Breaking: The State Of Wisconsin Authorized An Audit Of The 2020 Election!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
USA Supreme ^ | 05.15.2021 | George Rowe
Posted on 5/15/2021, 9:55:31 AM by USA Conservative

In the 2020 presidential election, the state of Wisconsin faced a lot of “controversy.”

Social media users have been sharing posts claiming that during the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4 there were vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots only for Democrat Joe Biden in Wisconsin

They faced a lot of other voter fraud allegations.

There was a claim that 140,000 ballots for Biden were found in Wisconsin on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4.

President Donald Trump and his campaign were also claiming that there are too many “irregularities” with Wisconsin’s presidential election ballots to trust the outcome!

Left-wing media “debunked these stories” but many left wondering why there was no audit because many Americans still think that there was some sort of voter fraud there.

Well, after Arizona’s audit thing could change as Wisconsin officially authorized an audit of the 2020 elections:

This news raises allegations that Michigan and Pennsylvania could approve audits too.

In any case, the ongoing audit in Arizona is facing a lot of difficulties!

As the GP reported:

On Thursday, Dominion stated they “voluntarily supply access to their election equipment only to vendors accredited by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). We happily did so for the accredited providers (vendors) that Maricopa hired for auditing”. However, this is not true. According to audit vendor Pro V&V, Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) provided passwords directly to Maricopa Board of Election employees. And those employees logged into the equipment themselves, allowing auditors system access.

The Arizona Senate asked the County for Admin User level access. Pro V&V President Jack Cobb stated: “The Admin User and password have GOD powers. Note the Antrim County Michigan hack – where someone had Admin User and password access, and with that you can do anything. All databases in all industries need this function. The Super User login can perform any (Admin Level) function EXCEPT altering the SQL database. We don’t even ask for those credentials on a fielded system because they are so powerful there is a risk that we get accused of changing something.”

Mr. Cbb also said: “Neither Pro V&V or Maricopa County has the Admin User access passwords. Maricopa may have thought their Super User passwords were the Admin level but they are just Super Users passwords. We had them put in the passwords themselves. Maricopa could give these to the (Cyber Ninja) auditors and they still can’t do what they want. This is a “Red Herring”. The tabulators have redundant memory. The EMS is just an accumulator. I can delete and reload data as many times as I want as long as it is from a trusted source (SD, CF, or USB). On top of that there are printed paper tapes from each tabulator”.

Although the Arizona State Legislature has the right to inspect Federal & State Elections by law, DVS stated they WILL NOT supply passwords to the State Legislature, or any of its auditor. The thousands of election jurisdictions that might want equipment passwords for audits, Dominion expects them to choose from only two audit vendors. That’s right, there are only two EAC accredited vendors left to choose from.


In the aftermath of the historically flawed 2020 election, conniving Democrats
finagled to control the election machinery, and, so far, have managed to avoid scrutiny.

The cast of lefty voter fraud characters are stupefying in their originality. We have seen stories of:
<><> shredded mail-in envelopes,
<><> lost thumb drives,
<><> wiped computers,
<><> slow-walked requests for documents,
<><> rigged voting machines,
<><> suspicious looking ballots,
<><> disappearing Trump ballots,
<><> a federal judge fixing the all-important Georgia Senate race,
<><> and so on and so forth, ad infinitum, ad nauseaum.

There’s nail-biting in The Swamp WRT the mountain of voter fraud revelations emerging
plus the ever-widening audience of voters hearing about voter fraud for the first time.

Penlosi, Schmanure and all the Pubbie sellouts McConnell, Sasse, Kinzinger, got sap-happy.....thinking they’d finally be rid of Trump.

At the same time, the sap-happy lefties want the flawed Biden administration to at least SEEM seem legitimate....
even with a doddering moron, his “Dr” wife at his side, and the greedy Biden Crime Family salivating in the wings.

Is that the reason for the gallons of vodka and valium in the Democrats’ Capitol cloakroom?
So, will as many Wisconsin frauditors end up in prison as Arizona frauditors? After all, they're breaking long lists of laws with their corruption.

And why are the Arizona frauditors so quiet? Oh, that's right. They found zilch. They haven't even found anything they can lie about. Their attention has switched to staying out of prison.

Hence the Trump cult weeping now. Trump cult fraud failed yet another time. It always does. It's a good thing the Trump cult is so inept at fraud. If they were competent fraudsters, their election-rigging attempts might have worked.
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The way Joe is fucking up the country, I think all Americans want an Audit right now
President Joe is doing such a great job you kids have to make shit up to get pissed about.
Yes, war, Gas prices, run over by illegal invaders, unemployment UP again....proving, once again that liberalism/communism is a mental disorder!
Yes, war, Gas prices, run over by illegal invaders, unemployment UP again....proving, once again that liberalism/communism is a mental disorder!
Your masters really did a number on your cult brain.

They keep you constantly hysterical for a reason. Keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient. That's how your masters like you.
The audit can't change the election it can just show if anything is amiss...The fact that no one has found anything significant has not changed the Trumpbots fanatic setting on the emotive microchip.
He'll it took 4 years of planning and corruption by the left to accomplish it, you think it will be OUTED in 7 months.....lolol!
The audit can't change the election it can just show if anything is amiss...The fact that no one has found anything significant has not changed the Trumpbots fanatic setting on the emotive microchip.
He'll it took 4 years of planning and corruption by the left to accomplish it, you think it will be OUTED in 7 months.....lolol!
Actually it was eight since they learned how in 2012.
Another ridiculous exercise in futility.
More like an exercise in SENILITY...

An audit in Wisconsin?

Another "swing state" controlled by Republicans, that Biden happened to win, because the Orange Baboon-God was such a threat to democracy?

Idiot Republicans spending tons of money looking for nonexistent large-scale outcome-altering election-fraud boogeymen under the bed... :auiqs.jpg:
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Yes, war, Gas prices, run over by illegal invaders, unemployment UP again....proving, once again that liberalism/communism is a mental disorder!
Your masters really did a number on your cult brain.

They keep you constantly hysterical for a reason. Keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient. That's how your masters like you.
But you have no answer to the war, illegal invaders, UP UNEMPLOYMENT, ETC.ETC.....TYPICAL LEFTIST BULLSHIT!
The audit can't change the election it can just show if anything is amiss...The fact that no one has found anything significant has not changed the Trumpbots fanatic setting on the emotive microchip.
He'll it took 4 years of planning and corruption by the left to accomplish it, you think it will be OUTED in 7 months.....lolol!
When they find nothing are you still going to be a Trump-bot?
The way Joe is fucking up the country, I think all Americans want an Audit right now
President Joe is doing such a great job you kids have to make shit up to get pissed about.
Yes, war, Gas prices, run over by illegal invaders, unemployment UP again....proving, once again that liberalism/communism is a mental disorder!
See? There ya go, making shit up.
See, there you go LYING again!
The audit can't change the election it can just show if anything is amiss...The fact that no one has found anything significant has not changed the Trumpbots fanatic setting on the emotive microchip.
He'll it took 4 years of planning and corruption by the left to accomplish it, you think it will be OUTED in 7 months.....lolol!
When they find nothing are you still going to be a Trump-bot?
Are you still going to be anti-American?

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