Cost Of Illegal Immigration Clock

This is where our tax money is being wasted by liberals. OAN News network shows this every hour.

$8-9 thousand a second.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration Clock

Jail employers that knowingly hire illegals (including tRump) and you'll stop the clock in 30 days.

While were at it, reverse the Republican worker visa program and and cancel the insane worker visa to US citizenship that tRump promotes and put real Americans back to work.

AMERICANS FIRST starts with workers.
America first starts with a 20-year moratorium on ALL immigration to the USA. Zero immigration for 20 years.

According to a report in today's news, the unemployment rate is at an 80 year all time low. That is statistical ZERO unemployment, IF the figures were true. So, here is your dilemma:

1) IF unemployment is at an all time low, there are no good pretexts for this over-reaction to foreigners

2) IF unemployment is at an all time low, how do you account for generational welfarites?

When Obama was president the unemployment rate was in double digits. The people opposing the influx of foreigners would point out that once a person exhausted their unemployment benefits and quit looking for a job, they fell off the books for statistical purposes.

So, today either Trump is eliminating the pretext for sanctions on incoming foreigners OR his bean counters are lying just like Obama's were. I would submit that Trump's bean counters are liars.

We have generational welfarites and most of them are white males who do not want to work, sacrifice, and build something for themselves. THAT is why they are relying on Uncle Scam to build the bigger and more intrusive government. Rest assured, you cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own actions.
This is where our tax money is being wasted by liberals. OAN News network shows this every hour.

$8-9 thousand a second.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration Clock

Jail employers that knowingly hire illegals (including tRump) and you'll stop the clock in 30 days.

While were at it, reverse the Republican worker visa program and and cancel the insane worker visa to US citizenship that tRump promotes and put real Americans back to work.

AMERICANS FIRST starts with workers.

If you believed in America first, you'd start with some American history lessons and some basic law.

School me.

School you on which aspect? Most of what you've been told is probably in error unless it is citing sources prior to 1875.

Illegal is illegal and giving them free stuff is insanity. 275 billion by the end of the year is a lot of our tax money.
This is where our tax money is being wasted by liberals. OAN News network shows this every hour.

$8-9 thousand a second.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration Clock

Jail employers that knowingly hire illegals (including tRump) and you'll stop the clock in 30 days.

While were at it, reverse the Republican worker visa program and and cancel the insane worker visa to US citizenship that tRump promotes and put real Americans back to work.

AMERICANS FIRST starts with workers.

If you believed in America first, you'd start with some American history lessons and some basic law.

School me.

School you on which aspect? Most of what you've been told is probably in error unless it is citing sources prior to 1875.

Illegal is illegal and giving them free stuff is insanity. 275 billion by the end of the year is a lot of our tax money.

1) Illegal is not illegal if the statutes conflict with the Constitution

2) Whoever is telling you that undocumented foreigners are getting free stuff is full of shit. Use your head. Don't let the NWO do a mind fuck on you:

We gave up the Right to Privacy, private property Rights, hogtied ourselves to a National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify system which saved the 16th Amendment, the IRS and the income tax just to create SSN based National ID. We done away with the concept of a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty and have spent over a TRILLION DOLLARS with the creation and maintenance of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security and the Constitution Free Zone.

The only thing we've accomplished so far is to screw ourselves out of much need privacy, anonymity and the freedom to move about if the SHTF and we have an internal war. And today the right is STILL complaining that all their efforts did not achieve the desired results.

The right is beginning to sound like the left with their 40,000 plus federal, state, county, and city laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, edicts, Executive Orders, statutes, case law, etc. regarding gun control. After all that time and money they have not gotten the "sensible gun laws" (note that term is in italics because their wording in stupid.) After TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, the creation of the ultimate POLICE STATE, and so many laws regarding "immigration" passed that we are no longer the leaders of the free world, you are advocating for MORE government??? REALLY???

What you really need is LESS government and more personal accountability. You cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own stupidity.
Our gov't has passed Social Safety nets out the ying yang...........and illegals know how to take advantage of it.

The Cost burden for illegals costs us a ton of money. Not to mention a ton of money to process them into the country........Border Agents have to send 2 agents with an illegal to the hospital if they need medical care. That is policy.....and an example.

The way to end the problem in this country is to find, arrest, and deport those working here with fake i.d's......needed to go to work here. Since Reagan passed immigration reform a network of fake i.d's was set up to get fake SSN's and names so they can get a job here. The Social Security Administration admits the same but doesn't care becasue they pay taxes.

