thwart it. Every known way to obtain ID was in those pages and that book was my Bible at that time. Later, I would be able to use that knowledge to fight against National ID efforts in the political arena as an adult. I realized how that information is now used with everything about you being tied to your SSN. National ID is one of those peripheral laws that ended up affecting the American citizenry. I chose it as a starting point because the people who are into wall worship underestimate the value of a Right to Privacy AND how the government can use personal information to control you via political propaganda.

Trying to convey the whole body knowledge has resulted in the very conditions you describe. This whole wall worship deal has people that are, embarrassingly, waging a war solely with a logical fallacy that if you don't agree with their solutions, you are "for open borders." Those people are unable to understand that I'm not oblivious to the issues of multiculturalism. What I oppose is the POLICE STATE. What I oppose is a government too big to resist when tyranny is implemented. What I oppose is elevating myself on the backs of other people who are doing something you and I - and the wall worshipers would do if our roles were changed. The wall and the peripheral laws they are using to enforce it (the Constitution Free Zone, quotas for guest workers, the end of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty, and around 20 other laws) signal the death of our Republic. Wall worshipers are too wrapped up in their own little world so that they cannot see the big picture. I will end this little rant with this:

I was in court 36 times. I never lost. The reason was simple. If I were walking in a courtroom and wanted to convince a jury, then I studied the other guy's case from his perspective until I could argue his case for him - AND do a better job. I have had to be in court cases with my life on the line - and that was due to the stupid laws the wall worshipers endorsed. They do not have the ability to see that these laws can cut both ways. But, you said it all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico. [/QUOTE]

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?[/QUOTE]
Surely you are smart enough to realize YOU are the one being insulted. If you want it to stop, just say"please stop" and we can explore one of your lengthy discourses.
I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?[/QUOTE]

The biggest ego I see on this thread is that of Third Party. The censors have kept me from saying what I'd really like to say to Third Party, but I digress.

When the guy with the biggest ego goes after the people willing to engage in civil discourse and projects, you have to realize he doesn't have much in the way of an education. Now he admits to his real age. So, we've done what we needed to do.

Our 12 year old doesn't understand that this thread is about the supposed "costs" of undocumented foreigners being here. Any costs are the direct result of having a citizenry wherein half of them are dependent upon the government for at least some portion of their livelihood. Since the citizenry does not pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job, that is THEIR fault. NOBODY is forcing Americans to put their children on drugs and create the most drug addicts of any nation in the world except the government, school officials, doctors, mental health officials and Big Pharma - it's an internal problem.

Lately we've witnessed children scaling Trump's wall; Mexicans using $80 saws to cut through it and learned of a negative environmental impact that would be irreversible with a wall. Military personnel are being arrested by the dozens for engaging in human trafficking. So, we're trading one set of problems for another and my objection is related to the peripheral laws that have already cost more than the pro-wall side claims the foreigners cost. They're spending dollars to save nickles. That is BEFORE you ever get to my objection regarding lost Liberties and the assault on the Constitution.[/QUOTE]
The wall has become secondary to two guys attacking me. I'll keep fighting, and I hereby give the moderators permission to let any naughty word you post about me "slip" by.-I can take it. And without reading the bulk of your post, I'll say you throw any anti wall thought you come up with at the readers here, without any thought to another point of view. Very open minded of you.
I appreciate and applaud your efforts.

I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure what people have against liberty. It seems to me they fear it more than they want it. I can't imagine why.

I accept everyone is wired differently, but, at the same time I have to wonder where they got their learnin'- I'm not formally educated, that particular annoyance stopped a long time ago in the 9th grade, twice. But, I love reading and have come to a lot of conclusions I never would have otherwise if I hadn't read, and considered, opposing views. It really irks me how shallow and narrow minded people are. The poem by Martin Niemoller comes to mind when I see these anti- liberty people who demand the god they worship (the fed gov't) do what they want, damn the liberty, full speed ahead. They fail to consider History, especially of this gov't, that ensures, they will come for you, it ain't if, but when. I call them worshiping the godvernment because in essence they do and that's how it acts. Tithes are paid, and compliance demanded and non-compliance punished, not in a future after-life but in the here and now.

