Congratulations to all the Trump supporters and White right wing men out there

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
You've been promoted to uber nazis!

Massachusetts professor: "The term ‘Nazi’ is ‘not strong enough’ to describe Trump supporters." And no, she wasn't making a Bee Forum headline submission

My friends, after decades of relentless demonization culminating in four years of it intensifying to unprecedented levels, we have finally reached peak Nazi.

Personally, I prefer "Nuclear Nazis," if only for the alliteration.

Loretta J. Ross is a Visiting Associate Professor of the Study of Women & Gender at Smith College, a $55,000-a-year ($73,000 if you live on campus) private liberal arts women's college in Northampton Massachusetts.

The professor makes her case in a piece she wrote for CounterPunch, the purpose of which appears to be to extract money from its readers. (Seriously, I read the entire "About," section and have no idea what it's about, but I do know several ways I can give them money to support their passionate pursuit of whatever it is they are pursuing.)

Republicans are no longer entitled to exist as a legitimate political party because this authoritarian backlash has been building since new Civil Rights laws were passed in 1964 and 1965...

Interesting take, given that far greater percentages of Republicans supported the Civil Rights acts of 1964 and 1965 than did Democrats.

But hey, she's a professor of women and gender studies, not a professor of looking-stuff-up-on-Wikipedia.

The term "Nazi" is not even strong enough to convey the opprobrium and disgust human rights activists feel for those who brazenly claim they are simply patriots with different opinions....

"The term "Nazi" is not even strong enough."


Never forget that premature forgiveness before accountability is dangerous. Fascists are violent because of who THEY are, not what WE DO–like the ordinary Germans who underestimated the Nazis and thought they were just another political party on the right. Germans who weren't Nazis passively went about their normal affairs by denying the realities of their Jewish neighbors, all for the sake of "unity."

"President Unity, call on line 1."

The Republican brand as a legitimate political party will be forever associated with far-right ideologies, including neo-Nazis and neo-Confederates.

That strikes me as less prediction and more intent.

They are seditionists, co-conspirators, and neo-Nazis hiding in plain sight who chose to use whatever power, platforms, and microphones they had to overturn this system of government.

As a reminder, she's talking about 75 million Trump supporters here.

The Republicans are a morally bankrupt political party that supported a deranged president who brought this fragile, evolving democracy to the brink of extinction.

I'd like to note that this is not at all hysterical in case you were thinking that and I have no idea why you would.

As philosopher Karl Popper observed in 1945, "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance."

Says the woman who wants Republicans treated like über-Nazis.

We should call them all American Nazis and prevent them from hiding behind mealy-mouthed words because they've shown us who they are.

I've always wondered if being a woman and gender studies professor makes you bitter and resentful, or are bitter and resentful people naturally attracted to the field, because I could certainly see how either of those could be true.

Not that I want to give her any ideas, but there's one possibility she might want to consider if she really wants to get rid of the Republican Party.

From the Former United States of America most trusted news source


You've been promoted to uber nazis!

Massachusetts professor: "The term ‘Nazi’ is ‘not strong enough’ to describe Trump supporters." And no, she wasn't making a Bee Forum headline submission

My friends, after decades of relentless demonization culminating in four years of it intensifying to unprecedented levels, we have finally reached peak Nazi.

Personally, I prefer "Nuclear Nazis," if only for the alliteration.

Loretta J. Ross is a Visiting Associate Professor of the Study of Women & Gender at Smith College, a $55,000-a-year ($73,000 if you live on campus) private liberal arts women's college in Northampton Massachusetts.

The professor makes her case in a piece she wrote for CounterPunch, the purpose of which appears to be to extract money from its readers. (Seriously, I read the entire "About," section and have no idea what it's about, but I do know several ways I can give them money to support their passionate pursuit of whatever it is they are pursuing.)

Republicans are no longer entitled to exist as a legitimate political party because this authoritarian backlash has been building since new Civil Rights laws were passed in 1964 and 1965...

Interesting take, given that far greater percentages of Republicans supported the Civil Rights acts of 1964 and 1965 than did Democrats.

But hey, she's a professor of women and gender studies, not a professor of looking-stuff-up-on-Wikipedia.

The term "Nazi" is not even strong enough to convey the opprobrium and disgust human rights activists feel for those who brazenly claim they are simply patriots with different opinions....

"The term "Nazi" is not even strong enough."


Never forget that premature forgiveness before accountability is dangerous. Fascists are violent because of who THEY are, not what WE DO–like the ordinary Germans who underestimated the Nazis and thought they were just another political party on the right. Germans who weren't Nazis passively went about their normal affairs by denying the realities of their Jewish neighbors, all for the sake of "unity."

"President Unity, call on line 1."

The Republican brand as a legitimate political party will be forever associated with far-right ideologies, including neo-Nazis and neo-Confederates.

That strikes me as less prediction and more intent.