Shut down the illegal id networks...........prosecute those with the fake i.d.'s...........and the talking heads would explode.
This is where our tax money is being wasted by liberals. OAN News network shows this every hour.

$8-9 thousand a second.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration Clock

Jail employers that knowingly hire illegals (including tRump) and you'll stop the clock in 30 days.

While were at it, reverse the Republican worker visa program and and cancel the insane worker visa to US citizenship that tRump promotes and put real Americans back to work.

AMERICANS FIRST starts with workers.
America first starts with a 20-year moratorium on ALL immigration to the USA. Zero immigration for 20 years.

According to a report in today's news, the unemployment rate is at an 80 year all time low. That is statistical ZERO unemployment, IF the figures were true. So, here is your dilemma:

1) IF unemployment is at an all time low, there are no good pretexts for this over-reaction to foreigners

2) IF unemployment is at an all time low, how do you account for generational welfarites?

When Obama was president the unemployment rate was in double digits. The people opposing the influx of foreigners would point out that once a person exhausted their unemployment benefits and quit looking for a job, they fell off the books for statistical purposes.

So, today either Trump is eliminating the pretext for sanctions on incoming foreigners OR his bean counters are lying just like Obama's were. I would submit that Trump's bean counters are liars.

We have generational welfarites and most of them are white males who do not want to work, sacrifice, and build something for themselves. THAT is why they are relying on Uncle Scam to build the bigger and more intrusive government. Rest assured, you cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own actions.
None of which has any significant bearing on the amount of money that is being thrown about in the name of open borders.

The 'open borders' crowd is not interested in alleviating employment woes. This is purely an exercise in grabbing power and fostering dependencies to cement their hold on this power.

The few hundred billion dollars is a paltry sum compared to the trillions that are at stake.
Our gov't has passed Social Safety nets out the ying yang...........and illegals know how to take advantage of it.

The Cost burden for illegals costs us a ton of money. Not to mention a ton of money to process them into the country........Border Agents have to send 2 agents with an illegal to the hospital if they need medical care. That is policy.....and an example.

The way to end the problem in this country is to find, arrest, and deport those working here with fake i.d's......needed to go to work here. Since Reagan passed immigration reform a network of fake i.d's was set up to get fake SSN's and names so they can get a job here. The Social Security Administration admits the same but doesn't care becasue they pay taxes.

Shut down the illegal id networks...........prosecute those with the fake i.d.'s...........and the talking heads would explode.

You have no credible source from which to base your claims. That is known as fear mongering.

You now tell me that the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify system is not working. So, your side propped up the IRS, the income tax and saved the 16th Amendment (it was on life support and being ready to get repealed when you guys started this National ID B.S.) Today, taking away the advantage of anonymity which is crucial if the people were to have to rebel against a tyrannical government and telling me that the TRILLIONS you have already spent on this issue should be a wake up call.

When your proposals are more costly than any benefit they can promise to deliver, it's time for you to have a wake up call. If you try and tell businesses who they can and cannot hire, do you know what happens? They move to foreign countries.

You're hitting the "funny" icon while you side with those wasting TRILLIONS of tax dollars, screwing us out of our Rights, and making it impossible for a resistance to unconstitutional government to exist.
This is where our tax money is being wasted by liberals. OAN News network shows this every hour.

$8-9 thousand a second.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration Clock

Jail employers that knowingly hire illegals (including tRump) and you'll stop the clock in 30 days.

While were at it, reverse the Republican worker visa program and and cancel the insane worker visa to US citizenship that tRump promotes and put real Americans back to work.

AMERICANS FIRST starts with workers.
America first starts with a 20-year moratorium on ALL immigration to the USA. Zero immigration for 20 years.

According to a report in today's news, the unemployment rate is at an 80 year all time low. That is statistical ZERO unemployment, IF the figures were true. So, here is your dilemma:

1) IF unemployment is at an all time low, there are no good pretexts for this over-reaction to foreigners

2) IF unemployment is at an all time low, how do you account for generational welfarites?

When Obama was president the unemployment rate was in double digits. The people opposing the influx of foreigners would point out that once a person exhausted their unemployment benefits and quit looking for a job, they fell off the books for statistical purposes.

So, today either Trump is eliminating the pretext for sanctions on incoming foreigners OR his bean counters are lying just like Obama's were. I would submit that Trump's bean counters are liars.

