Carl Bernstein:‭ ‬trump Has Created‭ '‬First Grifter Presidency‭' ‬In America's History


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Carl Bernstein:‭ ‬trump Has Created‭ '‬First Grifter Presidency‭' ‬In America's History

Berstein is correct about the impeached president trump being a grifter.‭ ‬Anyone familiar with his family’s history has known this for decades,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬none of his family of grifters ever made any attempt to hide it.

The impeached president trump’s evil spawn followed in Daddy’s footsteps in the business world and moved with him into the political world.

In the‭ ‬1973‭ ‬Paul Newman/Robert Redford vehicle‭ “‬The Sting‭”‬,‭ ‬Redford’s character,‭ “‬Johnny Hooker‭” ‬seeks out legendary conman,‭ “‬Henry Gondorff‭”‬,‭ ‬portrayed by Newman.

Hooker wants Gondorff to teach him how to run the‭ “‬Big Con‭” ‬to avenge the death of a close friend and elderly grifter.

The‭ “‬Mark‭” ‬is an organized crime boss,‭ “‬Doyle Lonnegan‭”‬,‭ ‬played by Robert Shaw.

One of the first‭ “‬lessons‭” ‬for Hooker,‭ ‬Gondorff explains,‭ ‬in the‭ “‬Big Con‭” ‬the mark can never know he’s been conned.

In the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬63‭ ‬million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton,‭ ‬while‭ ‬60‭ ‬million voted for the-undoubtedly-will-be-impeached-if-elected trump.

But the impeached president trump and his family of grifters never worry about the mark(s‭)‬ learning‭ ‬their dealings with this group of grifters was all a scam.‭ ‬After watching the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics accept and defend his countless lies,‭ ‬misinformation,‭ ‬violations of the‭ “‬Emoluments Clause‭”‬,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬it’s plain to see they remain oblivious to the grifter-in-chief’s and his families‭’ ‬scams, even after all these years.‭

This means there are‭ ‬60‭ ‬million‭ “‬marks‭” ‬unaware they’ve been taken by the‭ “‬Big Con‭”‬.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬for the few RWNJs who finally manage to escape the fantasy world of conservative denial,‭ ‬they’ll be screaming that no one informed them of the illegal shenanigans of the impeached president trump’s criminal organization.‭ ‬These newly‭ “‬awakened‭” ‬RWNJs will be‭ ‬apoplectic‭ ‬and demand to know the reasons‭ ‬why‭ ‬they were never told‭ ‬of their‭ “‬former hero’s‭” ‬duplicity‭?

Ah, now Bernstein, the has been, is trolling Trump, trying to stay relevant. If someone on this board wrote "Trump is the first grifter President", most people would totally ignore it as well they should. So what will Bernstein's next earth shattering revelation be? Trump is a meanie? Vote straight Republican if you care about your country.
Carl Bernstein:‭ ‬trump Has Created‭ '‬First Grifter Presidency‭' ‬In America's History

Berstein is correct about the impeached president trump being a grifter.‭ ‬Anyone familiar with his family’s history has known this for decades,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬none of his family of grifters ever made any attempt to hide it.

The impeached president trump’s evil spawn followed in Daddy’s footsteps in the business world and moved with him into the political world.

In the‭ ‬1973‭ ‬Paul Newman/Robert Redford vehicle‭ “‬The Sting‭”‬,‭ ‬Redford’s character,‭ “‬Johnny Hooker‭” ‬seeks out legendary conman,‭ “‬Henry Gondorff‭”‬,‭ ‬portrayed by Newman.

Hooker wants Gondorff to teach him how to run the‭ “‬Big Con‭” ‬to avenge the death of a close friend and elderly grifter.

The‭ “‬Mark‭” ‬is an organized crime boss,‭ “‬Doyle Lonnegan‭”‬,‭ ‬played by Robert Shaw.

One of the first‭ “‬lessons‭” ‬for Hooker,‭ ‬Gondorff explains,‭ ‬in the‭ “‬Big Con‭” ‬the mark can never know he’s been conned.

In the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬63‭ ‬million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton,‭ ‬while‭ ‬60‭ ‬million voted for the-undoubtedly-will-be-impeached-if-elected trump.

