Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group


Gone and forgotten
Nov 27, 2008
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In your head
If this poll is accurate, its a major shift in attitude from last year, and very bad news for barry & friends.

Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group

Americans are more likely to consider themselves conservative this year than they were in 2008, resulting in conservatives -- now 40% of the American public -- outnumbering moderates for the first time since 2004. While Gallup first documented this trend in June, the finding has been sustained through the third quarter.

This happened before during the Clinton era in 1994 after the voters saw where Clinton was taking the country. Many voters appreciate "traditional values" only after they see the left's decadence, double-standards and double-talk. Nearly every campaign promise Barry made about "transparency", "change" and "competence" was broken.
I don't see any new laws that would create jobs, or more importantly, stop jobs from going overseas. All I see are czars that do nothing. With an unemployment rate above 10% in many areas it shouldn't be a surprise when the dems lose in the coming elections.
After 8 years of Bush people were ready for change, they need to do that once in awhile, to remind themselves that, 'yes,' things can get worse...
This couldn't possibly be true.

Americans overwhelmingly voted for "Change" last November. Don't you see how the world loves us now? How the economy has turned around? How Government spending is down? Taxes are reduced for those under 250K? Social Security is saved? Unemployment is way down? Free health care for all? Government spreads the message of freedom of speech and press the world over?

No, I don't see it either.

Democrats: Americans wanted a Black Ronald Reagan, not a Black Chairman Mao.

Sticky that and put in on your refrigerator so you'll remember next election cycle.
20% consider them self a Republican, so unless there is a seperate Conservative party, I don't believe the data, there will be four more years of Dem rule.:clap2:
20% consider them self a Republican, so unless there is a seperate Conservative party, I don't believe the data, there will be four more years of Dem rule.

Q: Are there conservative democrats, y/n?

Q: Are there conservative independents, y/n?

20% consider them self a Republican, so unless there is a seperate Conservative party, I don't believe the data, there will be four more years of Dem rule.

Q: Are there conservative democrats, y/n?

Q: Are there conservative independents, y/n?


Many of the assclowns on this board are waaaaay to fuckin' simple to understand that republicans and conservatives are not one in the same anymore. This republican party is far from conservative.
This couldn't possibly be true.

Americans overwhelmingly voted for "Change" last November. Don't you see how the world loves us now? How the economy has turned around? How Government spending is down? Taxes are reduced for those under 250K? Social Security is saved? Unemployment is way down? Free health care for all? Government spreads the message of freedom of speech and press the world over?

No, I don't see it either.

Democrats: Americans wanted a Black Ronald Reagan, not a Black Chairman Mao.

Sticky that and put in on your refrigerator so you'll remember next election cycle.

Not only did they wildly misunderstand their supposed "mandate".... they've actually gone the other way with it. :eek:
Not "post-partisan", but MOST-partisan. Not "post-racial", but MOST-racial. Not more "transparent", but rather... more cloistered and corrupt.

2010 will leave Obama to sit and spin for his final two years in office. And he'll have nothing to blame for it but his own poor judgment in his choice to mislead the American people.
Interesting chart..

The problem is that Conservatives run as republicans. The current death grip the conservatives have on the party alienates all of those moderates on your chart. When you combine moderates with liberals you get a landslide for the Democrats.

Your biggest problem is that you have Conservatives acting like wing-nuts screeching about "Obama is a Commie" , the birthers, the teabaggers....

Moderates look at them and ask "Do I want to associate with those people???"
Interesting chart..

The problem is that Conservatives run as republicans. The current death grip the conservatives have on the party alienates all of those moderates on your chart. When you combine moderates with liberals you get a landslide for the Democrats.

Your biggest problem is that you have Conservatives acting like wing-nuts screeching about "Obama is a Commie" , the birthers, the teabaggers....

Moderates look at them and ask "Do I want to associate with those people???"

The same as the wing-nuts on the other side???

The moderates can get fed up with lefty wing nuts just as easily... which it looks like they are
The problem is that Conservatives run as republicans. The current death grip the conservatives have on the party alienates all of those moderates on your chart. When you combine moderates with liberals you get a landslide for the Democrats.

Your biggest problem is that you have Conservatives acting like wing-nuts screeching about "Obama is a Commie" , the birthers, the teabaggers....

Moderates look at them and ask "Do I want to associate with those people???"

You're thinking like the 2008 election cycle, before the voters actually see what the dems do with political power, and the "2008 landslide".

The 2009 election will show a turning to the right, and the dems are dreading the 2010 mid-terms saying that "the party in power always loses seats in the mid-term election"

You don't need to be a "wing-nut" to dislike how Obama and the dems are governing. Especially UHC, C+T, the deficit, the debt, SS, Medicare, unemployment, criticizing FXN, etc.
It seems all those liberal idiots are on this message board.
20% consider them self a Republican, so unless there is a seperate Conservative party, I don't believe the data, there will be four more years of Dem rule.