We have generational welfarites and most of them are white males who do not want to work, sacrifice, and build something for themselves. THAT is why they are relying on Uncle Scam to build the bigger and more intrusive government. Rest assured, you cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own actions.
None of which has any significant bearing on the amount of money that is being thrown about in the name of open borders.

The 'open borders' crowd is not interested in alleviating employment woes. This is purely an exercise in grabbing power and fostering dependencies to cement their hold on this power.

The few hundred billion dollars is a paltry sum compared to the trillions that are at stake.

Democrat or Republican; left or right; conservative or liberal, the name of the game is CONTROL. It does not matter whether it is Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell or Donald Trump, they are all about CONTROL.

The actions of the politicians is to take advantage of the ignorance of the masses and bring you into a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. The strategies are calculated to have you lobby for your own defeat.

The fact is, unless the political hacks have accomplished some new mathematical prestidigitation, the "solutions" (if you call regression a solution) have only boasted savings in the hundreds of billions. Their efforts over the last 15 or so years have cost TRILLIONS in tax dollars. In short, you are spending dollars to save pennies. It was planned that way.

Embarrassingly, if you went back 20, then 30 and 40 years ago, you are only regurgitating the proposed solutions the Democrats put on the table. Empowering a federal government with the ability to give you all you want means they are big enough to take all you have. Now, they're big enough, our demographics give the advantage to the non-whites and the left with each passing year, and they have people like you supporting laws that were designed, specifically, to dilute the white vote and make white people a minority. You can't make this stuff up.
Our gov't has passed Social Safety nets out the ying yang...........and illegals know how to take advantage of it.

The Cost burden for illegals costs us a ton of money. Not to mention a ton of money to process them into the country........Border Agents have to send 2 agents with an illegal to the hospital if they need medical care. That is policy.....and an example.

The way to end the problem in this country is to find, arrest, and deport those working here with fake i.d's......needed to go to work here. Since Reagan passed immigration reform a network of fake i.d's was set up to get fake SSN's and names so they can get a job here. The Social Security Administration admits the same but doesn't care becasue they pay taxes.

Shut down the illegal id networks...........prosecute those with the fake i.d.'s...........and the talking heads would explode.

You have no credible source from which to base your claims. That is known as fear mongering.

You now tell me that the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify system is not working. So, your side propped up the IRS, the income tax and saved the 16th Amendment (it was on life support and being ready to get repealed when you guys started this National ID B.S.) Today, taking away the advantage of anonymity which is crucial if the people were to have to rebel against a tyrannical government and telling me that the TRILLIONS you have already spent on this issue should be a wake up call.

When your proposals are more costly than any benefit they can promise to deliver, it's time for you to have a wake up call. If you try and tell businesses who they can and cannot hire, do you know what happens? They move to foreign countries.

You're hitting the "funny" icon while you side with those wasting TRILLIONS of tax dollars, screwing us out of our Rights, and making it impossible for a resistance to unconstitutional government to exist. order to work here from that gotta have an i.d. ...........Guess the illegals coming here have a magic lamp..........rub it.........and bam.......they have the i.ds..........

Illegal is is clear you are for open borders.......I am not. If they come it legally........and BTW...........Every Nation on earth has rules for entering their country..........Go to Mexico without a passport or i.d..............enjoy.
Our gov't has passed Social Safety nets out the ying yang...........and illegals know how to take advantage of it.

The Cost burden for illegals costs us a ton of money. Not to mention a ton of money to process them into the country........Border Agents have to send 2 agents with an illegal to the hospital if they need medical care. That is policy.....and an example.

The way to end the problem in this country is to find, arrest, and deport those working here with fake i.d's......needed to go to work here. Since Reagan passed immigration reform a network of fake i.d's was set up to get fake SSN's and names so they can get a job here. The Social Security Administration admits the same but doesn't care becasue they pay taxes.

Shut down the illegal id networks...........prosecute those with the fake i.d.'s...........and the talking heads would explode.

You have no credible source from which to base your claims. That is known as fear mongering.

You now tell me that the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify system is not working. So, your side propped up the IRS, the income tax and saved the 16th Amendment (it was on life support and being ready to get repealed when you guys started this National ID B.S.) Today, taking away the advantage of anonymity which is crucial if the people were to have to rebel against a tyrannical government and telling me that the TRILLIONS you have already spent on this issue should be a wake up call.

When your proposals are more costly than any benefit they can promise to deliver, it's time for you to have a wake up call. If you try and tell businesses who they can and cannot hire, do you know what happens? They move to foreign countries.

