Cancer causing agent SV40 found in covid vaccines

already being discussed in Science and Technology.

It's nice to know these facts. However, we also know there are small chances of dying or having complications from any vaccine, including those given to infants and small children as they grow up. The question I have, is it a greater chance of catching cancer or heart problems than any of the child vaccines that can cause deaths too?

In the post-Truth era illness is bettah...

Damn, these people are morons.

SV40 evidently got into some polio vaccines about 60 years ago.
But it is not in the Covid-19 vaccination.....


Well, isn't that special. If you are not genetically prone to cancer the vaccine will make sure you have a fighting chance to get it. Nothing like a versatile bio weapon.

I noticed there was a thread on this but it was closed due to improper posting which is now common place here. This is serious business and these things need to be known and challenged.
I notice that your source is another garbage blog.
This was already discussed and your fact checker proven wrong as usual

Whoop there it is
Google it

is sv40 in the covid-19 vaccine

You have been duped again. Do your research before you post misinformation again.
Next we are going to here that Covid-19 vaccination caused Monkey Pox :happy-1::happy-1:
I posted some info about SV-40 in the Science forum. If you read all the way through the Wiki page, you'll notice that SV-40 is known to TRANSMIT cancer from one animal to another.

In the 60's most of the research was done on mice and lab rats, which is where all the excitement about carcinogenicity came from. But further down in the article it mentions PML, which is what I worked on - the JC virus, which causes leukoencephalopathy.

You'll also notice the METHOD by which we prep the virus to act as a vector. We remove two antigens that trigger T-cells, and such removal is NEVER perfect.
maybe you missed the most important part?

ZERO :itsok:

SV40 is a monkey virus that has the potential to cause cancer in animals and humans, although this is considered very unlikely and there have been no known human cases.
Google it

is sv40 in the covid-19 vaccine

You have been duped again. Do your research before you post misinformation again.
Yeah cause Google isn't compromised at all

And the news broke days ago, Japan found this 2 months ago. Your link is how old? Learn how time works

Yeah cause Google isn't compromised at all

And the news broke days ago, Japan found this 2 months ago. Your link is how old? Learn how time works

View attachment 802762
RETARD ALERT ! You are not the first fool to post this garbage!

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before we go any further... you must know

There are no mouse brains in Covid-19 vaccines​

Rust_Cohle , write this down.
you see this one? March 2021... write this down

None of the following as well....

Monkey kidneys or SV40 virus :muahaha:

MRC-5 (aborted baby cells from 1966) :hyper:

XMRV Virus (Lukemia virus) :rolleyes:

Human blood :D

But it is not in the Covid-19 vaccination.....


Your link here is dated May

May comes before June and July

Your link also tries to refute what Japan found which subsequent posts from my side backup as fact

Yep there's a retard here alright his name is SGT Bill worlds biggest faggot
I notice that your source is another garbage blog.
Microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around. This is DNA contamination. He found the contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials.

There is the source. The article or blog just reported his findings.
Microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around. This is DNA contamination. He found the contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials.

There is the source. The article or blog just reported his findings.
Dated July 7 2023 well imagine that
Your link here is dated May

May comes before June and July

Your link also tries to refute what Japan found which subsequent posts from my side backup as fact

Yep there's a retard here alright his name is SGT Bill worlds biggest faggot
This shit has been going on since 2021. It is all respun BUNK. AKA Bullshit.
Grow the fuck up mental cripple:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
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Microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around. This is DNA contamination. He found the contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials.

There is the source. The article or blog just reported his findings.
maybe you missed the most important part?

ZERO :itsok:

SV40 is a monkey virus that has the potential to cause cancer in animals and humans, although this is considered very unlikely and there have been ZERO known human cases.

This one is as bad as "if you eat a million maraschino cherries you will get cancer" :itsok:

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