Q: Are there conservative democrats, y/n?

Q: Are there conservative independents, y/n?


Many of the assclowns on this board are waaaaay to fuckin' simple to understand that republicans and conservatives are not one in the same anymore. This republican party is far from conservative.
This is true. To a degree.

One thing that also must be accounted for is the terms conservative, liberal and moderate are subjective.
Your definition of conservative might be different than Ted's definition of conservative.

The concept of being on the left, right, or middle politically isn't so cut and dry for many. For example, one can be fiscally conservative yet socially liberal, as I am, and vice versa. Though personally, I would identify myself as a liberal, for other reasons, others might self identify as more moderate or conservative leaning.

A poll such as this is highly subjective.
I would agree that they are the TOP Idealogical group.

I would also wager that many, many people are sick of Idealogy right now.

Only liberals who want us all to walk around without an idea, moral or critical thinking model in our heads. Let the government help you with that burden. :cuckoo:
The problem is that Conservatives run as republicans. The current death grip the conservatives have on the party alienates all of those moderates on your chart. When you combine moderates with liberals you get a landslide for the Democrats.

Your biggest problem is that you have Conservatives acting like wing-nuts screeching about "Obama is a Commie" , the birthers, the teabaggers....

Moderates look at them and ask "Do I want to associate with those people???"

You're thinking like the 2008 election cycle, before the voters actually see what the dems do with political power, and the "2008 landslide".

The 2009 election will show a turning to the right, and the dems are dreading the 2010 mid-terms saying that "the party in power always loses seats in the mid-term election"

You don't need to be a "wing-nut" to dislike how Obama and the dems are governing. Especially UHC, C+T, the deficit, the debt, SS, Medicare, unemployment, criticizing FXN, etc.

2009 is too small a sample and is more a reflection on the individual candidates than an ideological poll.

2010 looks like another bitch slapping for the republicans. The republicans have to fight just to hold onto their current Senate seats. The House as always is up for grabs.

It will all come down to the economy. With the Stock Market rebounding, Banks and Auto Companies saved, Housing recovering it will depend on jobs as the sole factor the republicans can whine about.

The economic stimulus is loaded to start delivering jobs in 2010 which coincidentally is right before the election. All those signs will go up saying "This project paid for by the Economic Stimulus". Unemployment will go down right before the election

Add to that the healthcare bill that the majority of Americans want. They will ask their republican Congressman..."Why did you vote NO???"

God, It sucks being a republican
One thing that also must be accounted for is the terms conservative, liberal and moderate are subjective. Your definition of conservative might be different than Ted's definition of conservative.

The concept of being on the left, right, or middle politically isn't so cut and dry for many. For example, one can be fiscally conservative yet socially liberal, as I am, and vice versa. Though personally, I would identify myself as a liberal, for other reasons, others might self identify as more moderate or conservative leaning. A poll such as this is highly subjective.

True to an extent. However, if someone asks you to answer the following questions, how would you reply:

1. During the 2008 election cycle, did you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative?

2. As of today, do you consider yourself, more liberal, more conservative, or the same as for the 2008 election cycle?

I believe voters are generally sophisticated enough to do the math and answer if they are more liberal or more conservative during a poll.
These labels are for imbeciles, idiots, and the insecure.

Liberal? Yes - absolutely. I want a liberal political system that places individual rights outside of the reach of government, and that places the vote of a minimum wage employee on even par with the vote of a multi-billionaire. So for heavens sakes, give me a LIBERAL form of government.

Conservative? Yes - absolutely. I want my political leadership to behave conservatively within my liberal government construct. No "fancy" interpretations of the Constitution. No spending on any projects that aren't delegated to the federal government and that don't support a need or requirement for the American people as a whole - no pet projects.

So in terms of my position on US government, I am fully and openly liberal. And I am fully and openly conservative.

The left/right paradigm is a lie. It takes advantage of our poor instruction on government and politics, and it places us into divided boxes on ISSUES rather than on the foundational principles of government and how it should be conducted. Foundationally, I am 100% liberal AND conservative.

So the question then becomes "why are 'issues' classified as conservative or liberal, or left/right?"

The answer is simple: The media has implemented an agenda of placing us in front of media pundits and talk radio hosts rather than placing us in front of straight news. Every story is laced with an opinion, which varies depending upon which media outlet you listen to. That is called propaganda. For example: "Johnny fell off his bike and bumped his head" is news. "Johnny fell off his bike and bumped his head. Maybe we need to bomb the ever-living shit out of that sidewalk that Johnny was on because it is an existential threat to the American way of life" is propaganda. In the modern era we call this "news with commentary" or something similar.

Do you consider yourself part of the left or the right? Are you conservative, but not liberal? If so, you have been isolated and placed into a box, and have not fully considered what your labels mean to yourself or to our collective futures. You are a very useful tool for the folksd who NEED you in order to maintain their stranglehold over our government.
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