Comey agrees to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
James Comey has agreed to testify regarding Crossfire Hurricane on September 30th.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., announced that former FBI director James Comey will be testifying before the committee at the end of September to discuss the early stages of the Russia investigation, known by the codename Crossfire Hurricane.
Crossfire Hurricane - as the old saying goes: There is "no there, there." Yes, FISA glitches, but not much else... details here - FYI:

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s long-awaited report on the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation is finally out, and notwithstanding furious efforts from all quarters to claim otherwise, it fails to neatly validate anyone’s favored political narrative. Contra the hopes of Donald Trump’s more ardent admirers, it fails to turn up anything resembling a Deep State cabal within the FBI plotting against the president, or deliberate abuse of surveillance authorities for political ends. Yet it also paints a bleak picture of the Bureau’s vaunted vetting process for warrant applications under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), documenting a host of material omissions or misrepresentations in the government’s case for wiretapping erstwhile Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, whose privacy was invaded for nearly a year on disturbingly thin grounds.

Though it does not describe an investigation motivated by political bias, it is a textbook account of confirmation bias that should raise disturbing questions about the adequacy of the FISA process—and not just in this investigation.

As the report recounts, “Crossfire Hurricane”—the FBI’s codename for its probe of potential links between Russia’s election interference operation and the 2016 Trump presidential campaign—originated in the summer of 2016 with a tip from the Australian government (a “friendly foreign government” in the report): Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos had been drunkenly repeating an academic acquaintance’s startling assertion that the Russian government had thousands of potentially damaging e-mails related to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The intelligence community was already seeing the outlines of an unprecedentedly brazen, multi-pronged effort to meddle in the presidential election benefit: Now here was an indication that the Trump campaign might be not just an unwitting beneficiary of Russian efforts, but a knowing participant. The FBI quickly focused on four individuals in Trump’s orbit with ties to Russia: Page, Papadopoulos, campaign chair Paul Manafort, and national security advisor Michael Flynn.

While FISA surveillance of Page and Papadopoulos was apparently contemplated in August, Justice Department attorneys determined investigators lacked probable cause to establish that either was acting as an “agent of a foreign power,” the critical showing they’d need to make to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. That changed in September, when the FBI got wind of former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele’s research into Trump’s Russian ties—opposition research indirectly commissioned by the Democratic National Committee, and now notorious under the collective moniker “The Steele Dossier.” Steele’s reporting, gathered from a network of sources and sub-sources, purported that Page was a key figure in a “well developed conspiracy of cooperation” between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government. The FBI would lean heavily on Steele’s reporting in its petition to the FISA Court for a warrant authorizing electronic surveillance of Page.

As the Horowitz report documents, even that first application, submitted in October 2016, contained a series of notable omissions or misstatements, though whether they would have made a difference to the FISA Court’s assessment of the evidence is anyone’s guess. Among the most significant:

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I'm amazed Comey agreed. I guess he believes he is untouchable. Maybe he's is, we'll see.
He thinks he can baffle and bullchit his way out-------think the powers-that-be want to back their bus up on top of his head and then bury him 6 feet under. Think he is going to soon be arkancided.
Arkancided...good one.
Graham said that his committee sent a request to former special counsel Robert Mueller as well, in light of Justice Department records that revealed that the phones of multiple people on Mueller's team were wiped.

"Mr. Mueller has declined the committee’s invitation to appear to explain his report," Graham said. "He says he doesn’t have enough time to prepare. But I’m going to ask the Department of Justice and Inspector General Horowitz to look at this report that members of Mr. Mueller’s team erased information from their devices."

I'm amazed Comey agreed. I guess he believes he is untouchable. Maybe he's is, we'll see.
He thinks he can baffle and bullchit his way out-------think the powers-that-be want to back their bus up on top of his head and then bury him 6 feet under. Think he is going to soon be arkancided.
Arkancided...good one.
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Did Trump and Barr also find a note?

4 years of Trump's DOJ, full IG report on the matter in 2018...and you are still talking about Comey supposedly letting Hillary off the hook inapropreately.


What a fucking windbag.

"From everythign we've already seen there was a conspiracy to take down the president under Brennan and Comey and..."....umm dum dum, if you've already seen this then where are the criminal conspiracy charges from Trump's lapdog DOJ?
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