Corrections controversy


Gold Member
Dec 9, 2013
This incident is a little bit old and has been eclipsed by the george floyd shooting. It made national news but only in a small way so many missed it.

The officer was convicted and sent to prison for this. Within the community of corrections officers however it is very controversial with many thinking the CO was rairoaded and did not deserve to be sent ot prison.

What do the posters here think of it? The background is that a massive fight, a riot, was going on and all the COs were trying to regain control. The inmate slips behind the CO catching him by surprise. The inmate is in cuffs and taking a knee although the CO did not see the one knee touching the ground and the inmate appeared to be assuming an agressive crouch.

The inmate ended up with serious injuries.

The guy was obviously taking a knee when the guard clubbed him from behind as hard as he could. Clearly assault with a deadly weapon that was unprovoked. Lock him up.
The guy was obviously taking a knee when the guard clubbed him from behind as hard as he could. Clearly assault with a deadly weapon that was unprovoked. Lock him up.
Your TDS is noteworthy-- now go post your shit where it belongs. Not here.
The guy was obviously taking a knee when the guard clubbed him from behind as hard as he could. Clearly assault with a deadly weapon that was unprovoked. Lock him up.
Yes from the angle of the camera he was taking a knee. The CO did not see that. HE saw an inmate spitting at other inmates and crouching.

Also moving behind someone in the midst of a massive fight after being ordered to stand down IS provocation.

Does that change your view?
Yes from the angle of the camera he was taking a knee. The CO did not see that. HE saw an inmate spitting at other inmates and crouching.

Does that change your view?
That was my view.
Take it or leave it.
Beyond that, I couldn't care less either way.
IF you dont care dont post.

Yes we all see it from the cameras view. Does it change your opinon that the CO was provoked and saw a crouch not a knee going down?
IF you dont care dont post.

Yes we all see it from the cameras view. Does it change your opinon that the CO was provoked and saw a crouch not a knee going down?
Good. Remember that next time you troll on my 9/11 threads .
IF you dont care dont post.

Yes we all see it from the cameras view. Does it change your opinon that the CO was provoked and saw a crouch not a knee going down?
Good. Remember that next time you troll on my 9/11 threads .
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I never troll I stated facts proving you wrong. They are not nyour threads as was proven. And yes this one is not mine.
This incident is a little bit old and has been eclipsed by the george floyd shooting. It made national news but only in a small way so many missed it.

I don't wanna' piss on anyone's Wheaties, but I can't believe this hasn't been pointed out: George Floyd wasn't shot...
This incident is a little bit old and has been eclipsed by the george floyd shooting. It made national news but only in a small way so many missed it.

I don't wanna' piss on anyone's Wheaties, but I can't believe this hasn't been pointed out: George Floyd wasn't shot...
Soupy must be nipping at the wine already.:beer:
I watched the video several times. I can understand why the CO was tried, and convicted.

Video has been a great thing, and a bad thing. Before Video, it was the word of the Cop, or CO, against the word of the suspect, or convict. And the LE Community learned how to phrase things to make themselves look as good as possible. I was afeared for my life. I was afeared for the lives of my fellow officers. I was afeared for the lives of the civilians. Then Video started to show that all the phrases were not exactly true.

Now, some of the slowest people to learn this lesson is the LE Community. They get upset when the magic words don’t get them out of trouble. I was afeared of whatever.

Notice how the language describes being hit from behind. A Sucker Punch. Pearl Harbor, sneak attack. We consider it unfair, less than honorable, and anyone who would do it worthy of contempt.

The LE Community is pretty upset. Because what they could always count on getting away with, now they are not. They don’t understand. And in a way I guess I sort of understand their frustration and confusion.

The Problem is that the LE Community believed their own propaganda too. On Paper or in verbal testimony in a court room. It is one thing to hear that you struck the individual with your club, nightstick, PR-24, or Baton, depending on what your State calls it. You struck him in defense. However, seeing the individual clubbed. Right upside the head, which is generally speaking a potentially lethal blow, well that is different isn’t it?

