Comey’s Confession: Dossier Not Verified Before, Or After, FISA Warrant

Again..Steele did not work WITH the Russians. He was a British ex intel officer who specialized in FIGHTING the Russians

"on their payroll" your lying ass

Steele worked with interviewing Russians and delivered the Russian-authored Dossier.

Steele WAS working for the FBI. Steele stated it during an I get ure, and Oher confirmed it.


When you lie, don't lie about things so easily proven, snowflake.

No Steele a retired M1-6 agent was working for GPS Fushion.

Steele continued to work for Fusion GPS on the dossier without a client to pay him.[29] After the election, Steele's dossier "became one of Washington's worst-kept secrets, and journalists worked to verify the allegations.[29] On 18 November 2016, Sir Andrew Wood, British ambassador to Moscow from 1995 to 2000, met with U.S. Senator John McCain at the Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, and told McCain about the existence of the collected materials about Trump.[30] Wood vouched for Steele's professionalism and integrity.[31] In early December, McCain obtained a copy of the dossier from David J. Kramer, a former U.S. State Department official working at Arizona State University.[29] On 9 December 2016, McCain met personally with FBI Director James Comey to pass on the information.[3
Christopher Steele - Wikipedia

A great book to read that will go into Christpher Steele


In fact this book will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as house majority leaders.
GPS Fusion was working for the Russians. Oher testified his wife, a 'Russian expert's was working on the project and it was through her he met / began working with Steele. Steele delivered the Ussian authored his 'boss', the FBI.

Oher testified that he and Steele were also working / talkingg with Mueller BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.
1. Wasn't only a very tiny part of the dossier which was on Carter Page submitted to the FISA court... NOT THE WHOLE DOSSIER?

2. Wasn't the small part of the dossier on Carter Page, the 1 to 3 pages out of a near 40 page dossier, which was submitted to the judge as evidence, just a couple of pages of the 100 pages or so, of evidence submitted to the judge in the request for the FISA warrant?

3. Could it be that the 1 to 3 pages of the 40 page or so dossier on Carter Page be the part of the dossier that was verified?

the article linked in the op says that Comey said not much of the dossier had been verified... could the Page stuff have been the ''had not corroborated much''? ''the not much'' that was verified? the tiny portion that was corroborated?

The towering ex-FBI boss confessed that the FBI had not corroborated much of the Steele dossier before it was submitted as evidence to a secret court to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the final weeks of the election.

And Comey admitted much of the dossier remained uncorroborated more than six months later when he was fired by President Trump.

Hadn't Comey already testified on this topic shortly after he was fired and said the same thing then, in May of 2017? Why is this author, this Solomon guy, so excited over him saying such when we had known such back in May 2017???

4. In the 90% or so pages that were redacted in the Fisa warrant request that was released to the public, could there have been corroborated material that we were unable to see?

5. Do we know if the committee members asked Comey directly if the part of the dossier used on Page was a part of the dossier that was corroborated? Or did they just ask him in a general sense about the whole dossier in those 6 months they had it before he was fired? Seems like they should have directly asked him about the Carter Page part of the dossier instead of the whole dossier in general, no??
they did, if you’d taken the time to read it, and none of it had been substantiated at that point.
did you read the 200 page transcript? or are you taking some site's word for it???
Again..Steele did not work WITH the Russians. He was a British ex intel officer who specialized in FIGHTING the Russians

"on their payroll" your lying ass

Steele worked with interviewing Russians and delivered the Russian-authored Dossier.

Steele WAS working for the FBI. Steele stated it during an I get ure, and Oher confirmed it.


When you lie, don't lie about things so easily proven, snowflake.

No Steele a retired M1-6 agent was working for GPS Fushion.