I've tried being succinct and got accused of being cryptic- I don't lay claim to being a writer, or a speaker, but, I can express myself succinctly, or with verbosity, but, prefer Jefferson's thoughts on why use more when less will suffice.
I subscribe to K.I.S.S.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your commentary.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?[/QUOTE]
Surely you are smart enough to realize YOU are the one being insulted. If you want it to stop, just say"please stop" and we can explore one of your lengthy discourses.[/QUOTE]

If you consider 10 or 12 paragraphs to be a "lengthy discourse" then your level of mental midgetry precludes you being able to do anything except insult your fellow posters.

Who you insult and how many times is on you. It adds nothing to the substantive portion of this thread and it destroys the credibility of the build the wall - deport 'em all crowd. Your political position rests on the lobbying efforts of people like you.

When you are trying to insult people and refusing to get into the nuts and bolts of the discussion, most rational people realize you're blowing smoke and don't have anything save of an obsession with a wall.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.[/QUOTE]

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico. [/QUOTE]

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.[/QUOTE]
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves.
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico. [/QUOTE]

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.[/QUOTE]

I deleted my posting to you and changed it. At first, it looked as though you were addressing me. It was really you quoting Junior, the 12 year old. I don't do the multi quote crap as this is the kind of chaos it causes - and nobody knows or cares who said what at some point.[/QUOTE]
Knew you would cave
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

The biggest ego I see on this thread is that of Third Party. The censors have kept me from saying what I'd really like to say to Third Party, but I digress.

When the guy with the biggest ego goes after the people willing to engage in civil discourse and projects, you have to realize he doesn't have much in the way of an education. Now he admits to his real age. So, we've done what we needed to do.

Our 12 year old doesn't understand that this thread is about the supposed "costs" of undocumented foreigners being here. Any costs are the direct result of having a citizenry wherein half of them are dependent upon the government for at least some portion of their livelihood. Since the citizenry does not pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job, that is THEIR fault. NOBODY is forcing Americans to put their children on drugs and create the most drug addicts of any nation in the world except the government, school officials, doctors, mental health officials and Big Pharma - it's an internal problem.

Lately we've witnessed children scaling Trump's wall; Mexicans using $80 saws to cut through it and learned of a negative environmental impact that would be irreversible with a wall. Military personnel are being arrested by the dozens for engaging in human trafficking. So, we're trading one set of problems for another and my objection is related to the peripheral laws that have already cost more than the pro-wall side claims the foreigners cost. They're spending dollars to save nickles. That is BEFORE you ever get to my objection regarding lost Liberties and the assault on the Constitution.[/QUOTE]
The wall has become secondary to two guys attacking me. I'll keep fighting, and I hereby give the moderators permission to let any naughty word you post about me "slip" by.-I can take it. And without reading the bulk of your post, I'll say you throw any anti wall thought you come up with at the readers here, without any thought to another point of view. Very open minded of you.[/QUOTE]

What makes me open minded is the fact that I can read more than 10 or 12 paragraphs. What makes me open minded is that I read a post before responding. What makes me open minded is that I'm willing to discuss the issues at hand without trying to insult people for being ignorant.

You've added nothing to this discussion except proof that the wall worshipers are narrow minded bigots that engage in logical fallacies, insults, and off topic material when they cannot engage in civil discourse due to a lack of facts to substantiate their view.
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico. [/QUOTE]

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.[/QUOTE]
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves. [/QUOTE]

Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.
Are you two guys going to kiss each other? I wanted to give you something better than a winner acknowledgement? I bet we can guess WHAT that is. If you can't express yourself in fewer words, then cut it in two and say "stay tuned next week for the second half."
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?
Surely you are smart enough to realize YOU are the one being insulted. If you want it to stop, just say"please stop" and we can explore one of your lengthy discourses.[/QUOTE]

If you consider 10 or 12 paragraphs to be a "lengthy discourse" then your level of mental midgetry precludes you being able to do anything except insult your fellow posters.

Who you insult and how many times is on you. It adds nothing to the substantive portion of this thread and it destroys the credibility of the build the wall - deport 'em all crowd. Your political position rests on the lobbying efforts of people like you.

