Christians, Muslims and Jews coming together to oppose the radical LGBT agenda targeting children


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
There are differences between all three of the Abrahamic religions, but actually many things in common. That said it is the Muslim, Christian and Jewish people who are in huge numbers coming together to oppose children being able to get a sex change operation, to oppose the idea that there are more than two genders, to support traditional marriage, and to support the nuclear family.

Specifically because Christians and Muslims constitute a massive portion of humanity. It is imperative that more from these two groups come together on common sense issues.
There are differences between all three of the Abrahamic religions, but actually many things in common. That said it is the Muslim, Christian and Jewish people who are in huge numbers coming together to oppose children being able to get a sex change operation, to oppose the idea that there are more than two genders, to support traditional marriage, and to support the nuclear family.

Specifically because Christians and Muslims constitute a massive portion of humanity. It is imperative that more from these two groups come together on common sense issues.

The Christians and Jews will protest. Islam will simply eliminate.
There are differences between all three of the Abrahamic religions, but actually many things in common. That said it is the Muslim, Christian and Jewish people who are in huge numbers coming together to oppose children being able to get a sex change operation, to oppose the idea that there are more than two genders, to support traditional marriage, and to support the nuclear family.

Specifically because Christians and Muslims constitute a massive portion of humanity. It is imperative that more from these two groups come together on common sense issues.

Republican xians' homoerotic resentment is only part of the resentment. Their resentment also targets young adults for molestation after these are already sequestered on college campuses as we've already shown for Wisconsin. Boycotting the Trump-Biden assemblage in 2024 makes sens. We're still waiting for the Nashville tranny manifesto.

'Satanism was, in Dr. Braun's words, "a national-international-type organization that's got a structure somewhat similar to the Communist cell structure," and its coded messages were secretly embedded throughout American culture.

In 1986 Dr. Braun took on a new patient, a depressed 29-year-old named Patricia Burgus....The social worker gave her an article about multiple personality disorder. "It was the first thing I'd ever seen in print on MPD," Burgus told a reporter for Chicago magazine years later. "This article was a sign from God." '
(Andersen K, Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire, p. 333)
There are differences between all three of the Abrahamic religions, but actually many things in common. That said it is the Muslim, Christian and Jewish people who are in huge numbers coming together to oppose children being able to get a sex change operation, to oppose the idea that there are more than two genders, to support traditional marriage, and to support the nuclear family.

Specifically because Christians and Muslims constitute a massive portion of humanity. It is imperative that more from these two groups come together on common sense issues.

Ironically, if one accepts the initial pathology, everything that follows may make perfectly good sense. Islamochristiana is a collective pathology that establishes itself on a 'science of non-existent entities' while exploiting fundamental illusions of H. sapiens. For example, the illusion of not being dead once we already are.
There are differences between all three of the Abrahamic religions, but actually many things in common. That said it is the Muslim, Christian and Jewish people who are in huge numbers coming together to oppose children being able to get a sex change operation, to oppose the idea that there are more than two genders, to support traditional marriage, and to support the nuclear family.

Specifically because Christians and Muslims constitute a massive portion of humanity. It is imperative that more from these two groups come together on common sense issues.

"Children" are not freely being allowed to get any change of sex. They must be over 17 and undergo a thorough set of things, with doctors, psychologist, and get permission from their own parents.

The absolute endless ignorance spread by ignoramus like yourself is the problem, not that some people ARE born in the wrong gender and when they grow up NOW, are able to do something about it thanks to modern medicine.

This endless Voodoo against Homosexuals and any other LGBTQ people because that is what YOU have been taught, clearly has to stop.

You understand it, like it, approve it totally baseless because it is totally NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

And the ones being persecuted, harmed AND killed are exactly people from the LGBTQ community who are being persecuted by religious ignorance like yours.

What has changed from persecution against Blacks, Jews, Indigenous, and others? Nothing. It is the same ignorance by the few, who demand that everyone think and do as they think and do.
"Children" are not freely being allowed to get any change of sex. They must be over 17 and undergo a thorough set of things, with doctors, psychologist, and get permission from their own parents.