You're hitting the "funny" icon while you side with those wasting TRILLIONS of tax dollars, screwing us out of our Rights, and making it impossible for a resistance to unconstitutional government to exist. order to work here from that gotta have an i.d. ...........Guess the illegals coming here have a magic lamp..........rub it.........and bam.......they have the i.ds..........

Illegal is is clear you are for open borders.......I am not. If they come it legally........and BTW...........Every Nation on earth has rules for entering their country..........Go to Mexico without a passport or i.d..............enjoy.

Hey Einstein... EVERYBODY who comes here does so "legally." You do respect the Rule of Law, don't you?

I am going to presuppose that you already know that the courts in America have tried to usurp powers not given to them in the Constitution. It's called legislating from the bench. The father of our country warned against this practice in his Farewell Speech:

"If in the opinion of the People, the distribution or modification of the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed."

Is there anything I've said so far you have a problem understanding?
You do realize that your citing source is funded by a rich white supremacist, right?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning you. I'm pointing out that if you want to be honest about it, there is a bit of bias in anything John Tanton financed. Secondly, there is no point peeing down peoples neck and telling them this is about anything less that racial preservation. America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion, so it's time to put this subject into its proper perspective.
Even if that were so, we don't need or want these illegal scum or the coyotes or cartels that profit off them at OUR expense.

You do realize that your citing source is funded by a rich white supremacist, right?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning you. I'm pointing out that if you want to be honest about it, there is a bit of bias in anything John Tanton financed. Secondly, there is no point peeing down peoples neck and telling them this is about anything less that racial preservation. America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion, so it's time to put this subject into its proper perspective.
Even if that were so, we don't need or want these illegal scum or the coyotes or cartels that profit off them at OUR expense.

If that is true, then attack the root of the problem. You cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own stupidity.

I know you meant that to be funny, but it is uncannily true and the Republicans along with the Trump supporters being the root cause of the problem. Never have the white people worked against their own interests harder than they do with the Democrat "solutions" (if you can call regression a solution) they have been programmed, Pavlovian style, to react to, falsely believing those to be something in the white peoples best interest.
You do realize that your citing source is funded by a rich white supremacist, right?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning you. I'm pointing out that if you want to be honest about it, there is a bit of bias in anything John Tanton financed. Secondly, there is no point peeing down peoples neck and telling them this is about anything less that racial preservation. America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion, so it's time to put this subject into its proper perspective.
Even if that were so, we don't need or want these illegal scum or the coyotes or cartels that profit off them at OUR expense.

If that is true, then attack the root of the problem. You cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own stupidity.
And what, pray tell, is the root?
You do realize that your citing source is funded by a rich white supremacist, right?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning you. I'm pointing out that if you want to be honest about it, there is a bit of bias in anything John Tanton financed. Secondly, there is no point peeing down peoples neck and telling them this is about anything less that racial preservation. America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion, so it's time to put this subject into its proper perspective.
Even if that were so, we don't need or want these illegal scum or the coyotes or cartels that profit off them at OUR expense.

If that is true, then attack the root of the problem. You cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own stupidity.
And what, pray tell, is the root?

I suppose you want the bumper sticker answer. It is wholly inadequate, but here would be SOME of the more obvious observations:

When children enter school, many are from single parent homes, homes that are dysfunctional, and / or homes with drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. living in them. What do you think the divorce rate is in this country?

Well now, the child goes to school and the first thing mommy and / or school officials thoughtfully do is to begin using hard core drugs like Adderall or Ritalin for nonexistent conditions. Then the cycle of solving problems with feel good pills begins. Ultimately the child is in middle school and has graduated to more potent drugs - both legal and illegal. Opioids, as you know are the number ONE over-used drug with Americans consuming over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. When these kids cannot get the opioids legally, they are available on the black market. You also see doctors prescribing SSRIs (associated with mass shooters) about the same time. It is at this point that many kids begin self medicating with pot, heroin, etc.

By the time this generation is in their 20s, they are dropped from mommy's insurance. It's a terrible situation. These kids are now adults and have no high school diploma, no driver's license, no health insurance no work history, no skill sets, no coping skills, no critical thinking skills, a drug habit and a criminal record.

