BREAKING: Netherlands is open to supplying Ukraine with F-16 fighters jets / Finland is sending its largest military aid package for Ukraine.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
The Dutch understand what Muscovite oriental, despotic, barbaric terrorism is. The Muscovites shot down the civilian plane MH17 in 2014, killing 298 people, including 193 Dutch. F16 for Ukraine could be a game changer, as Ukraine airforce would dominate over the battlefield.
"Pооtin the Great Loser" is rapidly sending Muscovy back to 1917

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Muscovite tank turrets have clocked more flying hours than the Muscovite Airforce.


Let Europe solve Europe's problems.

We need to focus on our own invasion at our southern border.

Who's the moody chick in the turtleneck?


WWIII with Nigeria with snow ? you must be joking ....


Both Titloose and Nazi Zelensky are low grade puppets with the former suffering obvious mental health problems .

The Russian military is so now far advanced versus the US that they would not dare risk another highly likely war loss and embarrassment.

And the US military know this .
Learn Titloose

There is also the false impression, pushed by some weapon dealers , that there are 'hundreds' of Leopards available. This is nonsense. Not every Leopard is like the other. The most standardized variant is Leopard 2A4 one. In the end Ukraine could receive may be 50 of those. The current German standard tank is the Leopard 2A7 which had three upgrades since the A4 version came out. Various countries have versions in between, often with their own upgraded gun control and communication systems. It would not make any sense from a training and maintenance point to give Ukraine a smorgasbord of various Leopard types. The logistics to support those would immediately become unfeasible.

There are also other issues. Soviet era tanks have a weight of about 40 metric tons. All he 'western' Abrams, Leopard, British Challenger and French Leclerc main battle tanks have a battle weight in the 60 metric ton class. I doubt that Ukraine rural roads and bridges were constructed with such tanks in mind. What use is a tank when you can not move it around without destroying your own supply routes?

There is also the important issue of training. This does not only include the technology of the tank but its tactical use in the field. The Turkish experience in Syria showed that bad tank tactics inevitably lead to bad outcomes, no matter how good the tanks are.

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