Closer look at Census figures show they are exaggerated by over 1,000%...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
and this exaggeration has cost the USA trillions of dollars and affected each and every one of us.
When the Census bureau states a number 46 million and then backtracks realizing that this gigantic 1,000% exaggeration has cost the USA trillions what have they done about it?
People are realizing what a gigantic hoax was pulled on them by using the Census exaggerated figures.
The Census has grossly misrepresented numbers that the Congress believes and as a result total destruction is now taking place in
1/6th of our economy.
Obviously it is OK for the Census to exaggerate by 1,000 times a number that was used to destroy 1/6th our economy.
It is a shame that people are so absolutely overwhelmed with simple math that you can't comprehend the magnitude of this exaggeration.

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