When you are trying to insult people and refusing to get into the nuts and bolts of the discussion, most rational people realize you're blowing smoke and don't have anything save of an obsession with a wall.[/QUOTE]
You don't have the ability to be terse-that's what ALL this is about. And it sounds like you have read the minds of ALL the rest of the readers here who think I blow smoke. Nice trick, Kreskin! Read them again-you may be disappointed.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.[/QUOTE]

I deleted my posting to you and changed it. At first, it looked as though you were addressing me. It was really you quoting Junior, the 12 year old. I don't do the multi quote crap as this is the kind of chaos it causes - and nobody knows or cares who said what at some point.[/QUOTE]
Knew you would cave[/QUOTE]

Son, I don't know what in the Hell that means. I responded to a post wherein YOU failed to use quotation marks. While I was proofreading the post, I noticed that YOU were insulting Gdjjr and myself. That was confusing because YOU failed to use quotation marks. Had Gdjjr given me 10 minutes to change my post, there would have been no confusion.

The format you see and what I see are different. That is why, to be clear, when you quote someone else you use quotation marks " " to avoid confusion. You making a federal case out of it confirms that you are only 12 and really need some help before thinking you are qualified to engage in a discussion of any magnitude. Trying to benefit off your own ignorant actions is quite funny, however.
Why? Because you refuse to read? How about you find someplace else to try looking smart- it ain't working here.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

The biggest ego I see on this thread is that of Third Party. The censors have kept me from saying what I'd really like to say to Third Party, but I digress.

When the guy with the biggest ego goes after the people willing to engage in civil discourse and projects, you have to realize he doesn't have much in the way of an education. Now he admits to his real age. So, we've done what we needed to do.

Our 12 year old doesn't understand that this thread is about the supposed "costs" of undocumented foreigners being here. Any costs are the direct result of having a citizenry wherein half of them are dependent upon the government for at least some portion of their livelihood. Since the citizenry does not pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job, that is THEIR fault. NOBODY is forcing Americans to put their children on drugs and create the most drug addicts of any nation in the world except the government, school officials, doctors, mental health officials and Big Pharma - it's an internal problem.

Lately we've witnessed children scaling Trump's wall; Mexicans using $80 saws to cut through it and learned of a negative environmental impact that would be irreversible with a wall. Military personnel are being arrested by the dozens for engaging in human trafficking. So, we're trading one set of problems for another and my objection is related to the peripheral laws that have already cost more than the pro-wall side claims the foreigners cost. They're spending dollars to save nickles. That is BEFORE you ever get to my objection regarding lost Liberties and the assault on the Constitution.
The wall has become secondary to two guys attacking me. I'll keep fighting, and I hereby give the moderators permission to let any naughty word you post about me "slip" by.-I can take it. And without reading the bulk of your post, I'll say you throw any anti wall thought you come up with at the readers here, without any thought to another point of view. Very open minded of you.[/QUOTE]

What makes me open minded is the fact that I can read more than 10 or 12 paragraphs. What makes me open minded is that I read a post before responding. What makes me open minded is that I'm willing to discuss the issues at hand without trying to insult people for being ignorant.

You've added nothing to this discussion except proof that the wall worshipers are narrow minded bigots that engage in logical fallacies, insults, and off topic material when they cannot engage in civil discourse due to a lack of facts to substantiate their view.[/QUOTE]
Reading does not make you open minded. You can read the adventures of Joe Bazooka on bubble gum wrappers, but not gain much knowledge. Being selective in what you read makes you intelligent. Thinking as you read makes you open minded.
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.[/QUOTE]
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves. [/QUOTE]

Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.[/QUOTE]
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?
Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.

I deleted my posting to you and changed it. At first, it looked as though you were addressing me. It was really you quoting Junior, the 12 year old. I don't do the multi quote crap as this is the kind of chaos it causes - and nobody knows or cares who said what at some point.[/QUOTE]
Knew you would cave[/QUOTE]

Son, I don't know what in the Hell that means. I responded to a post wherein YOU failed to use quotation marks. While I was proofreading the post, I noticed that YOU were insulting Gdjjr and myself. That was confusing because YOU failed to use quotation marks. Had Gdjjr given me 10 minutes to change my post, there would have been no confusion.

The format you see and what I see are different. That is why, to be clear, when you quote someone else you use quotation marks " " to avoid confusion. You making a federal case out of it confirms that you are only 12 and really need some help before thinking you are qualified to engage in a discussion of any magnitude. Trying to benefit off your own ignorant actions is quite funny, however.[/QUOTE]
To cave means to give in-I'll get you a dictionary for the modern age-LOL
Tell you what-you stop being a pompous ass, and I will start reading an extra sentence from each of you boring brothers. If I wanted to look smart, I would do it with someone who had more than a ninth grade education-they could appreciate it. And by the way, you don't accept that everyone is wired differently or you would not slide in the word "but" after it. Food for thought.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

The biggest ego I see on this thread is that of Third Party. The censors have kept me from saying what I'd really like to say to Third Party, but I digress.

