Civil War 2.0

We have 50,000 years of up and down history

All coinciding with the increase in freedoms of the unwise

All Native American chiefs were men for a good reason

No nation survives when women makes the laws

We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

It started when the Trump campaign decided to help the Russians who were helping Trump. That is why Manafort talked strategy and gave polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian intelligence. That aided the Russians in where to buy social media ads and what to say. He even asked the Russians to release deleted Clinton e-mails which apparently the Russians did not have. The campaign was quite willing to get dirt on Clinton from Russians.

Our intelligence agencies were not targeting Trump. That is fake news and typical Trumpism. All his problems are caused by someone else. Comey confirmed that parts of the dossier was true. Considering you have not seen the FISA warrant, that is a bold statement. We were already told that the FISA court was not told of the political nature of the document but we know that was not true.

So typical of Trump supporters. He supposedly is playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers. That is so much of a lie. He blunders into one thing after another.
We'll soon see who has the biggest scandal in US history won't we? Either Trump gets impeached, or the deep state dems go to prison. We'll see...

Trump is not going to be impeached because of the calendar. In 9-10 months the primaries and caucuses will start. The 2020 election is 19 months away. The real question is whether Trump will do something stupid to make his situation worse by trying to jail his political opponents like a banana republic dictator does.

If trump calls out the military AFTER Barr gets thru proving the high treason crimes of the deep

What will the military do??

The women of the active military the ones that Obama ran in. Hated trump. But the men love trump

So if trump calls them out to stop the crooked deep state. What will happen

The men seeing the same as trump would then make the women stand down
We have 50,000 years of up and down history

All coinciding with the increase in freedoms of the unwise

All Native American chiefs were men for a good reason

No nation survives when women makes the laws

We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

It started when the Trump campaign decided to help the Russians who were helping Trump. That is why Manafort talked strategy and gave polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian intelligence. That aided the Russians in where to buy social media ads and what to say. He even asked the Russians to release deleted Clinton e-mails which apparently the Russians did not have. The campaign was quite willing to get dirt on Clinton from Russians.

Our intelligence agencies were not targeting Trump. That is fake news and typical Trumpism. All his problems are caused by someone else. Comey confirmed that parts of the dossier was true. Considering you have not seen the FISA warrant, that is a bold statement. We were already told that the FISA court was not told of the political nature of the document but we know that was not true.

So typical of Trump supporters. He supposedly is playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers. That is so much of a lie. He blunders into one thing after another.
We'll soon see who has the biggest scandal in US history won't we? Either Trump gets impeached, or the deep state dems go to prison. We'll see...

Trump is not going to be impeached because of the calendar. In 9-10 months the primaries and caucuses will start. The 2020 election is 19 months away. The real question is whether Trump will do something stupid to make his situation worse by trying to jail his political opponents like a banana republic dictator does.

LOL!! The dems pretend to be sooooooo righteous when it comes to Trump's imagined failings, but when the deep state dems actually get caught breaking the law, its "banana republic" time. BULLSHIT! If you do the crime, you do the time, that's how the LAW works.

You do realize that this is just more of the #NotAll fallacy?

There is not a single good thing that has come out of the women vote. They always vote democrat for starters, but even then, they vote dumb when it comes to certain matters.

My wife doesn't follow politics. I explain how she should vote and she does. "The View" probably makes more than a few "vote dumb" dem women voters, as well as those "college educated" suburban omen who are certified "Trump Haters". Trump needs to do some serious fence mending to get as many suburban women as he can, or 2020 may look like 2018. When the fuck is that idiot going to learn how to be "presidential"?

Never, he is a born showman, not a politician.

I'm pretty sure the bankers already have a plan for this. I'm also pretty sure he is the pick of the bankers.

Goldman Sachs says Trump has a 'narrow advantage' in 2020 election

They are going to get a competition in the DNC to find the most progressively inter-sectional candidate with bono-fides, i.e. minority, female, socialist, etc. This will please as many folks as Trump displeases the nation.

