CDZ Congresswoman reads the names of children killed in gun violence, then pushes laws that don't work..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is the question.....Which of the gun laws that this congresswoman is pushing would stop the children getting killed by gun violence? She drags out the bodies of children killed by guns in Chicago......of course she doesn't point out that many of the children killed are victims of the gang lifestyle...they are hardened killers who used guns to murder other children who were trapped in the gang lifestyle.....they are not children from normal homes......

Then, she pushes the usual....Universal Background checks.....and the rest.....of course, the people doing the shootings in Chicago...did not get their guns by going through a background check, they cannot legally buy, own or carry the guns....

Oh...and they aren't allowed to commit murder with guns either....

So after reading these names to create emotions in the uninformed...which of the gun laws she proposes would accomplish what she says she wants to do? Which is to stop children being shot by criminals......?

Congresswoman reads names of 50 kids shot and killed

In a push for action on gun control legislation, Congresswoman Robin Kelly on Thursday read the names of 50 children who’ve died in and around Chicago as a result of gun violence.

Late last month, Rep. Kelly, a Chicago Democrat, and the vice chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, vowed to read the names of 5,950 gun violence victims on the House floor. That’s one name for each dollar House Speaker Paul Ryan received from the National Rifle Association last election cycle.

“We know what the problem is and we know what policy solutions work,” Kelly said in a press release. “Sadly, the silence and inaction of Congressional Republicans has been bought and paid for.”

The 50 names she read Thursday were of children aged 2-16 who were killed in Chicagoland in the last 18 months. Last month, she read 50 other names, including 21 of Speaker Ryan’s constituents.

She says she’s going to “keep saying names until we do something to end gun violence.”

To that end, she wants a vote on legislation that would enact universal background checks, a vote on a federal gun trafficking bill, and a vote on a bill that would reinstate the so-called “assault weapons ban.” She also wants lawmakers to vote on a jobs bill “that creates opportunity so kids pick up pencils and books instead of guns.”

Universal Background checks.....they don't stop criminals or mass shooters...

gun Trafficking....that is a problem of is already against the law to sell guns to felons....

the Assualt weapon ban...did nothing, since criminals don't use them to commit their crimes and mass shooters use them rarely, considering there are over 8 million of them in the United States and maybe, maybe, 2-3 are used each year for a mass shooting...vs. the 8 million that are not...

So, again...which of these laws "works" as she says.......?
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How many of those "kids" were ultra-violent 17 year old gang bangers?

RWNJs, especially those who say they're "christians" are quick to decide that some humans beings aren't worth saving. These are usually the very same RWNJs who do nothing to make the planet a better place but always demand that women should not be able to buy birth control or abortions.

The OP always says the same thing - everybody should be armed, everybody should be afraid and everybody should roll over and make no effort to mitigate the enormous damage done by him and those who share his bizarre fixation.



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This is the question.....Which of the gun laws that this congresswoman is pushing would stop the children getting killed by gun violence? She drags out the bodies of children killed by guns in Chicago......of course she doesn't point out that many of the children killed are victims of the gang lifestyle...they are hardened killers who used guns to murder other children who were trapped in the gang lifestyle.....they are not children from normal homes......

Then, she pushes the usual....Universal Background checks.....and the rest.....of course, the people doing the shootings in Chicago...did not get their guns by going through a background check, they cannot legally buy, own or carry the guns....

Oh...and they aren't allowed to commit murder with guns either....

So after reading these names to create emotions in the uninformed...which of the gun laws she proposes would accomplish what she says she wants to do? Which is to stop children being shot by criminals......?

Congresswoman reads names of 50 kids shot and killed

In a push for action on gun control legislation, Congresswoman Robin Kelly on Thursday read the names of 50 children who’ve died in and around Chicago as a result of gun violence.

Late last month, Rep. Kelly, a Chicago Democrat, and the vice chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, vowed to read the names of 5,950 gun violence victims on the House floor. That’s one name for each dollar House Speaker Paul Ryan received from the National Rifle Association last election cycle.

“We know what the problem is and we know what policy solutions work,” Kelly said in a press release. “Sadly, the silence and inaction of Congressional Republicans has been bought and paid for.”

