CBDC China-Style Control System is Unconstitutional, a Coup Over Democracy, #ArrestTheFed


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

“They Want Your Kids”​

Catherine Austin Fitts said in her podcast, on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense website, that one of the goals of the global elite behind the CBDC control system is to achieve absolute, permanent power over the rest of humanity, up to and including taking children away, like livestock.



Above image: Minnesota health worker Jummai Nache, injured by mandated Pfizer COVID vaccine in 2021, required quadruple amputation (source)

The open push toward CBDC has thrust the Federal Reserve into the spotlight, beyond the usual “End the Fed” activist suspects. Nowhere in the latest amended Federal Reserve Act of 1913 does Congress grant the Fed the power to run a CBDC, nevermind one with such extraordinary powers. Most “money” in use has been digital for a long time, as credits and debits settled at end-of-day, and actual cash deliveries between banks minimal.

But now, with the Fed attempting what can only be described as a coup over numerous Constitutional guarantees, such as 4th Amendment privacy, an even closer look is warranted at the Fed itself. Many have argued that it is crystal clear in the US Constitution that only the US Treasury can print money, Article I, Section 8, Clause 5: “The Congress shall have the Power to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin…” Whether or not the Fed actually prints money depends on whether one accepts the idea that adding zeros to a bank’s assets, so it can lend more money out, constitutes creating money.
The answer of course, is of course it does. If it were not the Federal Reserve doing it, such shenanigans would put anyone else in jail.

Even an International Monetary Fund working paper admits, from a hotbed of central bankers:

“…the issuance of CBDC poses legal, financial and reputational risks for central banks… First, most central bank laws do not currently authorize the issuance of CBDC to the general public…”

Straight from the horse’s mouth.
When I used to milk cows we had this Holstein that was a certified retard I don't know what was wrong with this sucker, but she was really strange
Anyway my dad gave her the nickname chinatown

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