CBDC is the Embodiment of the Hated British General Warrant, Which Sparked the American Revolution


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
CBDC is the Embodiment of the Hated British General Warrant, Which Sparked the American Revolution


James Otis

to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,” – Fourth Amendment Clause, US Constitution

Of the many grievances which led to the American Revolution, none was more provocative to the senses of the feisty and independence-prone colonists than the British General Warrant, which gave King’s men and soldiers the right to search colonists’ homes, barns, warehouses, or any other property at any time.

Memories of the hated General Warrant led to the bedrock Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution, which expressly prohibits any random search of “persons, houses, papers, and effects” without “probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

The fourth item in the Bill of Rights clearly meant to set a high bar for the invasion of privacy, including “papers, and effects” which would include financial and transaction records. Even IRS audits are concerned primarily with income, and business expenses as they relate to the calculation of income. Only a narrow set of records may be examined.

The General Warrant was a permanent government fishing expedition, and included the power to break down doors in the middle of the night, enter one’s home, and turn it upside down in “search” of something. They didn’t have to tell you what. Although the “general search warrant” also called “writs of assistance,” was purportedly aimed at smuggled goods bypassing British customs duties, it was an instrument of oppression which could be used in an arbitrary manner.

No Revolutionary was more fiery in denouncing the General Warrant than the colorful James Otis of Massachusetts, who alternated between brilliance on the floor of the Massachusetts Legislature and bouts of scandalous behavior, once fighting with fists and canes against a King’s customs agent outside a tavern in Boston’s Longwharf.

It was Otis who first said “A man’s house is his castle” in a 5-hour speech witnessed by the rapt, 25-year-old John Adams:

“A man’s house is his castle, and whilst he is quiet he is as well guarded as a prince in his castle. This writ, if it should be declared legal, would totally annihilate this privilege. Custom house officers may enter our houses when they please; we are commanded to permit their entry. Their menial servants may enter, may break locks, bars, and everything in their way; and whether they break through malice or revenge, no man, no court, can inquire. Bare suspicion without oath is sufficient. This wanton exercise of this power is not a chimerical suggestion of a heated brain….What a scene does this open! Every man, prompted by revenge, ill humor, or wantonness to inspect the inside of his neighbor’s house, may get a writ of assistance. Others will ask it from self-defense; one arbitrary exertion will provoke another, until society be involved in tumult and blood.”

Adams later wrote:

“Every man of a crowded audience appeared to me to go away, as I did, ready to take arms against [the General Warrant]…Then and there the child Independence was born.”

Fast forward to 2023, and, with minimal opposition from either party, the Federal Reserve is set to eventually replace physical cash with a CBDC – a Central Bank Digital Currency – which is in fact not a currency but a system which records and tells the federal government every transaction made with one’s personal earnings, deposited into one’s CBDC account, as credits. The electronic records can then be arbitrarily searched for patterns of “misbehavior,” resembling China’s “social credit score” system, such as buying too much meat, or traveling too much and exceeding the allowed “carbon footprint.”

China’s CBDC-social credit score system is in fact the World Economic Forum’s, a creature of the billionaires who guide the central banks, model for the world.

Since the Fourth Amendment guarantee to “be secure…in their papers, and effects” includes financial records, such a system is unconstitutional.
Assurances by the Fed, which is already piloting the system with FedNow, that cash will not be abolished and such CBDC records will never be randomly searched through by the government, ring hollow. This is the same federal government which also said COVID vaccines would never be mandatory.

Official “Federal Reserve Bank Services,” “FRB Services” promo of FedNow

The central bankers behind the system, who work in the interest of the billionaire elite represented by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, have made it abundantly clear that the goal of the system is power and control.

The managing director of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS,) the central bank for the central banks, said in 2020:

in cash, we don’t know for example who is using a hundred dollar bill today; we don’t know who is using a one thousand peso bill today. A key difference with a CBDC is that the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that determine the use of that expression of central bank liability. And also, we will have the technology to enforce that.

When people like this tell you what they want, believe them.

Central Banker admits CBDC will give central banks complete power over what, when, and where you can spend your money

In other words, technocrats in the federal government will tell you how you can spend your own money. Or search for infractions of the ever-changing “rules and regulations,” such as going over your “carbon footprint” limit, which could cause your own “money” to stop working for travel or other carbon-intensive activities.
Or if you are “hesitant” to submit to the latest untested, government-mandated “vaccine,” your account could simply be frozen, so that you cannot buy food or anything else until you do submit. Your CBDC “digital wallet” will be matched to your vaccination history which is part of your “digital ID,” which will be searched regularly by AI for compliance.

This is not what the Founders had in mind when they made the Law of the Land that we will be “be secure in their persons…in their papers, and effects.” The Fourth is a clear bright line drawn by the Founders commanding that the government must mind its own business, or furnish “probable cause” of a crime.

Electronic records are but a different form of “papers.”

The larger than life Revolutionary James Otis did not take government poking through his business regularly for compliance lightly. Government bureaucrats were but “servants” to the free men who paid their salaries, he always thundered. To accept the General Warrant would make men “the servants of servants”:

“What is this but to have the curse of Canaan with a witness on us: to be the servants of servants, the most despicable of God’s creation?”

“Servants of servants, the most despicable of God’s creation,” is what CBDC will make Americans, who once stormed the beaches of Normandy in defense of freedom.
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