Steele continued to work for Fusion GPS on the dossier without a client to pay him.[29] After the election, Steele's dossier "became one of Washington's worst-kept secrets, and journalists worked to verify the allegations.[29] On 18 November 2016, Sir Andrew Wood, British ambassador to Moscow from 1995 to 2000, met with U.S. Senator John McCain at the Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, and told McCain about the existence of the collected materials about Trump.[30] Wood vouched for Steele's professionalism and integrity.[31] In early December, McCain obtained a copy of the dossier from David J. Kramer, a former U.S. State Department official working at Arizona State University.[29] On 9 December 2016, McCain met personally with FBI Director James Comey to pass on the information.[3
Christopher Steele - Wikipedia

A great book to read that will go into Christpher Steele


In fact this book will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as house majority leaders.
GPS Fusion was working for the Russians. Oher testified his wife, a 'Russian expert's was working on the project and it was through her he met / began working with Steele. Steele delivered the Ussian authored his 'boss', the FBI.

Oher testified that he and Steele were also working / talkingg with Mueller BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.
do you have any proof at all that Russians authored the dossier, or that Christopher Steele would put his name to the field report Dossier that was done by some Russians as you claim, that was also a fake as you claim, and RISK his entire livelihood and business by passing it onward as his own and ruin his own namesake as an expert investigator?

Hadn't Orh known Steele for years and years before Donald Trump ever came along long before being hired by GPS to specifically find out about DJT's Russian connection?

And wasn't GPS simply hired by Russia to help lobby for ''Russian Adoptions'' aka... Russian Sanctions being removed and isn't THAT exactly what President Trump has been lobbying for since he was a candidate?

GPS had many clients for different purposes and was a registered lobbyist and or research expert firm that was known for their research, investigations, and lobbying advice?

Wasn't GPS also hired by the conservative Washington Free Beacon for Opposition Reseach on Candidate Trump and in that research for them on Donald's businesses and finances all hit a dead end in the USA and ... all lead to Russia and this is why they had to hire Steele, an expert on Russia to be able to then continue the opposition research for his new clients, the DNC and Clinton?
GPS Fusion was working for the Russians. Oher testified his wife, a 'Russian expert's was working on the project and it was through her he met / began working with Steele. Steele delivered the Ussian authored his 'boss', the FBI.

Oher testified that he and Steele were also working / talkingg with Mueller BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Your characterisations and time lines look like bullshit. Got documentation?
Obama made up a lame excuse to spy on Trump.
This is a yooog scandal

No they were already being monitored since 2015. Foriegn intelligence was picking them up in daily routine spying operations.

This article was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper well over a year ago.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clapper's testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Obama made up a lame excuse to spy on Trump.
This is a yooog scandal
Obama made up a lame excuse to spy on Trump.
This is a yooog scandal

No they were already being monitored since 2015. Foriegn intelligence was picking them up in daily routine spying operations.

This article was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper well over a year ago.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clapper's testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

Obama made up a lame excuse to spy on Trump.
This is a yooog scandal
No, he’s not.
FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

Steele worked with interviewing Russians and delivered the Russian-authored Dossier.

Steele WAS working for the FBI. Steele stated it during an I get ure, and Oher confirmed it.


When you lie, don't lie about things so easily proven, snowflake.

Your link shows that Steele was paid by the FBI...not the Russians.

Your claim was that he was paid by the Russians.

his former co-workers at the FBI called him "Cardinal Comey" behind his back. it wasn't meant as a compliment. they were referring to the exasperating sanctimony with which he cultivates his false image as an incorruptible moral servant of the people.
Comey is a sanctimonious asshole! He proved that with what he did to Hillary - while not mentioning that Trump was under investigation.

Liar we all knew before the election, why do you keep repeating the same lie?

1. Wasn't only a very tiny part of the dossier which was on Carter Page submitted to the FISA court... NOT THE WHOLE DOSSIER?

2. Wasn't the small part of the dossier on Carter Page, the 1 to 3 pages out of a near 40 page dossier, which was submitted to the judge as evidence, just a couple of pages of the 100 pages or so, of evidence submitted to the judge in the request for the FISA warrant?

3. Could it be that the 1 to 3 pages of the 40 page or so dossier on Carter Page be the part of the dossier that was verified?

the article linked in the op says that Comey said not much of the dossier had been verified... could the Page stuff have been the ''had not corroborated much''? ''the not much'' that was verified? the tiny portion that was corroborated?

The towering ex-FBI boss confessed that the FBI had not corroborated much of the Steele dossier before it was submitted as evidence to a secret court to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the final weeks of the election.