So, they end up living in mommy's house, rent free, drawing out of the welfare dole because they are lazy mother fuckers - CREATED by mommy, the school system, doctors, the mental health professions and Big Pharma. Nobody is going to hire them. THEY DON'T SHOW UP AND ASK FOR THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Who wants someone with a checkered past and no initiative? BTW, the Trump supporters added to the problem with their background check B.S. Today, even if these people try to get their excrement together, they are locked out of a job. They can't get past Big Brother's background checks... put into place by anti-immigrant hacks. They don't get beyond their past.

So, we allow the system to create drug addicts and the resulting profit motive cops have to bust the dealers and steal their profits to buy more military gear and the cycle goes on and on. Government gets bigger, Liberties are lost, and we don't resolve the root of the problem. With a generation (now it's two or more) living off their parents and the free shit you falsely claim undocumented foreigners are getting being given to these lazy pieces of scatological waste and they learn how to make being a welfarite their career.

I advertise for jobs, actually gigs, to help lower income people. Oddly, whites do not apply for the jobs and then they bitch when a foreigner takes the job. If you do hire these people they can't do the job, lacking the mental and physical ability to do so. When they aren't smoking, they are talking on their cell phone. They are leaving a void whereby business has to hire the undocumented foreigner - well that and the fact that if you do background checks, most of those people don't measure up. The foreigners WILL work.

As long as whites don't have to work and mommy is going to put a roof over their head AND as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the drug dealers are going to find ways to supply the demand. Your better course of action is to admit the downfall of our culture and work to change the bottom line. Man up.

Children do not need drugs. We should be utilizing NON-DRUG therapies, see if children are living in dysfunctional homes and / or abusive environments BEFORE putting them on feel good pills. Those who are living in mommy's house rent free, dressing like it's Halloween seven days a week, smoking weed, shorting shit up their nose and spending their money on drugs and tattoos need to figure it out. Help is available. Change lives and change your culture. Quit believing that some idiot politician has the ability to change a morally depraved people that cannot think. - There you go. The Cliff Notes in ten paragraphs.
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You do realize that your citing source is funded by a rich white supremacist, right?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning you. I'm pointing out that if you want to be honest about it, there is a bit of bias in anything John Tanton financed. Secondly, there is no point peeing down peoples neck and telling them this is about anything less that racial preservation. America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion, so it's time to put this subject into its proper perspective.
Even if that were so, we don't need or want these illegal scum or the coyotes or cartels that profit off them at OUR expense.

If that is true, then attack the root of the problem. You cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own stupidity.
And what, pray tell, is the root?

I suppose you want the bumper sticker answer. It is wholly inadequate, but here would be SOME of the more obvious observations:

When children enter school, many are from single parent homes, homes that are dysfunctional, and / or homes with drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. living in them. What do you think the divorce rate is in this country?

Well now, the child goes to school and the first thing mommy and / or school officials thoughtfully do is to begin using hard core drugs like Adderall or Ritalin for nonexistent conditions. Then the cycle of solving problems with feel good pills begins. Ultimately the child is in middle school and has graduated to more potent drugs - both legal and illegal. Opioids, as you know are the number ONE over-used drug with Americans consuming over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. When these kids cannot get the opioids legally, they are available on the black market. You also see doctors prescribing SSRIs (associated with mass shooters) about the same time. It is at this point that many kids begin self medicating with pot, heroin, etc.

By the time this generation is in their 20s, they are dropped from mommy's insurance. It's a terrible situation. These kids are now adults and have no high school diploma, no driver's license, no health insurance no work history, no skill sets, no coping skills, no critical thinking skills, a drug habit and a criminal record.

So, they end up living in mommy's house, rent free, drawing out of the welfare dole because they are lazy mother fuckers - CREATED by mommy, the school system, doctors, the mental health professions and Big Pharma. Nobody is going to hire them. THEY DON'T SHOW UP AND ASK FOR THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Who wants someone with a checkered past and no initiative? BTW, the Trump supporters added to the problem with their background check B.S. Today, even if these people try to get their excrement together, they are locked out of a job. They can't get past Big Brother's background checks... put into place by anti-immigrant hacks. They don't get beyond their past.

So, we allow the system to create drug addicts and the resulting profit motive cops have to bust the dealers and steal their profits to buy more military gear and the cycle goes on and on. Government gets bigger, Liberties are lost, and we don't resolve the root of the problem. With a generation (now it's two or more) living off their parents and the free shit you falsely claim undocumented foreigners are getting being given to these lazy pieces of scatological waste and they learn how to make being a welfarite their career.