Years ago, before Video, you could claim that when you hit the guy in the head, he was unexpectedly ducking to avoid your blow, and it was a last moment thing, and you didn’t have time to redirect or change the blow that was aimed at his arm. The blow to the head was unintentional, and you insured that he was alive, and offered him medical treatment for the wound afterwards.

When the guy doesn’t move an inch, because he doesn’t see it coming, that excuse doesn’t go very far does it? Not when the video shows the truth.

You argue that the CO didn’t see him kneeling. The CO did not see one leg back and one forward? The CO seemed to see the leg that was extended in his direction well enough to avoid tripping over it, but not so much that he could tell the guy was kneeling?

What this case really is, well you won’t like it. It is more proof that the old days, are gone. And the times they are a changing. All the things you used to be able to get away with, and the CO‘s and LEO‘s pretended was right and justified? Well it was wrong and it was absolutely not justified.

People argue that it makes the job nearly impossible. No it doesn’t. It just means that the CO’s and LEO’s have to actually start doing what they’ve said they were doing for decades for a change.
I watched the video several times. I can understand why the CO was tried, and convicted.

Video has been a great thing, and a bad thing. Before Video, it was the word of the Cop, or CO, against the word of the suspect, or convict. And the LE Community learned how to phrase things to make themselves look as good as possible. I was afeared for my life. I was afeared for the lives of my fellow officers. I was afeared for the lives of the civilians. Then Video started to show that all the phrases were not exactly true.

Now, some of the slowest people to learn this lesson is the LE Community. They get upset when the magic words don’t get them out of trouble. I was afeared of whatever.

Notice how the language describes being hit from behind. A Sucker Punch. Pearl Harbor, sneak attack. We consider it unfair, less than honorable, and anyone who would do it worthy of contempt.

The LE Community is pretty upset. Because what they could always count on getting away with, now they are not. They don’t understand. And in a way I guess I sort of understand their frustration and confusion.

The Problem is that the LE Community believed their own propaganda too. On Paper or in verbal testimony in a court room. It is one thing to hear that you struck the individual with your club, nightstick, PR-24, or Baton, depending on what your State calls it. You struck him in defense. However, seeing the individual clubbed. Right upside the head, which is generally speaking a potentially lethal blow, well that is different isn’t it?

Years ago, before Video, you could claim that when you hit the guy in the head, he was unexpectedly ducking to avoid your blow, and it was a last moment thing, and you didn’t have time to redirect or change the blow that was aimed at his arm. The blow to the head was unintentional, and you insured that he was alive, and offered him medical treatment for the wound afterwards.

When the guy doesn’t move an inch, because he doesn’t see it coming, that excuse doesn’t go very far does it? Not when the video shows the truth.

You argue that the CO didn’t see him kneeling. The CO did not see one leg back and one forward? The CO seemed to see the leg that was extended in his direction well enough to avoid tripping over it, but not so much that he could tell the guy was kneeling?

What this case really is, well you won’t like it. It is more proof that the old days, are gone. And the times they are a changing. All the things you used to be able to get away with, and the CO‘s and LEO‘s pretended was right and justified? Well it was wrong and it was absolutely not justified.

People argue that it makes the job nearly impossible. No it doesn’t. It just means that the CO’s and LEO’s have to actually start doing what they’ve said they were doing for decades for a change.
Thanks for a reasonable response.

I have always understood why he was convited as well. If I were on a jury I would be hard pressed to acquit him.

I am not making an argument so much as wondering what peoples different opinions aree.

From the other side I do not think the officer could have seen that he was taking a knee so I can understand why he felt the inmate was preparing to lunge or attack others. From a different perspective ( the officer ) it appeared to be hostile. None of that is certian but not unreasonable either.

The inmate definetely moved downward which may have caused him to duck into the blow. He may not have been doing this to duck the blow as you suggest but merely because he was in fact lowering his upper body as he began to kneel. Either way he seems to have dipped into it

This particular incident is very tricky to me. On the one hand based on the totality of the violence going on that day one the officers response seems to be reactive which would mean not criminal . On the other hand since the inmate was taking a knee and cuffed up it does seem like a potentially lethal shot to the head was excessive.

I just cant make up my mind which is why I was wondering what others think.

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