CBS News Bombshell: Student Leader Wasn't at School On Day of the Mass Shooting

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Unbelievable, right?

What more evidence is needed to demonstrate how conservatism is a mental disease?
Your posting history shows you suffer from Thiret's syndrome.
WTF is “Thiret’s syndrome?” At least you know you’re a fucking moron. How does it feel to have yet another one of your maniacal threads crash and burn in flames, now that it’s been proven yet again that David Hogg was in that school during the shooting?


It's actually spelled "Tourette Syndrome." So all you're doing is harping on a misspelling. However, you confirmed that you suffer from the malady.

All i did is report a story going around on the internet, and it appeared to be quite credible. This thread has over 550 posts, so claiming it "crashed and burned" is pure idiocy.
Proving one of two things

1. You are a bald faced liar
2. You are extremely gullible

Neither is true, snowflake.
This guy just became a laughing stock:

A new documentary by CBS News reveals that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has become the face of the student body’s push for gun control, was not at the school at the time of the shooting.

The bombshell comes from David Hogg himself, who made the admission to a CBS News interviewer as part of the documentary “39 Days.”

"39 Days": How Parkland shooting survivors turned grief into action

At 4 minutes 55 sec. of video Hogg says:

DAVID HOGG: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."



In other words, whether she was there or not doesn't compromise the left's ability to exploit her for political gain

Correct. There is much exploitation going on from both sides. I seem to recall you creating a thread to exploit the shooting in Maryland last week.

kaz: You're exploiting shootings

Gator: No YOU are exploiting shootings

Where have I heard that one before?
Asking questions when presented with "evidence" doesn't make someone stupid folks, it just reflects their attempts to find truth in a sea of misinformation.

This is the true "disaster" of the media being so distrusted rearing it's head. No amount of calling each other names and shaming folks for asking questions is going to change the divide so there is really no point, unless one just wants to call others names to make themselves feel superior - a standard on the menu at political forums it seems. Disheartening perhaps, but expected and dictated by human nature and psychology.

You couldn't possibly be referring to Faux, could you?

You have any idea just how retarded you appear by referring to me as “faux” in a thread you started based on fake news?? :eusa_doh:

"Faux" is entirely appropos since virtually everything you post is fake.

Sorry. That's not What was asked for.

Sure it is. Those are all fake controversies invented by fake news outlets like CNN.
I'm not entirely sure who Faux is, so no.

He's the one who worships Herr Mewler and calls everyone a dumbfuck.

No. Show us where any of the libs calling you a moron fell for a fake news story.

All those stories were posted in this forum, dumbass. I'm not going to go searching through all the posts in this forum to find what you are demanding. I have better things to do. However, you have defended plenty of the dumbest of fake news stories - the Russian "Collusion" story being the biggest.
Plenty of collusion evidence is public already. Just doesn't become evidence the way you want to define it until conspiracy charges are made. For example, lying about not meeting with Russians does not become collusion until conspiracy is shown. Although lying to the Fed's may be a crime by itself, but it may or may not relate to collusion.

As John Dean said...there is more evidence of Obstruction of Justice with trump than there was with Nixon. And Nixon was doomed...trump will be soon...

I think the NRA-Russian link is interesting. If the NRA is found to have been funneling Russian money into the trump campaign....they need to be charged and prosecuted.
There isn't a shred of evidence for Trump obstructing justice, dumbass. You just got done attacking me for supposedly posting fake news, and you just posted the biggest piece of fake news in the last year.

There is no NRA-Russian link, moron. That's also fake news.
Asking questions when presented with "evidence" doesn't make someone stupid folks, it just reflects their attempts to find truth in a sea of misinformation.

This is the true "disaster" of the media being so distrusted rearing it's head. No amount of calling each other names and shaming folks for asking questions is going to change the divide so there is really no point, unless one just wants to call others names to make themselves feel superior - a standard on the menu at political forums it seems. Disheartening perhaps, but expected and dictated by human nature and psychology.

You couldn't possibly be referring to Faux, could you?

You have any idea just how retarded you appear by referring to me as “faux” in a thread you started based on fake news?? :eusa_doh:

"Faux" is entirely appropos since virtually everything you post is fake.


Wrong, I posted a story.
Sure it is. Those are all fake controversies invented by fake news outlets like CNN.
He's the one who worships Herr Mewler and calls everyone a dumbfuck.

No. Show us where any of the libs calling you a moron fell for a fake news story.

All those stories were posted in this forum, dumbass. I'm not going to go searching through all the posts in this forum to find what you are demanding. I have better things to do. However, you have defended plenty of the dumbest of fake news stories - the Russian "Collusion" story being the biggest.
Plenty of collusion evidence is public already. Just doesn't become evidence the way you want to define it until conspiracy charges are made. For example, lying about not meeting with Russians does not become collusion until conspiracy is shown. Although lying to the Fed's may be a crime by itself, but it may or may not relate to collusion.

As John Dean said...there is more evidence of Obstruction of Justice with trump than there was with Nixon. And Nixon was doomed...trump will be soon...

I think the NRA-Russian link is interesting. If the NRA is found to have been funneling Russian money into the trump campaign....they need to be charged and prosecuted.
There isn't a shred of evidence for Trump obstructing justice, dumbass. You just got done attacking me for supposedly posting fake news, and you just posted the biggest piece of fake news in the last year.

There is no NRA-Russian link, moron. That's also fake news.

The FBI is investigating it....we will find out....
forgive me - where have i heard hogg greive yet? he sure isn't doing it in this thread. he's more concerned with getting this "news" than he appears to be for his friends.
He obviously looked at this event as a big career advancement opportunity rather than something to grieve over.
You're a sick fuck. There's simply no other excuse.