The 50 names she read Thursday were of children aged 2-16 who were killed in Chicagoland in the last 18 months. Last month, she read 50 other names, including 21 of Speaker Ryan’s constituents.

She says she’s going to “keep saying names until we do something to end gun violence.”

To that end, she wants a vote on legislation that would enact universal background checks, a vote on a federal gun trafficking bill, and a vote on a bill that would reinstate the so-called “assault weapons ban.” She also wants lawmakers to vote on a jobs bill “that creates opportunity so kids pick up pencils and books instead of guns.”

Universal Background checks.....they don't stop criminals or mass shooters...

gun Trafficking....that is a problem of is already against the law to sell guns to felons....

the Assualt weapon ban...did nothing, since criminals don't use them to commit their crimes and mass shooters use them rarely, considering there are over 8 million of them in the United States and maybe, maybe, 2-3 are used each year for a mass shooting...vs. the 8 million that are not...

So, again...which of these laws "works" as she says.......?

So how come LyinRyan's bribe was so small? The NRA's bribes to other Repubs was a lot bigger.

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How many of those "kids" were ultra-violent 17 year old gang bangers?

RWNJs, especially those who say they're "christians" are quick to decide that some humans beings aren't worth saving. These are usually the very same RWNJs who do nothing to make the planet a better place but always demand that women should not be able to buy birth control or abortions.

The OP always says the same thing - everybody should be armed, everybody should be afraid and everybody should roll over and make no effort to mitigate the enormous damage done by him and those who share his bizarre fixation.



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To treat them as human, they need to act like they are human.

someone selling poison to kids on a playground, is not human.

Someone spraying bullets on a drive-by, is not human.

Someone pimping teenagers, is not human.

Granted, they may talk like a human, they may walk like a human, they may converse to each other like humans...

but they are far below any standard of human you can think of.
How many of those "kids" were ultra-violent 17 year old gang bangers?

RWNJs, especially those who say they're "christians" are quick to decide that some humans beings aren't worth saving. These are usually the very same RWNJs who do nothing to make the planet a better place but always demand that women should not be able to buy birth control or abortions.

The OP always says the same thing - everybody should be armed, everybody should be afraid and everybody should roll over and make no effort to mitigate the enormous damage done by him and those who share his bizarre fixation.



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And you didn't address anything I have one said these children are worthless....the point made was that this woman is lying...she is implying that these are innocent children murdered randomly...while some are, the majority of these child killings are gang related...

And no...not everyone should be armed and we have told you this over and over again....felons and the dangerously mentally ill should not be armed...and, if it would be constitutionally possible, democrats shouldn't be armed...oh...and you shouldn't be armed....... are wrong on everything you just posted.
How many of those "kids" were ultra-violent 17 year old gang bangers?

RWNJs, especially those who say they're "christians" are quick to decide that some humans beings aren't worth saving. These are usually the very same RWNJs who do nothing to make the planet a better place but always demand that women should not be able to buy birth control or abortions.

The OP always says the same thing - everybody should be armed, everybody should be afraid and everybody should roll over and make no effort to mitigate the enormous damage done by him and those who share his bizarre fixation.



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I wouldn't know since I am neither a RWNJ nor a christian

and I don't know how you got everyone should be armed by my question.

and some people aren't worth saving.

Criminals who kill aren't worth saving
Rapists aren't worth saving
Violent people aren't worth saving

but you know what people are worth saving?

The INNOCENT VICTIMS of the above
People who have / had ridiculous signatures deserve some razzing themselves but even in abbreviations thisbis the CDZ and on good days I don't call ppl RWNJ's. That isbonly going to cause them to dig in their heels
when otherwise they may stay home from voting if it is hot, cold, rainy or whatever out.

To the topic at hand since it is repetively brought up. I have my gun. If you want to put conditions on gun ownership, we have that. Its nothing new. I will decide on a case by case basis.