This of course is not going to please the heartland, so next they need a good middle of the road leftist that will run as a uniter, and as an independent. We will then have a three way contest, splitting the vote three ways.

We all know where Trump's polling is at. With this, the left can't possibly hope to win, as the left votes will be split between an independent and the DNC's pick.

THAT is how Trump will win his second term, in the bag.

Every vote counts. Trump needs to soften his image for women voters, especially suburban women.

Will Trump Come to Jesus and Clear the deck of the things the MSM continually beats him over the head with?
1. Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the white supremacist v antifa riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

2. Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

3. Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

4. Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify clearly what Russia actually did in 2016 and what he's doing to stop them in 2020.

5. Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stockmarket windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes.

6. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Deficit will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn.

7. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending without exploding the Debt.

No if he did that he would lose the men
For lying about the women's harm that they do

So are you still wanting to call the founders to grow up?
We have 50,000 years of up and down history

All coinciding with the increase in freedoms of the unwise

All Native American chiefs were men for a good reason

No nation survives when women makes the laws
. . . and yet, in the Great Law of the Peace, the world's oldest functioning representative confederacy, who choose those chiefs?

"The role of women: Clan mothers choose candidates [who are male] as sachems [political leaders]. The women maintain ownership of land and homes, and exercise veto power over any council action that may result in war. The women can also impeach and expel any leader who conducts himself improperly or loses the confidence of the electorate; then the women choose a new leader."


The women's vote has brought this giant imbalance of young to old which is making us weaker by the day

They have voted to run in their worst enemy the Muslims

Men has one choice

Let the nation fall or a logic test for voting

And they may use force to save the nation
We have 50,000 years of up and down history

All coinciding with the increase in freedoms of the unwise

All Native American chiefs were men for a good reason

No nation survives when women makes the laws

We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

It started when the Trump campaign decided to help the Russians who were helping Trump. That is why Manafort talked strategy and gave polling data to a business associate with ties to Russian intelligence. That aided the Russians in where to buy social media ads and what to say. He even asked the Russians to release deleted Clinton e-mails which apparently the Russians did not have. The campaign was quite willing to get dirt on Clinton from Russians.

Our intelligence agencies were not targeting Trump. That is fake news and typical Trumpism. All his problems are caused by someone else. Comey confirmed that parts of the dossier was true. Considering you have not seen the FISA warrant, that is a bold statement. We were already told that the FISA court was not told of the political nature of the document but we know that was not true.

So typical of Trump supporters. He supposedly is playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers. That is so much of a lie. He blunders into one thing after another.
We'll soon see who has the biggest scandal in US history won't we? Either Trump gets impeached, or the deep state dems go to prison. We'll see...

Trump is not going to be impeached because of the calendar. In 9-10 months the primaries and caucuses will start. The 2020 election is 19 months away. The real question is whether Trump will do something stupid to make his situation worse by trying to jail his political opponents like a banana republic dictator does.

LOL!! The dems pretend to be sooooooo righteous when it comes to Trump's imagined failings, but when the deep state dems actually get caught breaking the law, its "banana republic" time. BULLSHIT! If you do the crime, you do the time, that's how the LAW works.

Women are voting in a banana republic

Which side are you on?

You do realize that this is just more of the #NotAll fallacy?

There is not a single good thing that has come out of the women vote. They always vote democrat for starters, but even then, they vote dumb when it comes to certain matters.

My wife doesn't follow politics. I explain how she should vote and she does. "The View" probably makes more than a few "vote dumb" dem women voters, as well as those "college educated" suburban omen who are certified "Trump Haters". Trump needs to do some serious fence mending to get as many suburban women as he can, or 2020 may look like 2018. When the fuck is that idiot going to learn how to be "presidential"?

Never, he is a born showman, not a politician.

I'm pretty sure the bankers already have a plan for this. I'm also pretty sure he is the pick of the bankers.

Goldman Sachs says Trump has a 'narrow advantage' in 2020 election

They are going to get a competition in the DNC to find the most progressively inter-sectional candidate with bono-fides, i.e. minority, female, socialist, etc. This will please as many folks as Trump displeases the nation.

