China launches two hyper-sonic missiles that essentially render our intercept capability useless.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Imagine that, the CCP who the Democrats are in bed with is now testing hyper-sonic missiles. No one in our "Intelligence" community had any idea they are developing these weapons much less that they were mature enough to launch. Maybe if our "Intelligence" community would stop doing political investigations for the Democrats and do their fukking job, we wouldn't have been caught with our missile defense pants down.
Imagine that, the CCP who the Democrats are in bed with is now testing hyper-sonic missiles. No one in our "Intelligence" community had any idea they are developing these weapons much less that they were mature enough to launch. Maybe if our "Intelligence" community would stop doing political investigations for the Democrats and do their fukking job, we wouldn't have been caught with our missile defense pants down.

there have been like 9 threads about this, did you get your talking points email later than the rest?
Imagine that, the CCP who the Democrats are in bed with ...
Indulging moronic conspiracy theories, instead of working together against a common enemy, is why we're going to lose. Two-party death spiral.

To all Democrats and Republicans: Fuck you very much!
This is a threat to missles hitting us, but would they ever be launched when the Chinese know that we could strike them back from submarines all over the world.

No matter what they can do, the nuclear mutual deterrent still exists, no ?

China launches two hyper-sonic missiles that essentially render our intercept capability useless.​

The beauty of it all is that it was the Clintons who gave them Loral missile technology in the 1990s! And I don't live anywhere near any place they are likely to strike! But the dumocrats do! They will be the targets of their own missiles! :auiqs.jpg:
The beauty of it all is that it was the Clintons who gave them Loral missile technology in the 1990s! And I don't live anywhere near any place they are likely to strike! But the dumocrats do! They will be the targets of their own missiles! :auiqs.jpg:
What makes it worse we then spend more and more money on more defense projects in part because of the politicians giving away technologies.
But we are kicking their ass in diversity. The Chinese are exploring ways to destroy our ports The Chinese military is thinking about how to stealthily destroy enemy ports and just set off a big explosion to see how it might work and we are working on a gender strategy.
We are done. Just done.
Imagine that, the CCP who the Democrats are in bed with is now testing hyper-sonic missiles. No one in our "Intelligence" community had any idea they are developing these weapons much less that they were mature enough to launch. Maybe if our "Intelligence" community would stop doing political investigations for the Democrats and do their fukking job, we wouldn't have been caught with our missile defense pants down.
Soros is a prophet. He predicted that Jinping is a problem like he had predicted that the economy is going to collapsed during the election.

We shall all bow our heads before the mighty Soros king of the universe, the foreseer of the future.

Imagine that, the CCP who the Democrats are in bed with is now testing hyper-sonic missiles. No one in our "Intelligence" community had any idea they are developing these weapons much less that they were mature enough to launch. Maybe if our "Intelligence" community would stop doing political investigations for the Democrats and do their fukking job, we wouldn't have been caught with our missile defense pants down.

And the US government is telling everyone to fear this because..... they want to spend more of your money on the military.... yay.

Even though China would never dare to throw one of these at anyone, let alone at the US.
Soros is a clueless scam artist wannabe. With Maddow, sorry with Maddoff, we know he got his tribal folks to play his pyramid scheme. Still no evidence that Soros ever earned one dollar and his predictions are never accurate. My guess is some country that fleeced at least one other country finances his effort to destroy the USA and the West. :dunno:

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