Classical liberalism

Today's lefty is almost a pure Socialist.

They differ from Marx only in that they don't think they need violent revolution, and why should they--they have control of the White House. And also, they claim they don't want to Nationalize private property.

But, as soon as they get 51% on the Government Tit, reliably on the Tit, where they are sure Democratic voters, their idea of "redistribution" will look pretty much like Nationalization.

It is truly amazing that they are so committed to a Socialist policy with the examples of the U.S.S.R and Detroit so fresh...but most are motivated by jealousy and even hate...which are powerful and dangerous emotions. (See rdean & Franco on this board.)

I am scared for my children with such Loons in control.

Obama, Pelosi, Reid, that Pocahontas from Massachusetts, that dick Schumer--with hate-filled acolytes like Lois Lerner. Lord help us.
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The rank and file really have no clue as to "Progressive" actually means either, they are truly low info voters.
A liberal is a liberal is a liberal

They look at the challenges of their generation from a liberal perspective

The only thing "classical" is the challenges were 200 years ago
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Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.[1]

Classical liberalism The Left today is NOT "classically" liberal.

Of course it is not, and neither is the far right.

Same link: The term classical liberalism was applied in retrospect to distinguish earlier nineteenth-century liberalism from the newer social liberalism.[6] The phrase classical liberalism is also sometimes used to refer to all forms of liberalism before the twentieth century, and some conservatives and libertarians use the term classical liberalism to describe their belief in the primacy of economic freedom and minimal government. It is not always clear which meaning is intended.[7]
Today's lefty is almost a pure Socialist.

They differ from Marx only in that they don't think they need violent revolution, and why should they--they have control of the White House. And also, they claim they don't want to Nationalize private property.

But, as soon as they get 51% on the Government Tit, reliably on the Tit, where they are sure Democratic voters, their idea of "redistribution" will look pretty much like Nationalization.

It is truly amazing that they are so committed to a Socialist policy with the examples of the U.S.S.R and Detroit so fresh...but most are motivated by jealousy and even hate...which are powerful and dangerous emotions. (See rdean & Franco on this board.)

I am scared for my children with such Loons in control.

Obama, Pelosi, Reid, that Pocahontas from Massachusetts, that dick Schumer--with hate-filled acolytes like Lois Lerner. Lord help us.

When BHO's forces had the presidency, the Senate, and the House, what did they nationalize?

We certainly do not want to return to 1900 before social market democracy, either.

I hope the left and the right realize that we are going to have divided government for a long time to come and start learning how to work together again.
The term classical liberalism was applied in retrospect to distinguish earlier nineteenth-century liberalism from the newer social liberalism

Social Liberalism....

The term classical liberalism was applied in retrospect to distinguish earlier nineteenth-century liberalism from the newer social liberalism.[6] The phrase classical liberalism is also sometimes used to refer to all forms of liberalism before the twentieth century, and some conservatives and libertarians use the term classical liberalism to describe their belief in the primacy of economic freedom and minimal government. It is not always clear which meaning is intended.[7

Of course it is...when a mainstream Repub uses the term it is used in the sense conveyed by the bold red.
We know EXACTLY what we you Jake you Progressives don't have the courage to run on what you are..
When BHO's forces had the presidency, the Senate, and the House, what did they nationalize?

Aren't you forgetting something called the 5th Amendment? The Bill of Rights prevents the government from nationalizing private industry, although effectively Obama nationalized GM and Chrysler.

You would know stuff like that if you weren't senile and mentally retarded.

We certainly do not want to return to 1900 before social market democracy, either..

No, more like a return to 1860, except for the slavery part.
Anyone can go to the link and see that Antares is misdefining.

The term classical liberalism was applied in retrospect to distinguish earlier nineteenth-century liberalism from the newer social liberalism.[6] The phrase classical liberalism is also sometimes used to refer to all forms of liberalism before the twentieth century, and some conservatives and libertarians use the term classical liberalism to describe their belief in the primacy of economic freedom and minimal government. It is not always clear which meaning is intended.[7]

And he failed to tell us what has been nationalized during BHO's administration.

We need to stay away from the philosophies of Antares and Huggy, or we will roo the day.
When BHO's forces had the presidency, the Senate, and the House, what did they nationalize?

Aren't you forgetting something called the 5th Amendment? The Bill of Rights prevents the government from nationalizing private industry, although effectively Obama nationalized GM and Chrysler.

You would know stuff like that if you weren't senile and mentally retarded.

We certainly do not want to return to 1900 before social market democracy, either..

No, more like a return to 1860, except for the slavery part.

And bripat drools as he thinks a bail out was a nationalization. Go back and check out the history of that before making a spectacle of yourself again.

So you admit BHO followed the 5th: good on you.
Rightwing nostalgia of "classical liberalism" is based on the mistaken agenda that ANYONE would want to run a country based on eighteenth century standards
The left has never had anything to do with liberalism.

So, can we, PLEASE, stop calling the totalitarian marxist collectivists LIBERALS?

It is an abomination for the real liberalism to call the leftards that
totalitarian Totalitarianism or totalitarian state is a term used by some political scientists to describe a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible. Totalitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

marxist following the ideas of Marx and Engels WordNet Search - 3.1

collectivists Bolshevism: Soviet communism WordNet Search - 3.1

Vox, you sound as if you don't know the terms. Read up above, and that may help you stop exposing that lack of knowledge.
totalitarian Totalitarianism or totalitarian state is a term used by some political scientists to describe a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible. Totalitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

marxist following the ideas of Marx and Engels WordNet Search - 3.1

collectivists Bolshevism: Soviet communism WordNet Search - 3.1

Vox, you sound as if you don't know the terms. Read up above, and that may help you stop exposing that lack of knowledge.

Holy crap, Jake used citations....we may all "roo" this day.
I want to be able to work for a living with decent wages.
I want to be able to get sick without going bankrupt.
I want to be able to smoke what I want.
Drink what I want.
Be free of meddlers and spies.
Eat a big ass burger.
Drive down the road without being pulled over and searched at bullshit fascist checkpoints.
Be sure my investments are at least somewhat safe.
Own a gun(s).
Not submit to arbitrary authority.
I want to be free of religion.
I want my vote to count.
I want to say whatever it is I want to say in a reasonable tone.
I want villains to be jailed even if they are billionaires.
I want my neighbor to have all these things as well even if he believes different.

What does that make me? Never mind, keep your labels, it makes me an American.

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