California a Penal Colony?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I've spent endless hours conducting research for the Father Serra's Legacy. But, it was just recently that I became re-acquainted with Hubert Howard Bancroft, a most prolific historian of the 1800s. He's written numerous volumes from everything about American Indians to the histories of some states.

So I was delighted to find online some of his tomes dealing with California from 1825 to 1848 – when Mexico governed it as a territory. What I've learned so far – only making my way through the first twelve chapters – is something I never learned in school and was not anywhere in Wikipedia or any of the other websites dealing with California history.

I've just posted my first blog on it and I hope those interested in such stuff will drop by to share my discovery at

An attempted rebellion by convicts?

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