Bush Officials Backing Biden


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

A group of ex-Cabinet secretaries and White House officials in the George W. Bush administration launched a PAC on Wednesday to support presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, part of a growing network of Republican groups backing Biden over Trump.

The group is headed by Karen Kirksey, a veteran of the Bush 2000 campaign and Bush’s Labor and Agriculture departments, who told CNN, “for four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.

This group joins other well known Conservatives such as The Bush family, Mitt Romney, George Will, and Colin Powell, as well as prominent Generals and Admirals who refuse to back Donald Trump.

The Bush name still carries a lot of weight in Conservative America. This one is going to hurt!


A group of ex-Cabinet secretaries and White House officials in the George W. Bush administration launched a PAC on Wednesday to support presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, part of a growing network of Republican groups backing Biden over Trump.

The group is headed by Karen Kirksey, a veteran of the Bush 2000 campaign and Bush’s Labor and Agriculture departments, who told CNN, “for four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.

This group joins other well known Conservatives such as The Bush family, Mitt Romney, George Will, and Colin Powell, as well as prominent Generals and Admirals who refuse to back Donald Trump.

The Bush name still carries a lot of weight in Conservative America. This one is going to hurt!

Traitor in chief continues bleeding voters, it will be a bigger blue tsunami than 2018....


A group of ex-Cabinet secretaries and White House officials in the George W. Bush administration launched a PAC on Wednesday to support presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, part of a growing network of Republican groups backing Biden over Trump.

The group is headed by Karen Kirksey, a veteran of the Bush 2000 campaign and Bush’s Labor and Agriculture departments, who told CNN, “for four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.

This group joins other well known Conservatives such as The Bush family, Mitt Romney, George Will, and Colin Powell, as well as prominent Generals and Admirals who refuse to back Donald Trump.

The Bush name still carries a lot of weight in Conservative America. This one is going to hurt!

Thoughts from an "independent" who non-stop gushes Biden propaganda. Disingenuous of course; then again, most modern human minds seem to have concluded that the truth is protean. Hilarious.

A group of ex-Cabinet secretaries and White House officials in the George W. Bush administration launched a PAC on Wednesday to support presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, part of a growing network of Republican groups backing Biden over Trump.

The group is headed by Karen Kirksey, a veteran of the Bush 2000 campaign and Bush’s Labor and Agriculture departments, who told CNN, “for four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.

This group joins other well known Conservatives such as The Bush family, Mitt Romney, George Will, and Colin Powell, as well as prominent Generals and Admirals who refuse to back Donald Trump.

The Bush name still carries a lot of weight in Conservative America. This one is going to hurt!

Tooo funny coming from leftards that called Bush the "unelected chimp" but now tout former members of his cabinet because they want Joe Pedo Biden? The jokes practically write themselves....
The Bush name still carries a lot of weight in Conservative America. This one is going to hurt!
It DOES, Billy Willy? It sure didn't seem to do ol' Jeb much good.

I guess the younger Bush family never really was the Rightwing cornball you really thought. Just more RINOS still angry their guy lost to Trump. Oh well. Fuck them too.

A group of ex-Cabinet secretaries and White House officials in the George W. Bush administration launched a PAC on Wednesday to support presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, part of a growing network of Republican groups backing Biden over Trump.

The group is headed by Karen Kirksey, a veteran of the Bush 2000 campaign and Bush’s Labor and Agriculture departments, who told CNN, “for four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.

This group joins other well known Conservatives such as The Bush family, Mitt Romney, George Will, and Colin Powell, as well as prominent Generals and Admirals who refuse to back Donald Trump.

The Bush name still carries a lot of weight in Conservative America. This one is going to hurt!

These days, it carries about as much weight as yours does.

Trump largely exposed these "conservatives" for the sham they are during the 2016 campaign. They completed the job themselves following the nomination with their foot-stamping and public pouting.

Now that historical hindsight has placed many of these characters right at the core of globalism and the Democratic Party, they've lost what fizz they may have once had.

Tubbyhug ...

Organizing Committee:

Karen Kirksey
2000 Campaign, USDA

John Farner
2000 Campaign, Commerce

Kristopher Purcell
2000/2004 Campaign, White House

Michael Brown
2000 Campaign, EPA

Abel Guerra
2000 Campaign, White House

Kelly Ganzberger
RNC, White House

Genevieve Woodard Hartley
2000 Campaign, Treasury, DHS

Jennifer Millikin
2004 Campaign, GSA

David Almacy
Education, White House

Michael Turk
Energy, OMB, 2004 Campaign, RNC

Serenety Hanley
RNC, EPA, White House

Where were they when tippy toes Jeb was running? I look forward to Brownie doing a heck of a job again.
That the Bush admin "FAILURES" dare to criticize Trump is unbelievable. Those buffoons crashed the US economy and that led to 8-years of Obama and the doubling of the National Debt. Those morons should be lined up and shot.

A group of ex-Cabinet secretaries and White House officials in the George W. Bush administration launched a PAC on Wednesday to support presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, part of a growing network of Republican groups backing Biden over Trump.

The group is headed by Karen Kirksey, a veteran of the Bush 2000 campaign and Bush’s Labor and Agriculture departments, who told CNN, “for four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.

This group joins other well known Conservatives such as The Bush family, Mitt Romney, George Will, and Colin Powell, as well as prominent Generals and Admirals who refuse to back Donald Trump.

The Bush name still carries a lot of weight in Conservative America. This one is going to hurt!

Trump defied the Military/Industrial Complex.

A group of ex-Cabinet secretaries and White House officials in the George W. Bush administration launched a PAC on Wednesday to support presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, part of a growing network of Republican groups backing Biden over Trump.

The group is headed by Karen Kirksey, a veteran of the Bush 2000 campaign and Bush’s Labor and Agriculture departments, who told CNN, “for four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.

This group joins other well known Conservatives such as The Bush family, Mitt Romney, George Will, and Colin Powell, as well as prominent Generals and Admirals who refuse to back Donald Trump.

The Bush name still carries a lot of weight in Conservative America. This one is going to hurt!

Thanks for admitting you didn’t follow the last campaign; the same people campaigned against Trump and you saw how far that got them.
"We’re supporting Joe Biden for President of the United States. This campaign is bigger than partisan politics. We recognize that there may be policy differences among us, but we look forward to a time when civil, honest and robust policy discussions are the order of the day. From spirited policy banter with family and friends on tax cuts, reducing regulations or supporting an economy that champions freedom’s cause. Bring it on!"

Democrats are pushing policy to abolish the police...so good luck with your civil, honest and robust policy discussions.

A group of ex-Cabinet secretaries and White House officials in the George W. Bush administration launched a PAC on Wednesday to support presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, part of a growing network of Republican groups backing Biden over Trump.

The group is headed by Karen Kirksey, a veteran of the Bush 2000 campaign and Bush’s Labor and Agriculture departments, who told CNN, “for four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the Party of Lincoln and Reagan.

This group joins other well known Conservatives such as The Bush family, Mitt Romney, George Will, and Colin Powell, as well as prominent Generals and Admirals who refuse to back Donald Trump.

The Bush name still carries a lot of weight in Conservative America. This one is going to hurt!

These days, it carries about as much weight as yours does.

Trump largely exposed these "conservatives" for the sham they are during the 2016 campaign. They completed the job themselves following the nomination with their foot-stamping and public pouting.

Now that historical hindsight has placed many of these characters right at the core of globalism and the Democratic Party, they've lost what fizz they may have once had.

Tubbyhug ...

Now I'm triply nauseated.

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