The absolute endless ignorance spread by ignoramus like yourself is the problem, not that some people ARE born in the wrong gender and when they grow up NOW, are able to do something about it thanks to modern medicine.

This endless Voodoo against Homosexuals and any other LGBTQ people because that is what YOU have been taught, clearly has to stop.

You understand it, like it, approve it totally baseless because it is totally NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

And the ones being persecuted, harmed AND killed are exactly people from the LGBTQ community who are being persecuted by religious ignorance like yours.

What has changed from persecution against Blacks, Jews, Indigenous, and others? Nothing. It is the same ignorance by the few, who demand that everyone think and do as they think and do.
"Children" are not freely being allowed to get any change of sex. They must be over 17 and undergo a thorough set of things, with doctors, psychologist, and get permission from their own parents.

The absolute endless ignorance spread by ignoramus like yourself is the problem, not that some people ARE born in the wrong gender and when they grow up NOW, are able to do something about it thanks to modern medicine.

This endless Voodoo against Homosexuals and any other LGBTQ people because that is what YOU have been taught, clearly has to stop.

You understand it, like it, approve it totally baseless because it is totally NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

And the ones being persecuted, harmed AND killed are exactly people from the LGBTQ community who are being persecuted by religious ignorance like yours.

What has changed from persecution against Blacks, Jews, Indigenous, and others? Nothing. It is the same ignorance by the few, who demand that everyone think and do as they think and do.
You are a troll. It is undeniable that there are LGBT activist that want children to be able to get a sex change without parents consent. You can either ignore that or accept it

And more trolling from you. Jews, blacks, and Indians owned practiced the slave trade throughout history. Your posts reek of some kind of a weird Jew…. You’re on record not acknowledging the Nazi problem in ukraine. Denigrating the Russian history of standing up to the Nazis in World War II.

It’s your choice, but don’t act like people don’t know your oddball positions.

It is this country’s business that people want men to be able to go into a woman’s bathroom. And it’s people like you’ve never really done anything for the world other than mock your own country history. You sound like a crazy person …. Only selectively talking about white Christians that practiced the slave trade. But never talking about Jews or, Blacks or Indians that have done the same things throughout history. You’re easy to call out and will continue to be very easy to call out on your errors.

It is you who comes off as a Racist and an extremist. I have always said I respect all people same with practically all Christians of America. But it’s people like you who only want to criticize white Christians of history. Step it up and be righteous. The slave trade was a worldwide issue. You have to accept that or not.
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You are a troll. It is undeniable that there are LGBT activist that want children to be able to get a sex change without parents consent. You can either ignore that or accept it

And more trolling from you. Jews, blacks, and Indians owned practiced the slave trade throughout history. Your posts reek of some kind of a weird Jew…. You’re on record not acknowledging the Nazi problem in ukraine. Denigrating the Russian history of standing up to the Nazis in World War II.

It’s your choice, but don’t act like people don’t know your oddball positions.

It is this country’s business that people want men to be able to go into a woman’s bathroom. And it’s people like you’ve never really done anything for the world other than mock your own country history. You sound like a crazy person …. Only selectively talking about white Christians that practiced the slave trade. But never talking about Jews or, Blacks or Indians that have done the same things throughout history. You’re easy to call out and will continue to be very easy to call out on your errors.
That is affirming care and yes, they do need parent consent.

Scared of the truth, you call people trolls.

What a laugh.

Stay prejudiced.
There are differences between all three of the Abrahamic religions, but actually many things in common. That said it is the Muslim, Christian and Jewish people who are in huge numbers coming together to oppose children being able to get a sex change operation, to oppose the idea that there are more than two genders, to support traditional marriage, and to support the nuclear family.

Specifically because Christians and Muslims constitute a massive portion of humanity. It is imperative that more from these two groups come together on common sense issues.