And Comey admitted much of the dossier remained uncorroborated more than six months later when he was fired by President Trump.

Hadn't Comey already testified on this topic shortly after he was fired and said the same thing then, in May of 2017? Why is this author, this Solomon guy, so excited over him saying such when we had known such back in May 2017???

4. In the 90% or so pages that were redacted in the Fisa warrant request that was released to the public, could there have been corroborated material that we were unable to see?

5. Do we know if the committee members asked Comey directly if the part of the dossier used on Page was a part of the dossier that was corroborated? Or did they just ask him in a general sense about the whole dossier in those 6 months they had it before he was fired? Seems like they should have directly asked him about the Carter Page part of the dossier instead of the whole dossier in general, no??
comey himself said *it* was not verified.

argue with him.
1. Wasn't only a very tiny part of the dossier which was on Carter Page submitted to the FISA court... NOT THE WHOLE DOSSIER?

2. Wasn't the small part of the dossier on Carter Page, the 1 to 3 pages out of a near 40 page dossier, which was submitted to the judge as evidence, just a couple of pages of the 100 pages or so, of evidence submitted to the judge in the request for the FISA warrant?

3. Could it be that the 1 to 3 pages of the 40 page or so dossier on Carter Page be the part of the dossier that was verified?

the article linked in the op says that Comey said not much of the dossier had been verified... could the Page stuff have been the ''had not corroborated much''? ''the not much'' that was verified? the tiny portion that was corroborated?

The towering ex-FBI boss confessed that the FBI had not corroborated much of the Steele dossier before it was submitted as evidence to a secret court to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the final weeks of the election.

And Comey admitted much of the dossier remained uncorroborated more than six months later when he was fired by President Trump.

Hadn't Comey already testified on this topic shortly after he was fired and said the same thing then, in May of 2017? Why is this author, this Solomon guy, so excited over him saying such when we had known such back in May 2017???

4. In the 90% or so pages that were redacted in the Fisa warrant request that was released to the public, could there have been corroborated material that we were unable to see?

5. Do we know if the committee members asked Comey directly if the part of the dossier used on Page was a part of the dossier that was corroborated? Or did they just ask him in a general sense about the whole dossier in those 6 months they had it before he was fired? Seems like they should have directly asked him about the Carter Page part of the dossier instead of the whole dossier in general, no??
comey himself said *it* was not verified.

argue with him.
Why should I? It was almost two years ago, when Comey said that.....? A lot has happened and been discovered, the past two years that supports the entire contention of Steele's field report... outside of the golden showers....

It was NEVER a completed investigation, it was a field report, gathering information and hearsay of what was going on from what he could find out from various sources in the field/arena....

Did you have a clue about the Russians trying to influence our election? I didn't until later on but Steele got a whiff of it in his field research..... and he was spot on..... they, the Russians were up to their eyeballs in trying to interfere in our election process, and the Russians were trying to recruit the Trump Campaign members in to their plan...

witting or unwittingly....
1. Wasn't only a very tiny part of the dossier which was on Carter Page submitted to the FISA court... NOT THE WHOLE DOSSIER?

2. Wasn't the small part of the dossier on Carter Page, the 1 to 3 pages out of a near 40 page dossier, which was submitted to the judge as evidence, just a couple of pages of the 100 pages or so, of evidence submitted to the judge in the request for the FISA warrant?

3. Could it be that the 1 to 3 pages of the 40 page or so dossier on Carter Page be the part of the dossier that was verified?

the article linked in the op says that Comey said not much of the dossier had been verified... could the Page stuff have been the ''had not corroborated much''? ''the not much'' that was verified? the tiny portion that was corroborated?

The towering ex-FBI boss confessed that the FBI had not corroborated much of the Steele dossier before it was submitted as evidence to a secret court to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the final weeks of the election.

And Comey admitted much of the dossier remained uncorroborated more than six months later when he was fired by President Trump.

Hadn't Comey already testified on this topic shortly after he was fired and said the same thing then, in May of 2017? Why is this author, this Solomon guy, so excited over him saying such when we had known such back in May 2017???