But the impeached president trump and his family of grifters never worry about the mark(s‭)‬ learning‭ ‬their dealings with this group of grifters was all a scam.‭ ‬After watching the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics accept and defend his countless lies,‭ ‬misinformation,‭ ‬violations of the‭ “‬Emoluments Clause‭”‬,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬it’s plain to see they remain oblivious to the grifter-in-chief’s and his families‭’ ‬scams, even after all these years.‭

This means there are‭ ‬60‭ ‬million‭ “‬marks‭” ‬unaware they’ve been taken by the‭ “‬Big Con‭”‬.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬for the few RWNJs who finally manage to escape the fantasy world of conservative denial,‭ ‬they’ll be screaming that no one informed them of the illegal shenanigans of the impeached president trump’s criminal organization.‭ ‬These newly‭ “‬awakened‭” ‬RWNJs will be‭ ‬apoplectic‭ ‬and demand to know the reasons‭ ‬why‭ ‬they were never told‭ ‬of their‭ “‬former hero’s‭” ‬duplicity‭?

opinion only = babble crap
Americans know what this man is. This tax thing is only one small piece. Another log on the fire.

Trumpsters don't care. He's the arrogant, pugilistic, authoritarian nationalist of their dreams.

They yearn to be ruled by a man like this.
You make things up...over and over and over. So much that people are killing each other and we may be at civil war that the people in power have move to.
Carl Bernstein:‭ ‬trump Has Created‭ '‬First Grifter Presidency‭' ‬In America's History

Berstein is correct about the impeached president trump being a grifter.‭ ‬Anyone familiar with his family’s history has known this for decades,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬none of his family of grifters ever made any attempt to hide it.

The impeached president trump’s evil spawn followed in Daddy’s footsteps in the business world and moved with him into the political world.

In the‭ ‬1973‭ ‬Paul Newman/Robert Redford vehicle‭ “‬The Sting‭”‬,‭ ‬Redford’s character,‭ “‬Johnny Hooker‭” ‬seeks out legendary conman,‭ “‬Henry Gondorff‭”‬,‭ ‬portrayed by Newman.

Hooker wants Gondorff to teach him how to run the‭ “‬Big Con‭” ‬to avenge the death of a close friend and elderly grifter.

The‭ “‬Mark‭” ‬is an organized crime boss,‭ “‬Doyle Lonnegan‭”‬,‭ ‬played by Robert Shaw.

One of the first‭ “‬lessons‭” ‬for Hooker,‭ ‬Gondorff explains,‭ ‬in the‭ “‬Big Con‭” ‬the mark can never know he’s been conned.

In the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬63‭ ‬million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton,‭ ‬while‭ ‬60‭ ‬million voted for the-undoubtedly-will-be-impeached-if-elected trump.

But the impeached president trump and his family of grifters never worry about the mark(s‭)‬ learning‭ ‬their dealings with this group of grifters was all a scam.‭ ‬After watching the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics accept and defend his countless lies,‭ ‬misinformation,‭ ‬violations of the‭ “‬Emoluments Clause‭”‬,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬it’s plain to see they remain oblivious to the grifter-in-chief’s and his families‭’ ‬scams, even after all these years.‭

This means there are‭ ‬60‭ ‬million‭ “‬marks‭” ‬unaware they’ve been taken by the‭ “‬Big Con‭”‬.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬for the few RWNJs who finally manage to escape the fantasy world of conservative denial,‭ ‬they’ll be screaming that no one informed them of the illegal shenanigans of the impeached president trump’s criminal organization.‭ ‬These newly‭ “‬awakened‭” ‬RWNJs will be‭ ‬apoplectic‭ ‬and demand to know the reasons‭ ‬why‭ ‬they were never told‭ ‬of their‭ “‬former hero’s‭” ‬duplicity‭?


A quick summation:

Bertram bought Bernstein's book.

Trump is doing to this country what he did to his businesses. Running it into the ground with his ineptitude, greed and grift. Now this grifter is lying about voter fraud and undermining our elections. If the country is destroyed Trump won’t care because it is about Trump. That is why he thinks his supporters are disgusting people and 200,000 dead are nobodies. Trump gives a shit about no one except himself.
Americans know what this man is. This tax thing is only one small piece. Another log on the fire.

Trumpsters don't care. He's the arrogant, pugilistic, authoritarian nationalist of their dreams.