“Huge numbers of Christian, Jewish, Muslim” coming together… by that you mean the type of “huge crowds” that came to Trump inauguration? Something mythical, right?
You are a troll. It is undeniable that there are LGBT activist that want children to be able to get a sex change without parents consent. You can either ignore that or accept it

And more trolling from you. Jews, blacks, and Indians owned practiced the slave trade throughout history. Your posts reek of some kind of a weird Jew…. You’re on record not acknowledging the Nazi problem in ukraine. Denigrating the Russian history of standing up to the Nazis in World War II.

It’s your choice, but don’t act like people don’t know your oddball positions.

It is this country’s business that people want men to be able to go into a woman’s bathroom. And it’s people like you’ve never really done anything for the world other than mock your own country history. You sound like a crazy person …. Only selectively talking about white Christians that practiced the slave trade. But never talking about Jews or, Blacks or Indians that have done the same things throughout history. You’re easy to call out and will continue to be very easy to call out on your errors.

It is you who comes off as a Racist and an extremist. I have always said I respect all people same with practically all Christians of America. But it’s people like you who only want to criticize white Christians of history. Step it up and be righteous. The slave trade was a worldwide issue. You have to accept that or not.
Wow, you went from "children" are freely getting sex changes, which is the topic of this thread to SLAVERY and this and that.

No one was talking about "white" christians or anything else. I was not. I stuck to the topic of the thread, while you decided to go on an "insulted" tangent.

Accept that you do not know anything about the Transgender issue, never even having met ONE Trans person in your life, and also because you do not WANT TO.

Do you change the subject of your threads attempting to score points. This is not a competition. It is about people's lives and how they are being persecuted for WHO they are, who they KNOW they are, be it Caitlin Jenner, Chas Bono, or any other Trans person in the world, not just the US.

They only ask one thing. Leave the ALONE.
“Huge numbers of Christian, Jewish, Muslim” coming together… by that you mean the type of “huge crowds” that came to Trump inauguration? Something mythical, right?
Maybe you should watch the video. I don’t understand why folks like you come to these threads completely and utterly uninformed.

Your side, people like 60s fan engage in hate filled posts against Muslims. Just ask him what he thinks about the early Muslims. And how the Islamic religion treats people go ahead and ask him. That is the people on your side, sir

Also, your side Biden supporters constantly lies about other peoples positions, including mine. I respect all people. And I respect different religions. Unlike 60s fan.
You are a troll. It is undeniable that there are LGBT activist that want children to be able to get a sex change without parents consent. You can either ignore that or accept it

And more trolling from you. Jews, blacks, and Indians owned practiced the slave trade throughout history. Your posts reek of some kind of a weird Jew…. You’re on record not acknowledging the Nazi problem in ukraine. Denigrating the Russian history of standing up to the Nazis in World War II.

It’s your choice, but don’t act like people don’t know your oddball positions.

It is this country’s business that people want men to be able to go into a woman’s bathroom. And it’s people like you’ve never really done anything for the world other than mock your own country history. You sound like a crazy person …. Only selectively talking about white Christians that practiced the slave trade. But never talking about Jews or, Blacks or Indians that have done the same things throughout history. You’re easy to call out and will continue to be very easy to call out on your errors.

It is you who comes off as a Racist and an extremist. I have always said I respect all people same with practically all Christians of America. But it’s people like you who only want to criticize white Christians of history. Step it up and be righteous. The slave trade was a worldwide issue. You have to accept that or not.
Your hand is shaking as you operate the dissecting scalpel. Your argument stays quite flaccid until you admit the obvious: religion's protection rackets target the minds of children and youth. They exploit educational and developmental deficits with which to establish their power by using fear, coercion and troubled spirit. Stupid, overconfident mafia-style tactics.
Wow, you went from "children" are freely getting sex changes, which is the topic of this thread to SLAVERY and this and that.

No one was talking about "white" christians or anything else. I was not. I stuck to the topic of the thread, while you decided to go on an "insulted" tangent.

Accept that you do not know anything about the Transgender issue, never even having met ONE Trans person in your life, and also because you do not WANT TO.

