Calculating Christmas


Gold Member
Feb 7, 2011
A Mistake

The idea that the date was taken from the pagans goes back to two scholars from the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Paul Ernst Jablonski, a German Protestant, wished to show that the celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25th was one of the many “paganizations” of Christianity that the Church of the fourth century embraced, as one of many “degenerations” that transformed pure apostolic Christianity into Catholicism. Dom Jean Hardouin, a Benedictine monk, tried to show that the Catholic Church adopted pagan festivals for Christian purposes without paganizing the gospel.

Touchstone Archives Calculating Christmas
It has to do with Christmas being so close to the Winter Solstice, which was celebrated for thousands of years by various Pagan religions before Christianity was formed.

Still... any new culture who respects Nature, and pays close attention to the skies and the Earth will inevitably develop special days around the Solstices and the Equinoxes, and for many, even their midpoints.


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