I advertise for jobs, actually gigs, to help lower income people. Oddly, whites do not apply for the jobs and then they bitch when a foreigner takes the job. If you do hire these people they can't do the job, lacking the mental and physical ability to do so. When they aren't smoking, they are talking on their cell phone. They are leaving a void whereby business has to hire the undocumented foreigner - well that and the fact that if you do background checks, most of those people don't measure up. The foreigners WILL work.

As long as whites don't have to work and mommy is going to put a roof over their head AND as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the drug dealers are going to find ways to supply the demand. Your better course of action is to admit the downfall of our culture and work to change the bottom line. Man up.

Children do not need drugs. We should be utilizing NON-DRUG therapies, see if children are living in dysfunctional homes and / or abusive environments BEFORE putting them on feel good pills. Those who are living in mommy's house rent free, dressing like it's Halloween seven days a week, smoking weed, shorting shit up their nose and spending their money on drugs and tattoos need to figure it out. Help is available. Change lives and change your culture. Quit believing that some idiot politician has the ability to change a morally depraved people that cannot think. - There you go. The Cliff Notes in ten paragraphs.
How about we don't give any handouts? It is not Halloween in the US every day of the year. Whites, blacks, any Americans-no more. And never ever any for illegals
You do realize that your citing source is funded by a rich white supremacist, right?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning you. I'm pointing out that if you want to be honest about it, there is a bit of bias in anything John Tanton financed. Secondly, there is no point peeing down peoples neck and telling them this is about anything less that racial preservation. America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion, so it's time to put this subject into its proper perspective.
Even if that were so, we don't need or want these illegal scum or the coyotes or cartels that profit off them at OUR expense.

If that is true, then attack the root of the problem. You cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own stupidity.
And what, pray tell, is the root?

I suppose you want the bumper sticker answer. It is wholly inadequate, but here would be SOME of the more obvious observations:

When children enter school, many are from single parent homes, homes that are dysfunctional, and / or homes with drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. living in them. What do you think the divorce rate is in this country?

Well now, the child goes to school and the first thing mommy and / or school officials thoughtfully do is to begin using hard core drugs like Adderall or Ritalin for nonexistent conditions. Then the cycle of solving problems with feel good pills begins. Ultimately the child is in middle school and has graduated to more potent drugs - both legal and illegal. Opioids, as you know are the number ONE over-used drug with Americans consuming over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. When these kids cannot get the opioids legally, they are available on the black market. You also see doctors prescribing SSRIs (associated with mass shooters) about the same time. It is at this point that many kids begin self medicating with pot, heroin, etc.

By the time this generation is in their 20s, they are dropped from mommy's insurance. It's a terrible situation. These kids are now adults and have no high school diploma, no driver's license, no health insurance no work history, no skill sets, no coping skills, no critical thinking skills, a drug habit and a criminal record.

So, they end up living in mommy's house, rent free, drawing out of the welfare dole because they are lazy mother fuckers - CREATED by mommy, the school system, doctors, the mental health professions and Big Pharma. Nobody is going to hire them. THEY DON'T SHOW UP AND ASK FOR THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Who wants someone with a checkered past and no initiative? BTW, the Trump supporters added to the problem with their background check B.S. Today, even if these people try to get their excrement together, they are locked out of a job. They can't get past Big Brother's background checks... put into place by anti-immigrant hacks. They don't get beyond their past.

So, we allow the system to create drug addicts and the resulting profit motive cops have to bust the dealers and steal their profits to buy more military gear and the cycle goes on and on. Government gets bigger, Liberties are lost, and we don't resolve the root of the problem. With a generation (now it's two or more) living off their parents and the free shit you falsely claim undocumented foreigners are getting being given to these lazy pieces of scatological waste and they learn how to make being a welfarite their career.

I advertise for jobs, actually gigs, to help lower income people. Oddly, whites do not apply for the jobs and then they bitch when a foreigner takes the job. If you do hire these people they can't do the job, lacking the mental and physical ability to do so. When they aren't smoking, they are talking on their cell phone. They are leaving a void whereby business has to hire the undocumented foreigner - well that and the fact that if you do background checks, most of those people don't measure up. The foreigners WILL work.

As long as whites don't have to work and mommy is going to put a roof over their head AND as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the drug dealers are going to find ways to supply the demand. Your better course of action is to admit the downfall of our culture and work to change the bottom line. Man up.

