Chinese Espionage Facilitator Feinstein Says 'No Deep State' Despite Former Acting CIA Dir 'Thanks'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
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Feinstein continues to follow the lead of criminal lying traitors like Schiff by lying to the American people in the midst of a televised Senate hearing.....

Feinstein, after having been exposed for harboring a Chinese spy on her own team and facilitating Chinese Espionage against the US for profit for DECADES, declared there is no such thing as a 'Deep State'.

Her staff should really tell the old, senile, technology-challenged traitor there is this thing called the 'INTERNET', and - unlike with outdated printed press she grew up with and is used to - reported facts, testimony, and news is archived, never goes away, and can easily be researched and brought back up again and again to prove she is a lying ChiCom bought-and-paid -for POS:

'Former Acting CIA Director John McLaughlin acknowledged and praised the "deep state" for any involvement that led to the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.

"There is something unique you have to agree that now the impeachment inquiry is underway, sparked by a complaint from someone within the intelligence community, it feeds the president’s concern, an often-used term about a deep state being there to take him out?" moderator Margaret Brennan asked.

"Thank God for the deep state," McLaughlin quipped.'

Former Acting CIA Director John McLaughlin on Impeachment: "Thank God For The Deep State"


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