Connecting Dots- part bazillion and two


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Connecting the Dots

If we pay attention to the mass media on the occurrence of many events, it is easy to see that we are often being propagandised and programmed to see the world through the same pair of eyes ā€“ the pair our masters want us to look through. It is a most effective tool of public manipulation, with most of us unaware this thought control is taking place. As Noam Chomsky noted in discussing propaganda[11], ā€œThe smart way . . . is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum. That gives people the sense that thereā€™s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.ā€ In simple terms, if you can focus the public on asking the wrong questions, you neednā€™t worry about the answers.

Be sure to kill the messenger- follow the program. Your Godvernment applauds your effort(s).
Connecting the Dots

If we pay attention to the mass media on the occurrence of many events, it is easy to see that we are often being propagandised and programmed to see the world through the same pair of eyes ā€“ the pair our masters want us to look through. It is a most effective tool of public manipulation, with most of us unaware this thought control is taking place. As Noam Chomsky noted in discussing propaganda[11], ā€œThe smart way . . . is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum. That gives people the sense that thereā€™s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.ā€ In simple terms, if you can focus the public on asking the wrong questions, you neednā€™t worry about the answers.

Be sure to kill the messenger- follow the program. Your Godvernment applauds your effort(s).

Thumbs up in spite of the Chomsky quotes. At this very moment every cable news outlet and journalistic rag is running 24/7 campaigns of misinformation against the truth of events unfolding across our great nation. From a coast-to-coast plague of illegal fireworks to nationwide spates of mobs attacking civilians, often families, in their vehicles; from mayors ordering police departments to stand down, to major news outlets and pop culture icons siding with domestic terrorists, the American People are being bled dry of the truth of what's really happening in their world. Obviously, if a majority of us don't know what's really going down, we can't organize. We can't fight back. Many of us aren't even aware we're under attack.
Connecting the Dots

If we pay attention to the mass media on the occurrence of many events, it is easy to see that we are often being propagandised and programmed to see the world through the same pair of eyes ā€“ the pair our masters want us to look through. It is a most effective tool of public manipulation, with most of us unaware this thought control is taking place. As Noam Chomsky noted in discussing propaganda[11], ā€œThe smart way . . . is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum. That gives people the sense that thereā€™s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.ā€ In simple terms, if you can focus the public on asking the wrong questions, you neednā€™t worry about the answers.

Be sure to kill the messenger- follow the program. Your Godvernment applauds your effort(s).

Thumbs up in spite of the Chomsky quotes. At this very moment every cable news outlet and journalistic rag is running 24/7 campaigns of misinformation against the truth of events unfolding across our great nation. From a coast-to-coast plague of illegal fireworks to nationwide spates of mobs attacking civilians, often families, in their vehicles; from mayors ordering police departments to stand down, to major news outlets and pop culture icons siding with domestic terrorists, the American People are being bled dry of the truth of what's really happening in their world. Obviously, if a majority of us don't know what's really going down, we can't organize. We can't fight back. Many of us aren't even aware we're under attack.
Not this ā€˜usā€™.
Iā€™ve been aware of this bullshit for decades. Thatā€™s what happens when youā€™re not-black living in world of self-segregating blacks and all of your white friends are democrats who live in insulated white-democrat communities.
The lack of knowledge among the majority of Americans is astounding.
I've turned quite a few dems over the years and I'm working on my Wifes Buddy. Of course they have to give a shit before this can happen.
She had no idea that all these soon to be Harvard grads who the police killed had extensive criminal histories.
Her reply was....the news never said anything about that.
I just smiled and said,you're right they didnt.
A few days later she said to the Wife...Oh my God those people were career criminals!!!!
She's starting to catch on.
The lack of knowledge among the majority of Americans is astounding.
I've turned quite a few dems over the years and I'm working on my Wifes Buddy. Of course they have to give a shit before this can happen.
She had no idea that all these soon to be Harvard grads who the police killed had extensive criminal histories.
Her reply was....the news never said anything about that.
I just smiled and said,you're right they didnt.
A few days later she said to the Wife...Oh my God those people were career criminals!!!!
She's starting to catch on.
The lack of knowledge among the majority of Americans is astounding.
I've turned quite a few dems over the years and I'm working on my Wifes Buddy. Of course they have to give a shit before this can happen.
She had no idea that all these soon to be Harvard grads who the police killed had extensive criminal histories.
Her reply was....the news never said anything about that.
I just smiled and said,you're right they didnt.
A few days later she said to the Wife...Oh my God those people were career criminals!!!!
She's starting to catch on.

My best buddy was easy.
He was a dem because his parents were.
All it took was some simple questions and statements.
I know you like guns,dems want to take them away.
He's against abortion.
He's against illegal immigration.

I then proceeded to tell him what was coming regarding illegals and guns.
The dems did the rest by doing exactly as I predicted.
With all the BLM and pantifa shit he's a frothing at the mouth Conservative nowadays.

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