Children do not need drugs. We should be utilizing NON-DRUG therapies, see if children are living in dysfunctional homes and / or abusive environments BEFORE putting them on feel good pills. Those who are living in mommy's house rent free, dressing like it's Halloween seven days a week, smoking weed, shorting shit up their nose and spending their money on drugs and tattoos need to figure it out. Help is available. Change lives and change your culture. Quit believing that some idiot politician has the ability to change a morally depraved people that cannot think. - There you go. The Cliff Notes in ten paragraphs.
How about we don't give any handouts? It is not Halloween in the US every day of the year. Whites, blacks, any Americans-no more. And never ever any for illegals

Great platitudes, but no blueprint. See post # 36 for my first suggestion on a real solution.

In order to get on a level playing field, Do you believe in the Rule of Law? Do you support the Constitution as originally written and intended OR are you a supporter of the liberal "living Constitution" idea?
Even if that were so, we don't need or want these illegal scum or the coyotes or cartels that profit off them at OUR expense.

If that is true, then attack the root of the problem. You cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own stupidity.
And what, pray tell, is the root?

I suppose you want the bumper sticker answer. It is wholly inadequate, but here would be SOME of the more obvious observations:

When children enter school, many are from single parent homes, homes that are dysfunctional, and / or homes with drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. living in them. What do you think the divorce rate is in this country?

Well now, the child goes to school and the first thing mommy and / or school officials thoughtfully do is to begin using hard core drugs like Adderall or Ritalin for nonexistent conditions. Then the cycle of solving problems with feel good pills begins. Ultimately the child is in middle school and has graduated to more potent drugs - both legal and illegal. Opioids, as you know are the number ONE over-used drug with Americans consuming over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. When these kids cannot get the opioids legally, they are available on the black market. You also see doctors prescribing SSRIs (associated with mass shooters) about the same time. It is at this point that many kids begin self medicating with pot, heroin, etc.

By the time this generation is in their 20s, they are dropped from mommy's insurance. It's a terrible situation. These kids are now adults and have no high school diploma, no driver's license, no health insurance no work history, no skill sets, no coping skills, no critical thinking skills, a drug habit and a criminal record.

So, they end up living in mommy's house, rent free, drawing out of the welfare dole because they are lazy mother fuckers - CREATED by mommy, the school system, doctors, the mental health professions and Big Pharma. Nobody is going to hire them. THEY DON'T SHOW UP AND ASK FOR THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Who wants someone with a checkered past and no initiative? BTW, the Trump supporters added to the problem with their background check B.S. Today, even if these people try to get their excrement together, they are locked out of a job. They can't get past Big Brother's background checks... put into place by anti-immigrant hacks. They don't get beyond their past.

So, we allow the system to create drug addicts and the resulting profit motive cops have to bust the dealers and steal their profits to buy more military gear and the cycle goes on and on. Government gets bigger, Liberties are lost, and we don't resolve the root of the problem. With a generation (now it's two or more) living off their parents and the free shit you falsely claim undocumented foreigners are getting being given to these lazy pieces of scatological waste and they learn how to make being a welfarite their career.

I advertise for jobs, actually gigs, to help lower income people. Oddly, whites do not apply for the jobs and then they bitch when a foreigner takes the job. If you do hire these people they can't do the job, lacking the mental and physical ability to do so. When they aren't smoking, they are talking on their cell phone. They are leaving a void whereby business has to hire the undocumented foreigner - well that and the fact that if you do background checks, most of those people don't measure up. The foreigners WILL work.

As long as whites don't have to work and mommy is going to put a roof over their head AND as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the drug dealers are going to find ways to supply the demand. Your better course of action is to admit the downfall of our culture and work to change the bottom line. Man up.

Children do not need drugs. We should be utilizing NON-DRUG therapies, see if children are living in dysfunctional homes and / or abusive environments BEFORE putting them on feel good pills. Those who are living in mommy's house rent free, dressing like it's Halloween seven days a week, smoking weed, shorting shit up their nose and spending their money on drugs and tattoos need to figure it out. Help is available. Change lives and change your culture. Quit believing that some idiot politician has the ability to change a morally depraved people that cannot think. - There you go. The Cliff Notes in ten paragraphs.
How about we don't give any handouts? It is not Halloween in the US every day of the year. Whites, blacks, any Americans-no more. And never ever any for illegals

Great platitudes, but no blueprint. See post # 36 for my first suggestion on a real solution.

In order to get on a level playing field, Do you believe in the Rule of Law? Do you support the Constitution as originally written and intended OR are you a supporter of the liberal "living Constitution" idea?
Do what makes sense is what I support.
If that is true, then attack the root of the problem. You cannot build a government big enough to save you from your own stupidity.
And what, pray tell, is the root?

