CNN Defends / Supports Antifa 'Peace Through Violence'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
CNN's take on Antifa: Peace through violence - Hot Air

"CNN published an article today based on interviews with members of Antifa. The headline notes, “Activists seek peace through violence.” That seems to suggest there’s a real problem with what Antifa is doing but the rest of the article comes across as sympathetic to the group,even to their violence

Antifa activists often don’t hesitate to destroy property...

Scott Crow is literally saying his group breaks the law (assault, vandalism, etc.) when it determines people are “evil” and delivers extra-legal justice. That’s not at all how a government of laws operates.


Now we’re arguing that violence is a reasonable response to “hate speech.” At least no one is trying to claim James Madison for support. As for the idea that history will decide, that’s another way Antifa is saying they don’t believe the actual law as it exists now applies to them. That’s why they wear masks and dress the same, so they can get away with it."
i quit reading much of mainstream news.

only way to hurt them is not play their game.
“People put on the masks so that we can all become anonymous, right? And then, therefore, we are able to move more freely and do what we need to do, whether it is illegal or not,” he said.

And that means avoiding police, whom many Antifa members see as an enemy, as well as skirting the scrutiny Antifa activists often get from alt-right trolls on the Internet. Black bloc, one member told us, also unites the movement."

The left’s secret society of masked vandals is growing and they are seeking to normalize political violence. People who feel they can act above the law (so long as it’s for the right reason) are a danger to all of us. Responsible Americans should condemn Antifa rather than tolerate them.
The Democratic Party's strange form of peace and tolerance is hard to understand. Nation of Islam, Klan, La Raza, Black Panthers, LULAC, Muslim Brotherhood, BLM, Aztlan Nationalist, CAIR, Antifa…….
CNN's take on Antifa: Peace through violence - Hot Air

"CNN published an article today based on interviews with members of Antifa. The headline notes, “Activists seek peace through violence.” That seems to suggest there’s a real problem with what Antifa is doing but the rest of the article comes across as sympathetic to the group,even to their violence

Antifa activists often don’t hesitate to destroy property...

Scott Crow is literally saying his group breaks the law (assault, vandalism, etc.) when it determines people are “evil” and delivers extra-legal justice. That’s not at all how a government of laws operates.


Now we’re arguing that violence is a reasonable response to “hate speech.” At least no one is trying to claim James Madison for support. As for the idea that history will decide, that’s another way Antifa is saying they don’t believe the actual law as it exists now applies to them. That’s why they wear masks and dress the same, so they can get away with it."
You didn't prove that CNN "defended" it.
CNN's take on Antifa: Peace through violence - Hot Air

"CNN published an article today based on interviews with members of Antifa. The headline notes, “Activists seek peace through violence.” That seems to suggest there’s a real problem with what Antifa is doing but the rest of the article comes across as sympathetic to the group,even to their violence

Antifa activists often don’t hesitate to destroy property...

Scott Crow is literally saying his group breaks the law (assault, vandalism, etc.) when it determines people are “evil” and delivers extra-legal justice. That’s not at all how a government of laws operates.


Now we’re arguing that violence is a reasonable response to “hate speech.” At least no one is trying to claim James Madison for support. As for the idea that history will decide, that’s another way Antifa is saying they don’t believe the actual law as it exists now applies to them. That’s why they wear masks and dress the same, so they can get away with it."

And there is your secret army that Barack promised. Now Trump too has been vindicated. Those reviling Trump have done so because he was RIGHT, not because he was wrong. It is easy to blame the Nazi's, but no one wants to admit that the Left has created an organized army under various names as paid, full time anarchists and revolutionaries which in the end, will be proven worse than any neo-nazi group. Enter the Antifas--- their newest name. Don't budge; don't give them an inch. The more you give in, the more they will demand.
This antifa group really takes Orwell to the next level. The are fascists, so they name themselves antifa. They use violence as their primary tool, because they love peace.
Trump needs to send in the National Guard at the next protest and give Antifa a 1970s 'Kent State' experience like the dirty hippies got. That will put an end to their violent shenanigans.




CNN's take on Antifa: Peace through violence - Hot Air

"CNN published an article today based on interviews with members of Antifa. The headline notes, “Activists seek peace through violence.” That seems to suggest there’s a real problem with what Antifa is doing but the rest of the article comes across as sympathetic to the group,even to their violence

Antifa activists often don’t hesitate to destroy property...

Scott Crow is literally saying his group breaks the law (assault, vandalism, etc.) when it determines people are “evil” and delivers extra-legal justice. That’s not at all how a government of laws operates.


Now we’re arguing that violence is a reasonable response to “hate speech.” At least no one is trying to claim James Madison for support. As for the idea that history will decide, that’s another way Antifa is saying they don’t believe the actual law as it exists now applies to them. That’s why they wear masks and dress the same, so they can get away with it."
You didn't prove that CNN "defended" it.
They did not condemn antifa but made excuses for it and gave them a platform with which they could attempt to justify their anti-democracy violence.
CNN's take on Antifa: Peace through violence - Hot Air

"CNN published an article today based on interviews with members of Antifa. The headline notes, “Activists seek peace through violence.” That seems to suggest there’s a real problem with what Antifa is doing but the rest of the article comes across as sympathetic to the group,even to their violence

Antifa activists often don’t hesitate to destroy property...

Scott Crow is literally saying his group breaks the law (assault, vandalism, etc.) when it determines people are “evil” and delivers extra-legal justice. That’s not at all how a government of laws operates.


Now we’re arguing that violence is a reasonable response to “hate speech.” At least no one is trying to claim James Madison for support. As for the idea that history will decide, that’s another way Antifa is saying they don’t believe the actual law as it exists now applies to them. That’s why they wear masks and dress the same, so they can get away with it."
You didn't prove that CNN "defended" it.
They did not condemn antifa but made excuses for it and gave them a platform with which they could attempt to justify their anti-democracy violence.
Correct. Antifa is praising CNN for just that.

'Holy Sh*t': Boston Antifa Rips Democrats For 'Cheering Them On' – Brag About 'Media Support'
At what point do we hit the treason threshold when a media outlet encourages and supports violence directed against the U.S. government?

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