On registering guns, as long as the majority of Americans apparently support the Patriot Act I say not having to register your gun only helps off the grid criminals and actually hurts you. If we want to go to leftist hippie non registering, non national ID having dream land, I am all for small government. Lets do it. Otherwise we are the country of "if you don't have anything to hide why does the Patriot Act bother you".
People who have / had ridiculous signatures deserve some razzing themselves but even in abbreviations thisbis the CDZ and on good days I don't call ppl RWNJ's. That isbonly going to cause them to dig in their heels
when otherwise they may stay home from voting if it is hot, cold, rainy or whatever out.

To the topic at hand since it is repetively brought up. I have my gun. If you want to put conditions on gun ownership, we have that. Its nothing new. I will decide on a case by case basis.

On registering guns, as long as the majority of Americans apparently support the Patriot Act I say not having to register your gun only helps off the grid criminals and actually hurts you. If we want to go to leftist hippie non registering, non national ID having dream land, I am all for small government. Lets do it. Otherwise we are the country of "if you don't have anything to hide why does the Patriot Act bother you".

I posted a video by Dennis Prager....he did a ride along with the LA. PD......they told him that the gangs have their mothers, sisters and cousins working all through the local and state that if they need to find you, they can find you. They also have robbery crews whose sole job is breaking into homes and stealing whatever they can get.....if you register guns, then these gangs will know exactly who has them, and where to get them....sorry, that is just not smart.

And that doesn't even include the fact that gun registration is the first step to gun banning and confiscation...Britain, Germany, Australia did it as did California and New York.....
People who have / had ridiculous signatures deserve some razzing themselves but even in abbreviations thisbis the CDZ and on good days I don't call ppl RWNJ's. That isbonly going to cause them to dig in their heels
when otherwise they may stay home from voting if it is hot, cold, rainy or whatever out.

To the topic at hand since it is repetively brought up. I have my gun. If you want to put conditions on gun ownership, we have that. Its nothing new. I will decide on a case by case basis.

On registering guns, as long as the majority of Americans apparently support the Patriot Act I say not having to register your gun only helps off the grid criminals and actually hurts you. If we want to go to leftist hippie non registering, non national ID having dream land, I am all for small government. Lets do it. Otherwise we are the country of "if you don't have anything to hide why does the Patriot Act bother you".

I posted a video by Dennis Prager....he did a ride along with the LA. PD......they told him that the gangs have their mothers, sisters and cousins working all through the local and state that if they need to find you, they can find you. They also have robbery crews whose sole job is breaking into homes and stealing whatever they can get.....if you register guns, then these gangs will know exactly who has them, and where to get them....sorry, that is just not smart.

And that doesn't even include the fact that gun registration is the first step to gun banning and confiscation...Britain, Germany, Australia did it as did California and New York.....
Are you generally against the Patriot Act and all the associated big brother tracking laws? I am and I view them as related issues.
People who have / had ridiculous signatures deserve some razzing themselves but even in abbreviations thisbis the CDZ and on good days I don't call ppl RWNJ's. That isbonly going to cause them to dig in their heels
when otherwise they may stay home from voting if it is hot, cold, rainy or whatever out.

To the topic at hand since it is repetively brought up. I have my gun. If you want to put conditions on gun ownership, we have that. Its nothing new. I will decide on a case by case basis.

On registering guns, as long as the majority of Americans apparently support the Patriot Act I say not having to register your gun only helps off the grid criminals and actually hurts you. If we want to go to leftist hippie non registering, non national ID having dream land, I am all for small government. Lets do it. Otherwise we are the country of "if you don't have anything to hide why does the Patriot Act bother you".

I posted a video by Dennis Prager....he did a ride along with the LA. PD......they told him that the gangs have their mothers, sisters and cousins working all through the local and state that if they need to find you, they can find you. They also have robbery crews whose sole job is breaking into homes and stealing whatever they can get.....if you register guns, then these gangs will know exactly who has them, and where to get them....sorry, that is just not smart.

And that doesn't even include the fact that gun registration is the first step to gun banning and confiscation...Britain, Germany, Australia did it as did California and New York.....
Are you generally against the Patriot Act and all the associated big brother tracking laws? I am and I view them as related issues.

Depends on which tool you are talking about....should law enforcement be able to track your cell phones with a warrant, yes. What don't you like......

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