They yearn to be ruled by a man like this.
Obvious projection.
Trump is doing to this country what he did to his businesses. Running it into the ground with his ineptitude, greed and grift. Now this grifter is lying about voter fraud and undermining our elections. If the country is destroyed Trump won’t care because it is about Trump. That is why he thinks his supporters are disgusting people and 200,000 dead are nobodies. Trump gives a shit about no one except himself.
It really is playing out that he's just being what he always has been. Amazing to watch this. More amazing that so many are fine with it.
Trump is doing to this country what he did to his businesses. Running it into the ground with his ineptitude, greed and grift. Now this grifter is lying about voter fraud and undermining our elections. If the country is destroyed Trump won’t care because it is about Trump. That is why he thinks his supporters are disgusting people and 200,000 dead are nobodies. Trump gives a shit about no one except himself.

Nah. Trump is doing for this country exactly what needs to be done. America first.

Guess you forgot before Covid UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We had a great economy and as soon as Covid is beaten we will have that back with Trump at the helm.

We have 200,000 dead instead of the 3.2 million that were predicted and no one could have done a better job that Trump did.

Pandemics kill people no matter who is in the white house. Pandemics kill not matter what anyone says or does.

Neither Barry, Hitlery or Biden could have done better than Trump did. Pandemics kill shit for brains and a pandemic doesn't give a rats ass who's running the show.

You really are an ass.
The marxists shitstains are screaming "WE HAVE NOTHING!!!!"

This ancient, communist fossil is stuck in '72 while the rest of the world has moved on. Where's a dry cough when you need one.....
Carl Bernstein:‭ ‬trump Has Created‭ '‬First Grifter Presidency‭' ‬In America's History

Berstein is correct about the impeached president trump being a grifter.‭ ‬Anyone familiar with his family’s history has known this for decades,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬none of his family of grifters ever made any attempt to hide it.

The impeached president trump’s evil spawn followed in Daddy’s footsteps in the business world and moved with him into the political world.

In the‭ ‬1973‭ ‬Paul Newman/Robert Redford vehicle‭ “‬The Sting‭”‬,‭ ‬Redford’s character,‭ “‬Johnny Hooker‭” ‬seeks out legendary conman,‭ “‬Henry Gondorff‭”‬,‭ ‬portrayed by Newman.

Hooker wants Gondorff to teach him how to run the‭ “‬Big Con‭” ‬to avenge the death of a close friend and elderly grifter.

The‭ “‬Mark‭” ‬is an organized crime boss,‭ “‬Doyle Lonnegan‭”‬,‭ ‬played by Robert Shaw.

One of the first‭ “‬lessons‭” ‬for Hooker,‭ ‬Gondorff explains,‭ ‬in the‭ “‬Big Con‭” ‬the mark can never know he’s been conned.

In the‭ ‬2016‭ ‬Presidential Election‭ ‬63‭ ‬million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton,‭ ‬while‭ ‬60‭ ‬million voted for the-undoubtedly-will-be-impeached-if-elected trump.

But the impeached president trump and his family of grifters never worry about the mark(s‭)‬ learning‭ ‬their dealings with this group of grifters was all a scam.‭ ‬After watching the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics accept and defend his countless lies,‭ ‬misinformation,‭ ‬violations of the‭ “‬Emoluments Clause‭”‬,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬it’s plain to see they remain oblivious to the grifter-in-chief’s and his families‭’ ‬scams, even after all these years.‭

This means there are‭ ‬60‭ ‬million‭ “‬marks‭” ‬unaware they’ve been taken by the‭ “‬Big Con‭”‬.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬for the few RWNJs who finally manage to escape the fantasy world of conservative denial,‭ ‬they’ll be screaming that no one informed them of the illegal shenanigans of the impeached president trump’s criminal organization.‭ ‬These newly‭ “‬awakened‭” ‬RWNJs will be‭ ‬apoplectic‭ ‬and demand to know the reasons‭ ‬why‭ ‬they were never told‭ ‬of their‭ “‬former hero’s‭” ‬duplicity‭?

Awwww how sweet libber libber wacko idolizing sleazebag attention grabber Bernstein.....wacko love.

Just ask 911 Zionist Traitor JOHN BOLTON, the biggest Zionist warmonger of all....

Bernstein = WaPo = ISRAEL

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