When the guy with the biggest ego goes after the people willing to engage in civil discourse and projects, you have to realize he doesn't have much in the way of an education. Now he admits to his real age. So, we've done what we needed to do.

Our 12 year old doesn't understand that this thread is about the supposed "costs" of undocumented foreigners being here. Any costs are the direct result of having a citizenry wherein half of them are dependent upon the government for at least some portion of their livelihood. Since the citizenry does not pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job, that is THEIR fault. NOBODY is forcing Americans to put their children on drugs and create the most drug addicts of any nation in the world except the government, school officials, doctors, mental health officials and Big Pharma - it's an internal problem.

Lately we've witnessed children scaling Trump's wall; Mexicans using $80 saws to cut through it and learned of a negative environmental impact that would be irreversible with a wall. Military personnel are being arrested by the dozens for engaging in human trafficking. So, we're trading one set of problems for another and my objection is related to the peripheral laws that have already cost more than the pro-wall side claims the foreigners cost. They're spending dollars to save nickles. That is BEFORE you ever get to my objection regarding lost Liberties and the assault on the Constitution.
The wall has become secondary to two guys attacking me. I'll keep fighting, and I hereby give the moderators permission to let any naughty word you post about me "slip" by.-I can take it. And without reading the bulk of your post, I'll say you throw any anti wall thought you come up with at the readers here, without any thought to another point of view. Very open minded of you.

What makes me open minded is the fact that I can read more than 10 or 12 paragraphs. What makes me open minded is that I read a post before responding. What makes me open minded is that I'm willing to discuss the issues at hand without trying to insult people for being ignorant.

You've added nothing to this discussion except proof that the wall worshipers are narrow minded bigots that engage in logical fallacies, insults, and off topic material when they cannot engage in civil discourse due to a lack of facts to substantiate their view.[/QUOTE]
Reading does not make you open minded. You can read the adventures of Joe Bazooka on bubble gum wrappers, but not gain much knowledge. Being selective in what you read makes you intelligent. Thinking as you read makes you open minded.[/QUOTE]

Well Junior, that is about the best self indictment that I have ever read in all the time I've been on discussion boards. You don't read our posts through and then comment on them. Now you're realizing that?

I'm quite open minded. As you missed by not reading my posts, I spent six years in immigration law. I've spent years at the table with the people whose propaganda you worship. I can argue your case better than you. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue as to where I stand, but you finally realize that you have to pay attention to BOTH sides to understand them.

I grew up around Don Black and David Duke. They rented a basement in a house my father owned. When I was on breaks from college, we discussed this stuff into the wee hours of the morning. When you count the six years I spent in that one field of law, I'm generally the first guy around here attorneys ask for advice on their cases. Thanks for that shy apology regarding your bigotry.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with an email friend several years ago in that her emails truncated on top of emails-
I'm too simple minded for that type of confusion- so I'll just reiterate what I've already said- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- I do my best to live by it, with no caveats or reservations-
Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves. [/QUOTE]

Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.[/QUOTE]
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?[/QUOTE]

If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.

I deleted my posting to you and changed it. At first, it looked as though you were addressing me. It was really you quoting Junior, the 12 year old. I don't do the multi quote crap as this is the kind of chaos it causes - and nobody knows or cares who said what at some point.
Knew you would cave[/QUOTE]

Son, I don't know what in the Hell that means. I responded to a post wherein YOU failed to use quotation marks. While I was proofreading the post, I noticed that YOU were insulting Gdjjr and myself. That was confusing because YOU failed to use quotation marks. Had Gdjjr given me 10 minutes to change my post, there would have been no confusion.

The format you see and what I see are different. That is why, to be clear, when you quote someone else you use quotation marks " " to avoid confusion. You making a federal case out of it confirms that you are only 12 and really need some help before thinking you are qualified to engage in a discussion of any magnitude. Trying to benefit off your own ignorant actions is quite funny, however.[/QUOTE]
To cave means to give in-I'll get you a dictionary for the modern age-LOL[/QUOTE]

The problem for you is I haven't "caved" on anything.
Quite frankly, I don't give a shit whether you read what I write or not. There are other people who are drawn to the thread. And I left Gdjjr what I wanted to leave in addition to the Winner acknowledgment. You are one sick individual that probably IS a real fairy to imply something sexual.

