Breaking 6.4 Earthquake striks off Alaska following a series of smaller quakes

I hate earthquakes...
You know you're in a decent one when it starts swells in the water bed.

HAHAHA Right?!? I gave up my waterbed after some 20 years and got a temperpedic for the hubbies back, but I remember waking up in those; then you're laying there like, well fuck do I have to get out of the warm bed for this shit cause it's like burr out there...

The one that tagged us Saturday, I was on my way down the ladder into the basement to get something, it was a real quick hitter and I kind of startled and looked at the windshield washer fluid on the freezer sloshing around. So I was hanging on the ladder yelling, "You rat bastard at least make it worth me climbing the fuck back up!" My kid got into the garage a bit after (went to my usual haunts to check on me cause he likes to pick on me about my hate for earthquakes) and immediately starts laughing his ass off like a little shit. He did help me back up then went and got the suitcase I was going down for though hahaha
Volcano quakes
I'm not sure to what you refer. If it is to tremors in volcanoes, they are quite local.

Yeah, are you not close enough? I guess it's just different geology or they travel better up here, every time one of our volcano's gets mouthy we get a swarm of little tiny quakes that waffles out along most of the faults. I don't personally count them as quakes cause I'm far enough away from the volcano's that JBER's bomb testing shakes the house worse heh
I'm not sure whether I need to point it out, but Te Ika a Maui [The Fish of Maui] is the North Island of New Zealand.

Well it's good that you did! I did indeed have you pegged for Hawaii. Now I have to look that up cause I've not heard of it before heh
I see I see, yea so you're getting the same northwest action Alaska is.

In other news... a folk hero that was eaten by a goddesses' vagina. That's way more interesting than the volcano goddess...
Stephen Hawking say's, it's the end of the world as we know it.

Something that I've been wondering about.......Washington also being along the Pacific Rim seems to have the least amount of activity and I'm not so sure that's a good thing.....?
Subduction zones lay dormant for decades, then those volcanoes come alive violently after plate movement.. Earthquakes followed by eruptions... Game on!
Not nearly as Slaanesh as the other version heh
Too opaque for me. As I understand it there are many versions.

Sorry running joke for the day. (Slaanesh is the God of Pleasure in the Warhammer Fantasy, a game I've been playing since ohhh the 80s every once in a while I get on a kick with him/her [believe it or not Slaanesh is, and always has been, half male, half female - running meme is "Because one boob is enough" heh])
Something that I've been wondering about.......Washington also being along the Pacific Rim seems to have the least amount of activity and I'm not so sure that's a good thing.....?
Subduction zones lay dormant for decades, then those volcanoes come alive violently after plate movement.. Earthquakes followed by eruptions... Game on!

Game on??? You're nuts. Been thru 1965 earthquake @ 6.5 and Nisqually was 6.8, plus Mt St Helens. Those were only precursors to what has been long overdue here. Cali isn't the only place expecting 'The Big One' and when that happens, Mt Rainier could very well release the beast.

I guess we do have an average of over 2,000 quakes in any given year, but the greater majority of those are so small nobody notices.

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