Two of the kids shot and killed that day were his sister's best friends. One can feel nothing but pity for what a sick and disturbed person freak you are.

How many more false rumors are you going to spread about this kid?

If he wants to play with the big dogs, he better be ready to take the heat. No one feels sorry for a douchebag giving the commie salute to the entire nation and calling every member of the NRA a murderer.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. Hogg is a disturbed freak. He's a product of our government schools, just like the shooter. Both are proof that the government is fucking up out kids.
This isn’t heat, you fucking moron. This is pieces of shit like you spreading false rumors about a kid who had to hide in his own school to avoid getting shot by a maniac with a gun. Whose own sister lost her two best friends that day.

I hate to be repetitive, but there is something seriously wrong with you. :cuckoo:

Oh, the po witto babeeeeeeee! He's a douchebag who gave the commie salute to the entire country and called every member of the NRA a murderer. I don't experience the slightest bit of sympathy for the little commie.

What you refuse to admit is that there is something seriously wrong with Hogg.

It's hilarous watching a douchebag snowflake like you whining about spreading false rumours - something you do on a daily basis.

Where's the evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, douchebag?

the "commie salute"?

I don't know what that is.

but maybe he did it for Donald's benefit so he could impress his keeper, vlad
Asking questions when presented with "evidence" doesn't make someone stupid folks, it just reflects their attempts to find truth in a sea of misinformation.

This is the true "disaster" of the media being so distrusted rearing it's head. No amount of calling each other names and shaming folks for asking questions is going to change the divide so there is really no point, unless one just wants to call others names to make themselves feel superior - a standard on the menu at political forums it seems. Disheartening perhaps, but expected and dictated by human nature and psychology.

You couldn't possibly be referring to Faux, could you?

You have any idea just how retarded you appear by referring to me as “faux” in a thread you started based on fake news?? :eusa_doh:

"Faux" is entirely appropos since virtually everything you post is fake.


Wrong, I posted a story.

a "story" that is a proven lie.
No. Show us where any of the libs calling you a moron fell for a fake news story.

All those stories were posted in this forum, dumbass. I'm not going to go searching through all the posts in this forum to find what you are demanding. I have better things to do. However, you have defended plenty of the dumbest of fake news stories - the Russian "Collusion" story being the biggest.
Plenty of collusion evidence is public already. Just doesn't become evidence the way you want to define it until conspiracy charges are made. For example, lying about not meeting with Russians does not become collusion until conspiracy is shown. Although lying to the Fed's may be a crime by itself, but it may or may not relate to collusion.

As John Dean said...there is more evidence of Obstruction of Justice with trump than there was with Nixon. And Nixon was doomed...trump will be soon...

I think the NRA-Russian link is interesting. If the NRA is found to have been funneling Russian money into the trump campaign....they need to be charged and prosecuted.
There isn't a shred of evidence for Trump obstructing justice, dumbass. You just got done attacking me for supposedly posting fake news, and you just posted the biggest piece of fake news in the last year.

There is no NRA-Russian link, moron. That's also fake news.

The FBI is investigating it....we will find out....

Ah, yes, the infamous, "wait till Herr Mewler issues his report," dodge.
All those stories were posted in this forum, dumbass. I'm not going to go searching through all the posts in this forum to find what you are demanding. I have better things to do. However, you have defended plenty of the dumbest of fake news stories - the Russian "Collusion" story being the biggest.
Plenty of collusion evidence is public already. Just doesn't become evidence the way you want to define it until conspiracy charges are made. For example, lying about not meeting with Russians does not become collusion until conspiracy is shown. Although lying to the Fed's may be a crime by itself, but it may or may not relate to collusion.

As John Dean said...there is more evidence of Obstruction of Justice with trump than there was with Nixon. And Nixon was doomed...trump will be soon...

I think the NRA-Russian link is interesting. If the NRA is found to have been funneling Russian money into the trump campaign....they need to be charged and prosecuted.
There isn't a shred of evidence for Trump obstructing justice, dumbass. You just got done attacking me for supposedly posting fake news, and you just posted the biggest piece of fake news in the last year.

There is no NRA-Russian link, moron. That's also fake news.

The FBI is investigating it....we will find out....

Ah, yes, the infamous, "wait till Herr Mewler issues his report," dodge.

so we should lie about evidence like you?

again, stop defecting, hack. you lied. you were caught. say sorry like a good little trumptard.
You couldn't possibly be referring to Faux, could you?

You have any idea just how retarded you appear by referring to me as “faux” in a thread you started based on fake news?? :eusa_doh:

"Faux" is entirely appropos since virtually everything you post is fake.


Wrong, I posted a story.

a "story" that is a proven lie.

It may be erroneous, but it's not a lie.

One has to wonder why all you snowflake douchebags don't get this irate over all the fake news that CNN and other outlets broadcast on a daily basis.

You have any idea just how retarded you appear by referring to me as “faux” in a thread you started based on fake news?? :eusa_doh:

"Faux" is entirely appropos since virtually everything you post is fake.


Wrong, I posted a story.

a "story" that is a proven lie.

It may be erroneous, but it's not a lie.

One has to wonder why all you snowflake douchebags don't get this irate over all the fake news that CNN and other outlets broadcast on a daily basis.
So what? Still deserves an apology. You’re spreading bullshit about someone. Do you have any honor at all?
"Faux" is entirely appropos since virtually everything you post is fake.


Wrong, I posted a story.

a "story" that is a proven lie.

It may be erroneous, but it's not a lie.

One has to wonder why all you snowflake douchebags don't get this irate over all the fake news that CNN and other outlets broadcast on a daily basis.
So what? Still deserves an apology. You’re spreading bullshit about someone. Do you have any honor at all?

rhetorical question?
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