BREAKING: Ruth Bader Ginsburg misses court due to illness

It's still somebody calling in sick. That's it.

I know summa y'all salivate with wishful death-thinking and shit but that's... what is the word........ deplorable.

It's still somebody calling in sick. That's it.

I know summa y'all salivate with wishful death-thinking and shit but that's... what is the word........ deplorable. tend to call in when your pancreas is rotting away....


Where the fuck do you see anything about "pancreas"?

I just dont get it.
How can you Demwits pretend to follow politics when you know so little?

Number one, that was last summer. The current topic is about her sitting out the other say because of a STOMACH VIRUS.

Number two, neither cancers nor stomach viruses are "politics".

Fuxsake it's like trying to teach kindergarten up in here

Pancreatic cancer is never last summer. Pancreas flare ups often
Resemble stomach bugs ....

She's a tough old bird but the stomach virus thing is malarkey.


Uh huh.
And you're posting from inside her stomach?
They know she is dying. And they hope impeachment hearings will keep Trump from selecting another justice. But it wont. Trump will rule you Marxists for a generation in this way. And none of us care what kind of circus you put on when the next justice goes before the senate.
They know she is dying. And they hope impeachment hearings will keep Trump from selecting another justice. But it wont. Trump will rule you Marxists for a generation in this way. And none of us care what kind of circus you put on when the next justice goes before the senate.

That other lib hack on the court is 81....which is another reason they are desperate to smear Trump to keep him from appointing judges and Justices.
They know she is dying. And they hope impeachment hearings will keep Trump from selecting another justice. But it wont. Trump will rule you Marxists for a generation in this way. And none of us care what kind of circus you put on when the next justice goes before the senate.

That other lib hack on the court is 81....which is another reason they are desperate to smear Trump to keep him from appointing judges and Justices.

They already tried this once. These people are crazy with power lust.

Schumer calls for delaying Gorsuch vote because of Trump-Russia probe
This is getting ridiculous. The woman needs to step down for christs sake !

They are going to strap her in that chair until they can get rid of Trump....this is why they moved up impeachment......she may assume room temperature at any time....
She already died months ago. Libs wheel her in early every day. Prop her up, stoop her over as sleeping soundly. Someone behind her jiggles her here and there. She stays late, they wheel her out. Prepare the body for the next day in this O2 chamber.

Can’t wait for the sleazy lying lefties to go on their next failed attack on a Trump SC candidate. That’s when they really strut their hopeless shit the best.

Okay, Ruthie. Take it away...
"Earlier this month Ginsburg, 86, suffered what the court described as a stomach bug. She was absent from arguments on Nov. 13 but returned for the court’s next public meeting, on Nov. 18.

She has been treated for cancer twice in the past year and two other times since 1999. Over the summer she received radiation for a tumor on her pancreas. Last winter she underwent surgery for lung cancer."

Ginsburg hospitalized for treatment of chills and fever
These are judicial decisions at the highest level. We need competence also at the highest level, not someone who probably doesn't even know what day it is.

Speaking of that level of intellect aren't you the same wag who a week ago tried to sell this cockamamie idea that the cost of living in a given state has something to do with the Electoral College and when I challenged you on that you ran away?

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