This of course is not going to please the heartland, so next they need a good middle of the road leftist that will run as a uniter, and as an independent. We will then have a three way contest, splitting the vote three ways.

We all know where Trump's polling is at. With this, the left can't possibly hope to win, as the left votes will be split between an independent and the DNC's pick.

THAT is how Trump will win his second term, in the bag.

Every vote counts. Trump needs to soften his image for women voters, especially suburban women.

Will Trump Come to Jesus and Clear the deck of the things the MSM continually beats him over the head with?
1. Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the white supremacist v antifa riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

2. Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

3. Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

4. Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify clearly what Russia actually did in 2016 and what he's doing to stop them in 2020.

5. Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stockmarket windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes.

6. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Deficit will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn.

7. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending without exploding the Debt.

No if he did that he would lose the men
For lying about the women's harm that they do

So are you still wanting to call the founders to grow up?

1. He's not going to lose the men, he's chasing votes, all votes count. You think the men will vote democrat over Trump?
2. Not sure what women's harm you're referring to? Abortions? IMHO they can kill all the little democrats they want
3. The founders lived in 1776. I'm telling YOU to grow up. Women vote, Trump needs all the votes he can get in 2020
This is a war between the men and women
What??? Oh for fucks sake.

Look at the polls big gender difference

Men and women sees things different

How can that be resolved ?
One person, one vote. It's not that difficult

5 yr old child

Why not vote?
GandB....there are a lot of your posts I agree with, but when you double down on stupid
there are no boundaries, and this is one of those moments.
If you can't make a valid argument without taking the bus over the cliff, maybe no response is better.
We have 50,000 years of up and down history

All coinciding with the increase in freedoms of the unwise

All Native American chiefs were men for a good reason

No nation survives when women makes the laws
. . . and yet, in the Great Law of the Peace, the world's oldest functioning representative confederacy, who choose those chiefs?

"The role of women: Clan mothers choose candidates [who are male] as sachems [political leaders]. The women maintain ownership of land and homes, and exercise veto power over any council action that may result in war. The women can also impeach and expel any leader who conducts himself improperly or loses the confidence of the electorate; then the women choose a new leader."


The women's vote has brought this giant imbalance of young to old which is making us weaker by the day

They have voted to run in their worst enemy the Muslims

Men has one choice

Let the nation fall or a logic test for voting

And they may use force to save the nation

Only one person agreeing with what I'm
Saying ??

And no mods ?
This is a war between the men and women
What??? Oh for fucks sake.

Look at the polls big gender difference

Men and women sees things different

How can that be resolved ?
One person, one vote. It's not that difficult

5 yr old child

Why not vote?
GandB....there are a lot of your posts I agree with, but when you double down on stupid
there are no boundaries, and this is one of those moments.
If you can't make a valid argument without taking the bus over the cliff, maybe no response is better.

That is your opinion which is fine
We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

It's time for Barr to move. I think he should have had McCabe arrested the day after the Torquemada report, the MOMENT the Stalinists could no longer claim that his arrest impeded the Inquisition.
America is fast getting voters with lower and lower IQs if this does not stop now the nation will fall

This is not hard to understand
Drama Queen

Say shitflinger, in the broccoli stalk that substitutes for a brain with you, you are convinced that the Mueller report shows President Trump colluded with Russia, aren't you? I mean, you actually believe that is what the report says, don't you? After all, Herr Himmler on CNN told you that's what it says, and Herr Goebbels on MSNBC confirmed it....

You do realize that this is just more of the #NotAll fallacy?

There is not a single good thing that has come out of the women vote. They always vote democrat for starters, but even then, they vote dumb when it comes to certain matters.

My wife doesn't follow politics. I explain how she should vote and she does. "The View" probably makes more than a few "vote dumb" dem women voters, as well as those "college educated" suburban omen who are certified "Trump Haters". Trump needs to do some serious fence mending to get as many suburban women as he can, or 2020 may look like 2018. When the fuck is that idiot going to learn how to be "presidential"?