They are seditionists, co-conspirators, and neo-Nazis hiding in plain sight who chose to use whatever power, platforms, and microphones they had to overturn this system of government.

As a reminder, she's talking about 75 million Trump supporters here.

The Republicans are a morally bankrupt political party that supported a deranged president who brought this fragile, evolving democracy to the brink of extinction.

I'd like to note that this is not at all hysterical in case you were thinking that and I have no idea why you would.

As philosopher Karl Popper observed in 1945, "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance."

Says the woman who wants Republicans treated like über-Nazis.

We should call them all American Nazis and prevent them from hiding behind mealy-mouthed words because they've shown us who they are.

I've always wondered if being a woman and gender studies professor makes you bitter and resentful, or are bitter and resentful people naturally attracted to the field, because I could certainly see how either of those could be true.

Not that I want to give her any ideas, but there's one possibility she might want to consider if she really wants to get rid of the Republican Party.

From the Former United States of America most trusted news source

Thanks ----I have always wanted to be one.
Maybe it's not so bad being called a Nazi.

No one ever got sexually aroused thinking of dressing up like a hippie.
You've been promoted to uber nazis!

Massachusetts professor: "The term ‘Nazi’ is ‘not strong enough’ to describe Trump supporters." And no, she wasn't making a Bee Forum headline submission

My friends, after decades of relentless demonization culminating in four years of it intensifying to unprecedented levels, we have finally reached peak Nazi.

Personally, I prefer "Nuclear Nazis," if only for the alliteration.

Loretta J. Ross is a Visiting Associate Professor of the Study of Women & Gender at Smith College, a $55,000-a-year ($73,000 if you live on campus) private liberal arts women's college in Northampton Massachusetts.

The professor makes her case in a piece she wrote for CounterPunch, the purpose of which appears to be to extract money from its readers. (Seriously, I read the entire "About," section and have no idea what it's about, but I do know several ways I can give them money to support their passionate pursuit of whatever it is they are pursuing.)

Republicans are no longer entitled to exist as a legitimate political party because this authoritarian backlash has been building since new Civil Rights laws were passed in 1964 and 1965...

Interesting take, given that far greater percentages of Republicans supported the Civil Rights acts of 1964 and 1965 than did Democrats.

But hey, she's a professor of women and gender studies, not a professor of looking-stuff-up-on-Wikipedia.

The term "Nazi" is not even strong enough to convey the opprobrium and disgust human rights activists feel for those who brazenly claim they are simply patriots with different opinions....

"The term "Nazi" is not even strong enough."


Never forget that premature forgiveness before accountability is dangerous. Fascists are violent because of who THEY are, not what WE DO–like the ordinary Germans who underestimated the Nazis and thought they were just another political party on the right. Germans who weren't Nazis passively went about their normal affairs by denying the realities of their Jewish neighbors, all for the sake of "unity."

"President Unity, call on line 1."

The Republican brand as a legitimate political party will be forever associated with far-right ideologies, including neo-Nazis and neo-Confederates.

That strikes me as less prediction and more intent.

They are seditionists, co-conspirators, and neo-Nazis hiding in plain sight who chose to use whatever power, platforms, and microphones they had to overturn this system of government.

As a reminder, she's talking about 75 million Trump supporters here.

The Republicans are a morally bankrupt political party that supported a deranged president who brought this fragile, evolving democracy to the brink of extinction.

I'd like to note that this is not at all hysterical in case you were thinking that and I have no idea why you would.

As philosopher Karl Popper observed in 1945, "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance."

Says the woman who wants Republicans treated like über-Nazis.

We should call them all American Nazis and prevent them from hiding behind mealy-mouthed words because they've shown us who they are.

I've always wondered if being a woman and gender studies professor makes you bitter and resentful, or are bitter and resentful people naturally attracted to the field, because I could certainly see how either of those could be true.

Not that I want to give her any ideas, but there's one possibility she might want to consider if she really wants to get rid of the Republican Party.

From the Former United States of America most trusted news source

Thanks ----I have always wanted to be one.


I can wear my grandfathers Nazi uniform.

(He took it off a dead Nazi in WWII)
How close to Nazis do you Trumpbots have to come before the comparison becomes acceptable?

When someone abuses a label until it has no meaning,, that label can never be used again.

You will have to actually address our issues and ideas, instead of just crying "nazi" and shouting us down.

Just kidding. I know that you will never do that.

BTW, go fuck yourself.
And these are people who adore a brash, aggressive, pugilistic, reactionary, vengeful, nationalistic, authoritarian autocrat like Trump.

These comparisons of theirs are for entertainment purposes only.

It was not STYLE that defined nazis, but ideology and actions.

Trump was a capitalist and a nationalist. His administration was quite lacking in centralized government control of industry, wars of conquest, or genocide.

Sending people home, is very different than sending people to gas chambers.

That you need that explained to you, is because you are in the grips of a mass hysteria.

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