Bush's Veto Strategy

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
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It took long enough - Pres Bush is watching spending

Now, if he will give up on the amnesty bill

Bush's Veto Strategy
By Robert Novak

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Addressing a Republican fund-raising dinner at the Washington Convention Center last Wednesday night, President Bush declared: "If the Democrats want to test us, that's why they give the president the veto. I'm looking forward to vetoing excessive spending, and I'm looking forward to having the United States Congress support my veto."

That was more than blather for a political pep rally. Bush plans to veto the Homeland Security appropriations bill nearing final passage, followed by vetoes of eight more money bills sent him by the Democratic-controlled Congress

The first appropriations bill to be vetoed, Homeland Security, raises spending 14 percent over the previous year, compared with 7 percent requested by the administration. Bush also objects to this measure because it applies higher wages under the Davis-Bacon Act to workers covered by the bill.

The second money bill hitting the president's desk, Military Construction and VA (Veterans Affairs), is even more costly, with a 30 percent boost contrasted with the administration's 22 percent increase. Nevertheless, Bush will sign this bill, as indicated in a SAP (statement of administration policy) issued last Wednesday night.

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