

Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Ok for argument sake we have 3 basic pieces of the Federal Government that control most things. 2 Houses of the Legislature and the President. Yes I know about the Judiciary but it has nothing to do with making policy, laws or spending money.

Now I would argue that when one party controls 2 of the 3 main parts of the Government, then they are responsible for the debt, the policies, and anything good or bad that happens to the Country under their control.

What is the point?

Simple. For argument sake the Republicans controlled the Government from 1996 through 2006. The Democrats have controlled the Government from 2007 to present.

Why am I bringing this up?

Because we have several wingnuts that make claims like " the Republicans have run the Country for the last 10 years" Or the economy collapsed while republicans ran the Government". Or Bush is to blame for everything since he took office and since.

None of those Statements are true.

Now for arguments sake we will blame a President for any debt under his tenure ( even though Congress not the President controls the purse strings).

That means that from 2001 to 2008 Bush owns a 6 trillion debt. But that also means that from 2009 to present Obama owns a 6 trillion debt.

So on any objective scale who has run this country into the ground?

Remember that Bush and McCain tried 3 times to rein in Fanny and Freddy and were defeated all 3 times by Dodd and Frank. Remember that just a couple months before the housing crash barney Frank was on national TV telling the American people that not only was the Housing market safe and stable, the only danger it faced was from more regulation.

In 8 years Bush spent 6 trillion, in 4 years Obama spent 6 trillion. Anyone seeing a pattern here? Who was President when our credit was downgraded? Who promised us that if we just spent like drunken sailors Unemployment would not top 8 percent and that a recovery would begin by the end of 2009? Who has never signed a budget?

Which President went to war and refused to follow the war Powers act? Which President has publicly stated along with his appointed leaders that he will wage war in Syria not with Congressional approval but with UN approval? Which President has given tax payer money to Unions? Paid taxpayer money to left wing political groups?

Which President gave an interview before becoming President where he said it was his intention to bankrupt the source of 60 percent of our National electric producing plants? Which President has banned drilling on 85 percent of all available proven sources of oil and Natural gas in this Country? Which President announced he intended to drive gas prices up to ween us off gas?

Which President told us that his Administration would be the most open and transparent in History and then used a signing order to tell his Executive agencies to LIE to the American people?

Which President signed into law an act that allows indefinite detention without charges or trial of "suspected" terrorists? Including American citizens? Which President authorized the killing of 3 American citizens ( one 16 years old) that had NEVER been charged with a crime.
The only pattern here is a decline in the willingness of republican lawmakers to accept the results of the 90s deregulation party. BTW the actual record of F+F regulation is two failed attempts during the period the entire government was republican and a successful attempt after democrats took the house not that it was the whole story of the financial collapse as some are fond of claiming, but that goes back to the sheer hatred republicans generally had of any government regulation prior to the collapse.
You are not taking into account the 4th department of the Federal govt, the bureaucracy, which is on retainer of one of the parties, specifically the "party of government." That department has tremendous power because it can undermine a president.

In the case of a Republican President, he will only control the nominal head of a department, and they (the assistants) can thwart his policies and orders. The ony one that I would exclude in that encapsulation is the military and then only the actual military services not the department of defense.

A thread attempting to realize a consensus on blame rather than solutions.

Wrong, a thread calling all you liberals that use every excuse in the book to explain away every failure of Obama. NOTHING, according to you is his fault. And since he has no accomplishments either, I guess that means for the last 4 years we have had no head of State. He did nothing wrong and accomplished nothing. At least according to the likes of you.

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