Never, he is a born showman, not a politician.

I'm pretty sure the bankers already have a plan for this. I'm also pretty sure he is the pick of the bankers.

Goldman Sachs says Trump has a 'narrow advantage' in 2020 election

They are going to get a competition in the DNC to find the most progressively inter-sectional candidate with bono-fides, i.e. minority, female, socialist, etc. This will please as many folks as Trump displeases the nation.

This of course is not going to please the heartland, so next they need a good middle of the road leftist that will run as a uniter, and as an independent. We will then have a three way contest, splitting the vote three ways.

We all know where Trump's polling is at. With this, the left can't possibly hope to win, as the left votes will be split between an independent and the DNC's pick.

THAT is how Trump will win his second term, in the bag.

Every vote counts. Trump needs to soften his image for women voters, especially suburban women.

Will Trump Come to Jesus and Clear the deck of the things the MSM continually beats him over the head with?
1. Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the white supremacist v antifa riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

2. Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

3. Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

4. Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify clearly what Russia actually did in 2016 and what he's doing to stop them in 2020.

5. Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stockmarket windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes.

6. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Deficit will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn.

7. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending without exploding the Debt.

It is far more than that. Republicans need to take sexual assault and sexual harassment more seriously. The Kavanaugh hearings with Dr Ford was a disgrace. The FBI was never given the time and authority to investigate. A anonymous letter suggesting Dr Ford was lying was used while stories about Kavanaugh potentially lying in his testimony were never followed up. Now Trump nominates Herman Cain who may have harassed women and Stephen Moore who failed to pay taxes and refused to give his wife a proper settlement.

They also are compassionate and reject Trump's language and immigration policies. They don't see women and children fleeing drug lords as a menace to this country. They believe that women who are seen in other countries as property and can be legally beaten or killed by their husbands should be protected.

Trump would have to change his entire outlook to get back suburban women and while his support is somewhat higher among suburban women, he is well underwater there as well.
This is a civil war between the government and the people. It just hasn't been declared yet and half the people don't know we're in it.

It's a civil war between an illegal shadow government of the deep state along with the Marxist democrats against the LEGITIMATE government of this nation and our Constitution.
Does trump and Barr both know this has to stop now or it will be too late with too many voters here voting with low logic

Both Trump and Barr must act fast to save America
This is a civil war between the government and the people. It just hasn't been declared yet and half the people don't know we're in it.


let me know when it's over....

I'm sure I won't notice.

The first time MSNBC broadcasts truthful news, it's over and you have lost.

Of course NBC would rather shut down than be truthful...
We are living right in the middle of the second American Civil War. The first shot was fired January 2016 when the Fascists decided to misuse the full force of US Intelligence Agencies against an American citizen running for President. They created a fake dossier, used that to falsely swear out FISA warrant and outright lied about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The entire upper echelon of our Intelligence Agencies gleefully steered us toward Orwellian Fascism.

Until now, our President has been using "rope a dope", he's given the traitors miles of rope and a paper trail to hang themselves.

You should know that real estate developers, like Relateds Steve Ross or Donald Trump are counterpuncher; they know it and use that to their advantage. Trump has let the attackers bleed themselves dry. Think of the German Panzers that exhausted themselves trying to penetrate the well prepared fortifications at Kursk in WWII.

The daylight shined on the traitors actions will make them vanish in a puff of smoke, like Dracula greeting the rising sun in a garlic field.

We need frames, or we do not see the picture at all.

OP, did you get hired by the Russians or fall for some propaganda? @MissouriNewsUS is no doubt doing something today.

Go do some more research of the investigation.

Trump got investigated by his own government and not found guilty. Should the cops never investigate anyone they can't convict? What a silly question, they won't know until they investigate. This investigation also caught some crooks.

Its about time to argue an issue not this left / right crud. Especially in this belief fluid world we live in.

The FBI knowingly used a false, made up document paid for by Hillary to start spying on Trump. Yuge difference!

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