4. In the 90% or so pages that were redacted in the Fisa warrant request that was released to the public, could there have been corroborated material that we were unable to see?

5. Do we know if the committee members asked Comey directly if the part of the dossier used on Page was a part of the dossier that was corroborated? Or did they just ask him in a general sense about the whole dossier in those 6 months they had it before he was fired? Seems like they should have directly asked him about the Carter Page part of the dossier instead of the whole dossier in general, no??
comey himself said *it* was not verified.

argue with him.
Why should I? It was almost two years ago, when Comey said that.....? A lot has happened and been discovered, the past two years that supports the entire contention of Steele's field report... outside of the golden showers....

It was NEVER a completed investigation, it was a field report, gathering information and hearsay of what was going on from what he could find out from various sources in the field/arena....

Did you have a clue about the Russians trying to influence our election? I didn't until later on but Steele got a whiff of it in his field research..... and he was spot on..... they, the Russians were up to their eyeballs in trying to interfere in our election process, and the Russians were trying to recruit the Trump Campaign members in to their plan...

witting or unwittingly....

There is nothing that supports the made up Steele lies......... nothing. No one has been convicted of anything to do with anything to do with Russia..... tax cheating, lying to the FBI on unrelated issues?

Steele didn't get a whiff of anything...what part of "unverified" and "paid for by hilary and the DNC" do you not understand?

And what part of the Russians having already bought and paid for hilary do you not understand?
Mueller's RUSSIAN investigation had degraded to the point of Anthony Weiner-esque nude selfies....


Yet snowflakes continue to insist this is still a legitimate, serious investigation...

1. Wasn't only a very tiny part of the dossier which was on Carter Page submitted to the FISA court... NOT THE WHOLE DOSSIER?

2. Wasn't the small part of the dossier on Carter Page, the 1 to 3 pages out of a near 40 page dossier, which was submitted to the judge as evidence, just a couple of pages of the 100 pages or so, of evidence submitted to the judge in the request for the FISA warrant?

3. Could it be that the 1 to 3 pages of the 40 page or so dossier on Carter Page be the part of the dossier that was verified?

the article linked in the op says that Comey said not much of the dossier had been verified... could the Page stuff have been the ''had not corroborated much''? ''the not much'' that was verified? the tiny portion that was corroborated?

The towering ex-FBI boss confessed that the FBI had not corroborated much of the Steele dossier before it was submitted as evidence to a secret court to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the final weeks of the election.

And Comey admitted much of the dossier remained uncorroborated more than six months later when he was fired by President Trump.

Hadn't Comey already testified on this topic shortly after he was fired and said the same thing then, in May of 2017? Why is this author, this Solomon guy, so excited over him saying such when we had known such back in May 2017???

4. In the 90% or so pages that were redacted in the Fisa warrant request that was released to the public, could there have been corroborated material that we were unable to see?

5. Do we know if the committee members asked Comey directly if the part of the dossier used on Page was a part of the dossier that was corroborated? Or did they just ask him in a general sense about the whole dossier in those 6 months they had it before he was fired? Seems like they should have directly asked him about the Carter Page part of the dossier instead of the whole dossier in general, no??
comey himself said *it* was not verified.

argue with him.
Why should I? It was almost two years ago, when Comey said that.....? A lot has happened and been discovered, the past two years that supports the entire contention of Steele's field report... outside of the golden showers....

It was NEVER a completed investigation, it was a field report, gathering information and hearsay of what was going on from what he could find out from various sources in the field/arena....

Did you have a clue about the Russians trying to influence our election? I didn't until later on but Steele got a whiff of it in his field research..... and he was spot on..... they, the Russians were up to their eyeballs in trying to interfere in our election process, and the Russians were trying to recruit the Trump Campaign members in to their plan...

witting or unwittingly....
its not ONLY elections.

its getting us to hate each other by using emotionally derived topics in a way that is sure to cause divide among us.

why cant people see the entire picture vs their favorite, piece?

wittingly, or unwittingly, you are doing exactly what they said most of us, would do.
why cant people see the entire picture vs their favorite, piece?

wittingly, or unwittingly, you are doing exactly what they said most of us, would do.

Gruber answered your question numerous times....

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