Clinton speaks before Hispanic civil rights conference advocates breaking US laws


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Sep 23, 2004
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Clinton speaks before Hispanic civil rights conference

The Morning Call
Speaking to the nations' largest Hispanic civil rights organization, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., received a standing ovation Monday when she vowed her support for legislation that would allow illegal immigrant high school students to attend college.

Clinton made her remarks on various issues of importance to the country's Latinos at the annual conference of National Council of La Raza, attended by 23,000 people at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia.

The event started Friday and has included a rally in center Philadelphia in support of the so-called DREAM Act that would benefit illegal students.

On Tuesday, the chairpersons of both the Republican and Democratic national committees are schedule to address the conference, which NCLR officials say is a first for the organization and a sign that both parties have heightened their interest in the growing Latino population and its votes.,0,5436056.story?coll=all-news-hed
Hillary's new campaign motto:

Bring Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Illegal Huddled Masses
She's trying to be 'moderate', she just can't help herself. Underneath the lies of practicality, her true agendas break out from time-to-time. She'll get even better at the facade as the election gets closer.
God help us the foolish Dems nominate that socialist/communist for President.. It even makes my fingers hurt to type it. She's a socialist through and through and at heart an America hater. Somewhere in her personal library is a well thumbed copy of Das Capital..
Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., received a standing ovation Monday when she vowed her support for legislation that would allow illegal immigrant high school students to attend college.
Big deal, Bush is letting them in like flies..Right?
We might as well educate them, and many of our own native born folks don't seem to care if they can read or write. So hey, why not?

EDIT: Just for the record, I can't stand Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Mr. P said:
Oh! I missed the "BILL" part..I guess..Geeeezzzzzz
Oooops... my bad.... oh well, Hillary, Billary, it is all the same! :cof:
Mr. P said:
Big deal, Bush is letting them in like flies..Right?
We might as well educate them, and many of our own native born folks don't seem to care if they can read or write. So hey, why not?

EDIT: Just for the record, I can't stand Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Since they're the only ones willing to work, we may as well teach how to be more successful at it. But then again, subjecting them to the American public education system may be cruel and unusual.
freeandfun1 said:
Oooops... my bad.... oh well, Hillary, Billary, it is all the same! :cof:

I thought at the ultra-secret meetings we had agreed on HillBillary Rodham Clinton! Was there a change?
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