I stick with 10 to 12 paragraphs. Now just to make it plain - if you expect anybody on this board to believe you have more than a grammar school education, you are crazy as Hell.

Furthermore, if you aren't a racist, there isn't a cow in Texas.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

The biggest ego I see on this thread is that of Third Party. The censors have kept me from saying what I'd really like to say to Third Party, but I digress.

When the guy with the biggest ego goes after the people willing to engage in civil discourse and projects, you have to realize he doesn't have much in the way of an education. Now he admits to his real age. So, we've done what we needed to do.

Our 12 year old doesn't understand that this thread is about the supposed "costs" of undocumented foreigners being here. Any costs are the direct result of having a citizenry wherein half of them are dependent upon the government for at least some portion of their livelihood. Since the citizenry does not pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job, that is THEIR fault. NOBODY is forcing Americans to put their children on drugs and create the most drug addicts of any nation in the world except the government, school officials, doctors, mental health officials and Big Pharma - it's an internal problem.

Lately we've witnessed children scaling Trump's wall; Mexicans using $80 saws to cut through it and learned of a negative environmental impact that would be irreversible with a wall. Military personnel are being arrested by the dozens for engaging in human trafficking. So, we're trading one set of problems for another and my objection is related to the peripheral laws that have already cost more than the pro-wall side claims the foreigners cost. They're spending dollars to save nickles. That is BEFORE you ever get to my objection regarding lost Liberties and the assault on the Constitution.
The wall has become secondary to two guys attacking me. I'll keep fighting, and I hereby give the moderators permission to let any naughty word you post about me "slip" by.-I can take it. And without reading the bulk of your post, I'll say you throw any anti wall thought you come up with at the readers here, without any thought to another point of view. Very open minded of you.

What makes me open minded is the fact that I can read more than 10 or 12 paragraphs. What makes me open minded is that I read a post before responding. What makes me open minded is that I'm willing to discuss the issues at hand without trying to insult people for being ignorant.

You've added nothing to this discussion except proof that the wall worshipers are narrow minded bigots that engage in logical fallacies, insults, and off topic material when they cannot engage in civil discourse due to a lack of facts to substantiate their view.
Reading does not make you open minded. You can read the adventures of Joe Bazooka on bubble gum wrappers, but not gain much knowledge. Being selective in what you read makes you intelligent. Thinking as you read makes you open minded.[/QUOTE]

Well Junior, that is about the best self indictment that I have ever read in all the time I've been on discussion boards. You don't read our posts through and then comment on them. Now you're realizing that?

I'm quite open minded. As you missed by not reading my posts, I spent six years in immigration law. I've spent years at the table with the people whose propaganda you worship. I can argue your case better than you. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue as to where I stand, but you finally realize that you have to pay attention to BOTH sides to understand them.

I grew up around Don Black and David Duke. They rented a basement in a house my father owned. When I was on breaks from college, we discussed this stuff into the wee hours of the morning. When you count the six years I spent in that one field of law, I'm generally the first guy around here attorneys ask for advice on their cases. Thanks for that shy apology regarding your bigotry.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for making my point-you confuse experience with knowledge. So you were not open minded about MY post. And I don't have to read more than two sentences of your posts to know where they are going-its all me,me,me. Even now name dropping David Duke-oh wow-can I get an autograph? There are none so blind as those who will not see-open YOUR eyes.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with an email friend several years ago in that her emails truncated on top of emails-
I'm too simple minded for that type of confusion- so I'll just reiterate what I've already said- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- I do my best to live by it, with no caveats or reservations-

RESPONSE - The quote feature seems not to work properly here as it usually puts the post you're quoting in a box of its own and the background a darker color.

Be that as it may, I believe what you believe in. It's just a simple way of saying do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

As we're witnessing, not everyone believes that. Unable to put forth a cogent argument, this has become a private pissing match for a 12 year old. For those into wall worship, if you disagree with their solution, you are their enemy. Still, what I find perplexing; what seems not to make sense is why they would destroy their own culture and their own heritage just to empower a tyrannical government.
Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves.

Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.[/QUOTE]
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?[/QUOTE]

If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.[/QUOTE]
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.

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