Do you change the subject of your threads attempting to score points. This is not a competition. It is about people's lives and how they are being persecuted for WHO they are, who they KNOW they are, be it Caitlin Jenner, Chas Bono, or any other Trans person in the world, not just the US.

They only ask one thing. Leave the ALONE.
It is a fact that there are people in America that want children to be able to get a sex change. That want men to be able to go into women’s bathrooms. That is why this conversation is being had in the first place. So I don’t know what world you’re living in brother

You were the one who launched unprovoked personal attack against me as you do many times. I responded to that.

And so it is the responsibility of morally upright people in American society to prevent men from playing on women’s sports teams, to prevent them from going into women’s bathrooms, to prevent children from getting sex change operations. To prevent sexually graphic bucks being read to children in grade school, which is another issue.

In fact, I have met a number of trans people. One help me find furniture at big lots… I treated them with respect and dignity.

I respond to the very points you make. Points about Christians, juice, Blackson, Indians. This is literally what you said earlier this thread. And we all know what your position is on Islam and Muslims you have made many posts about it.

“And the ones being persecuted, harmed AND killed are exactly people from the LGBTQ community who are being persecuted by religious ignorance like yours.

What has changed from persecution against Blacks, Jews, Indigenous, and others? Nothing. It is the same ignorance by the few, who demand that everyone think and do as they think and do.”

So there it is, you’re attempting to say Christians, people like me have harmed others. It is woefully wrong. The United States is the number one destination in the world when it comes to refugees from Africa. So that is a point that serves as a counter to the propaganda you engaging. The United States is an extremely safe country for LGBT people. The point is and you can ignore this if you want it’s up to you. It is undeniable that there are those in America that want to have the radical LGBT, BLM agenda. It denigrates, white Christian history. The idea that we should take down statues of white Christians of history, but leave up the statues and monuments of Jews, Indians and Africans, who engaged in the slave trade and expansions warfare. It is complete Apoxsee and it’s wrong. We should leave statues up, across-the-board.

It exists in your head along with other supporters of the radical BLM and LGBT agenda that somehow minorities are targeted in America. In a country, where colleges and businesses literally practice equity, not meritocracy, but they give preference to people based on their skin color they’re so-called pronouns, their minority status. And when responsible people come forth and say wait a minute we don’t need this. We need a meritocracy. Well, you post what you post, Biden supporters continue to engage in propaganda.

I will be against any Christian, LGBTQ person, black person, or Jew that is a hypocrite that is for destroying statues of Andrew Jackson, or Christopher Columbus but they never talk about the fact that Jews, Africans and Indians, like white Christians of history…. Practiced the slave trade, engaged in expansionist warfare.
Your hand is shaking as you operate the dissecting scalpel. Your argument stays quite flaccid until you admit the obvious: religion's protection rackets target the minds of children and youth. They exploit educational and developmental deficits with which to establish their power by using fear, coercion and troubled spirit. Stupid, overconfident mafia-style tactics.
It’s a common sense situation. Even as a Catholic I understand that there have been individual Catholics and groups of Catholics that practiced wrongdoings, and immoral deeds. To be completely fair other Catholics have done great deeds for the world. Like the various Knight organizations of Catholic history, who have served the poor and built hospitals.
Maybe you should watch the video. I don’t understand why folks like you come to these threads completely and utterly uninformed.

Your side, people like 60s fan engage in hate filled posts against Muslims. Just ask him what he thinks about the early Muslims. And how the Islamic religion treats people go ahead and ask him. That is the people on your side, sir

Also, your side Biden supporters constantly lies about other peoples positions, including mine. I respect all people. And I respect different religions. Unlike 60s fan.
You want me to watch a full video of 3 guys gabbing to figure out the number of “huge crowd” that you grandly refer to? I know you don’t have a job and so spend your time whining but sorry, I don’t have that much time.

Put up a legit link to these “huge crowds “ or fuck off.
It is a fact that there are people in America that want children to be able to get a sex change. That want men to be able to go into women’s bathrooms. That is why this conversation is being had in the first place. So I don’t know what world you’re living in brother

You were the one who launched unprovoked personal attack against me as you do many times. I responded to that.