I suppose you want the bumper sticker answer. It is wholly inadequate, but here would be SOME of the more obvious observations:

When children enter school, many are from single parent homes, homes that are dysfunctional, and / or homes with drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. living in them. What do you think the divorce rate is in this country?

Well now, the child goes to school and the first thing mommy and / or school officials thoughtfully do is to begin using hard core drugs like Adderall or Ritalin for nonexistent conditions. Then the cycle of solving problems with feel good pills begins. Ultimately the child is in middle school and has graduated to more potent drugs - both legal and illegal. Opioids, as you know are the number ONE over-used drug with Americans consuming over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. When these kids cannot get the opioids legally, they are available on the black market. You also see doctors prescribing SSRIs (associated with mass shooters) about the same time. It is at this point that many kids begin self medicating with pot, heroin, etc.

By the time this generation is in their 20s, they are dropped from mommy's insurance. It's a terrible situation. These kids are now adults and have no high school diploma, no driver's license, no health insurance no work history, no skill sets, no coping skills, no critical thinking skills, a drug habit and a criminal record.

So, they end up living in mommy's house, rent free, drawing out of the welfare dole because they are lazy mother fuckers - CREATED by mommy, the school system, doctors, the mental health professions and Big Pharma. Nobody is going to hire them. THEY DON'T SHOW UP AND ASK FOR THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Who wants someone with a checkered past and no initiative? BTW, the Trump supporters added to the problem with their background check B.S. Today, even if these people try to get their excrement together, they are locked out of a job. They can't get past Big Brother's background checks... put into place by anti-immigrant hacks. They don't get beyond their past.

So, we allow the system to create drug addicts and the resulting profit motive cops have to bust the dealers and steal their profits to buy more military gear and the cycle goes on and on. Government gets bigger, Liberties are lost, and we don't resolve the root of the problem. With a generation (now it's two or more) living off their parents and the free shit you falsely claim undocumented foreigners are getting being given to these lazy pieces of scatological waste and they learn how to make being a welfarite their career.

I advertise for jobs, actually gigs, to help lower income people. Oddly, whites do not apply for the jobs and then they bitch when a foreigner takes the job. If you do hire these people they can't do the job, lacking the mental and physical ability to do so. When they aren't smoking, they are talking on their cell phone. They are leaving a void whereby business has to hire the undocumented foreigner - well that and the fact that if you do background checks, most of those people don't measure up. The foreigners WILL work.

As long as whites don't have to work and mommy is going to put a roof over their head AND as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the drug dealers are going to find ways to supply the demand. Your better course of action is to admit the downfall of our culture and work to change the bottom line. Man up.

Children do not need drugs. We should be utilizing NON-DRUG therapies, see if children are living in dysfunctional homes and / or abusive environments BEFORE putting them on feel good pills. Those who are living in mommy's house rent free, dressing like it's Halloween seven days a week, smoking weed, shorting shit up their nose and spending their money on drugs and tattoos need to figure it out. Help is available. Change lives and change your culture. Quit believing that some idiot politician has the ability to change a morally depraved people that cannot think. - There you go. The Cliff Notes in ten paragraphs.
How about we don't give any handouts? It is not Halloween in the US every day of the year. Whites, blacks, any Americans-no more. And never ever any for illegals

Great platitudes, but no blueprint. See post # 36 for my first suggestion on a real solution.

In order to get on a level playing field, Do you believe in the Rule of Law? Do you support the Constitution as originally written and intended OR are you a supporter of the liberal "living Constitution" idea?
Do what makes sense is what I support.

Really? Explain how enforcing laws, forced through Congress by liberal Democrat, Ted Kennedy, and designed to dilute the white vote in order to make whites the minority makes sense. How does that make sense at any level? That is the mantra we hear: enforce the laws.

Since you deflected on the question of which Constitution you support (an originalist interpretation versus the "living Constitution,"), I'm led to believe that as long as you get your single issue agenda attended to, then to Hell with the Constitution. Correct? I want you to hear from one of our founders:

"But in the absence of a constitution, men look entirely to party; and instead of principle governing party, party governs principle. An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."

—Thomas Paine, A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

Do you have any idea what that means?

We cannot sustain our race, our culture, our heritage nor the principles put forward in the Constitution if you're waging war against it just for instant gratification on a single issue.

" For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8: 36

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