And so it is the responsibility of morally upright people in American society to prevent men from playing on women’s sports teams, to prevent them from going into women’s bathrooms, to prevent children from getting sex change operations. To prevent sexually graphic bucks being read to children in grade school, which is another issue.

In fact, I have met a number of trans people. One help me find furniture at big lots… I treated them with respect and dignity.

I respond to the very points you make. Points about Christians, juice, Blackson, Indians. This is literally what you said earlier this thread. And we all know what your position is on Islam and Muslims you have made many posts about it.

“And the ones being persecuted, harmed AND killed are exactly people from the LGBTQ community who are being persecuted by religious ignorance like yours.

What has changed from persecution against Blacks, Jews, Indigenous, and others? Nothing. It is the same ignorance by the few, who demand that everyone think and do as they think and do.”

So there it is, you’re attempting to say Christians, people like me have harmed others. It is woefully wrong. The United States is the number one destination in the world when it comes to refugees from Africa. So that is a point that serves as a counter to the propaganda you engaging. The United States is an extremely safe country for LGBT people. The point is and you can ignore this if you want it’s up to you. It is undeniable that there are those in America that want to have the radical LGBT, BLM agenda. It denigrates, white Christian history. The idea that we should take down statues of white Christians of history, but leave up the statues and monuments of Jews, Indians and Africans, who engaged in the slave trade and expansions warfare. It is complete Apoxsee and it’s wrong. We should leave statues up, across-the-board.

It exists in your head along with other supporters of the radical BLM and LGBT agenda that somehow minorities are targeted in America. In a country, where colleges and businesses literally practice equity, not meritocracy, but they give preference to people based on their skin color they’re so-called pronouns, their minority status. And when responsible people come forth and say wait a minute we don’t need this. We need a meritocracy. Well, you post what you post, Biden supporters continue to engage in propaganda.

I will be against any Christian, LGBTQ person, black person, or Jew that is a hypocrite that is for destroying statues of Andrew Jackson, or Christopher Columbus but they never talk about the fact that Jews, Africans and Indians, like white Christians of history…. Practiced the slave trade, engaged in expansionist warfare.
No, Mr. FDR Not.

There are people who respect the fact that some people are born in the wrong gender/sex. That is a fact. And the fact continues to be that until a few decades ago, these people could not have a change to their born gender/sex and were stuck in it.

They were not attacking women or girls before, and they are not attacking women or girls in bathrooms now.

The idea that males Trans are attacking girls in bathrooms is nothing more than another lie, the only word for it, used to instigate ignorant people who are already pre disposed to be against anyone in the LGBTQ community.

Right, if you have met Trans people, than you should know that not one of them is out to go into bathrooms as a female in order to rape other women, but only to go into a public bathroom to do their business.

Which is exactly why I am asking you, and all others, to stop the incitement against Trans people, based on allegations and not facts.

The rest of your post is, again, nothing but trash designed to diminish what I am posting about the topic of this thread.

Keep your attempts to change the subject, they harm me none because they are not based on facts.

Stick to the topic you started. You are against Trans, especially men going Trans as women, with the allegation ( by anti LBTQ groups) that they are out to "rape" women/girls in public bathrooms.

There are no such cases, to this day.
That is affirming care and yes, they do need parent consent.

Scared of the truth, you call people trolls.

What a laugh.

Stay prejudiced.
“Affirming care” or “re-education” (or savage ritualistic genital mutilation; a child sacrifice in the vein of abortion)?
There are differences between all three of the Abrahamic religions, but actually many things in common. That said it is the Muslim, Christian and Jewish people who are in huge numbers coming together to oppose children being able to get a sex change operation, to oppose the idea that there are more than two genders, to support traditional marriage, and to support the nuclear family.

Specifically because Christians and Muslims constitute a massive portion of humanity. It is imperative that more from these two groups come together on common sense issues.

For the life of me, I just can't figure out why the left want to make everyone gay or change their sexes.

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