Boomberg-Clinton 2020 ticket

Michael Bloomberg / Hillary Clinton 2020.

Sounds like a winning ticket to me! What do you think?

I don’t know. I think that there are other candidates that appeal to more generations that don’t have the negative baggage that they have and also have fresher perspectives. I feel that the Democratic Party needs to look to the future with its candidates and not focus so much on established names of the past. Steer away from the far left socialist ideas and away from politicians with baggage and embrace the more moderate candidates that will appeal across the political aisle.

The only goal is to defeat Trump*. We can worry about the other stuff later.

The goal in my opinion should be to provide a platform that is realistic and good for the country as whole that addresses the biggest areas of opportunity that the platform will work towards. If we are electing someone solely to defeat Trump (or anybody really) then it's probably not a good, long term goal. You could also end up electing someone that is just as bad if not worse because their platform was overlooked or the bad parts excused for the sake of winning the moment. The "other stuff" that you mentioned could very well be more important than winning one election in my personal opinion.

Defeating Adolf Trump* isn't a longtime goal - it's the immediate goal.
Michael Bloomberg / Hillary Clinton 2020.

Sounds like a winning ticket to me! What do you think?

I don’t know. I think that there are other candidates that appeal to more generations that don’t have the negative baggage that they have and also have fresher perspectives. I feel that the Democratic Party needs to look to the future with its candidates and not focus so much on established names of the past. Steer away from the far left socialist ideas and away from politicians with baggage and embrace the more moderate candidates that will appeal across the political aisle.

The only goal is to defeat Trump*. We can worry about the other stuff later.

The goal in my opinion should be to provide a platform that is realistic and good for the country as whole that addresses the biggest areas of opportunity that the platform will work towards. If we are electing someone solely to defeat Trump (or anybody really) then it's probably not a good, long term goal. You could also end up electing someone that is just as bad if not worse because their platform was overlooked or the bad parts excused for the sake of winning the moment. The "other stuff" that you mentioned could very well be more important than winning one election in my personal opinion.

Defeating Adolf Trump* isn't a longtime goal - it's the immediate goal.
Well currently ..........your side SUCKS at are doing more to drive voters to Trump than away.

Keep up the good work........LOL
Yanno, I think this is just a rumor started by those on the right. Hillary hasn't been politically viable since 2016, and if she was brought on as VP for anyone, that campaign would be doomed to failure.

Sorry, but Hillary isn't running, no matter how much you right wing idiots want her to.

You obviously have not read the thread.

I've read the thread, and I've seen where conservatives are desperately hoping that Bloomberg will put Hillary on the ticket with him. Anyone who has paid even a minimum of attention since 2015 knows that Hillary is politically toxic, especially in our current political climate. You obviously haven't been paying attention.

If you read the thread, why would make this ridiculous comment:

"Yanno, I think this is just a rumor started by those on the right."

There were numerous links to news sources who quoted Bloomberg.
If this turned out to be true, it would reveal that Bloomberg was pretty tone-deaf about the party.

Tough to imagine. I'd think someone more like Tulsi, or he could really bend over for the base and go with Abrams. I'd think Tusli, because she'd give him the best chance to win.

You mean Staci "Welfare Cheat who couldn't get elected in her home state" Abrams?
Yanno, I think this is just a rumor started by those on the right. Hillary hasn't been politically viable since 2016, and if she was brought on as VP for anyone, that campaign would be doomed to failure.

Sorry, but Hillary isn't running, no matter how much you right wing idiots want her to.

You obviously have not read the thread.

I've read the thread, and I've seen where conservatives are desperately hoping that Bloomberg will put Hillary on the ticket with him. Anyone who has paid even a minimum of attention since 2015 knows that Hillary is politically toxic, especially in our current political climate. You obviously haven't been paying attention.

If you read the thread, why would make this ridiculous comment:

"Yanno, I think this is just a rumor started by those on the right."

There were numerous links to news sources who quoted Bloomberg.

Can you post any?
Yanno, I think this is just a rumor started by those on the right. Hillary hasn't been politically viable since 2016, and if she was brought on as VP for anyone, that campaign would be doomed to failure.

Sorry, but Hillary isn't running, no matter how much you right wing idiots want her to.

You obviously have not read the thread.

I've read the thread, and I've seen where conservatives are desperately hoping that Bloomberg will put Hillary on the ticket with him. Anyone who has paid even a minimum of attention since 2015 knows that Hillary is politically toxic, especially in our current political climate. You obviously haven't been paying attention.

If you read the thread, why would make this ridiculous comment:

"Yanno, I think this is just a rumor started by those on the right."

There were numerous links to news sources who quoted Bloomberg.

Can you post any?


GOOD FUCKING GOD Rumpbots are gullible.

Take it with a grain of salt.


Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate, after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force... MORE

DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida, since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state... Developing..


Drudge report?

Better use the whole shaker.
did you know?

as a teen, Bloomberg bewildered his parents by taking two math courses, scoring an A in one, and a D in another

turns out he cheated in one, but not the other
Take it with a grain of salt.


Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate, after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force... MORE

DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida, since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state... Developing..


Well it is going to be his back that will be going out. At the 9/11 memorial. She had broken a bolt in her exoskeleton suit that helps her to move around. She didn't fainted. If she did fainted? Her head would have collapsed. But she was able to still hold her head up. It was her exoskeleton suit that malfunctioned. That the suit was so heavy for her to walked to the van. That the secret service agents had to help her into the van.

But actually, he and she isn't going to run. They know that nobody don't like her. But they are using her to get the democrat supporters to get out and vote for Bernie. That is why they are pretending that they are going to rig the primary against Bernie. That is just to scare them into campaigning real strong for Bernie.
They cannot rig the election if there is a low turnout for the Democrat candidates.
And so Bernie is their champion.


Michael Bloomberg / Hillary Clinton 2020.

Sounds like a winning ticket to me! What do you think?

I don’t know. I think that there are other candidates that appeal to more generations that don’t have the negative baggage that they have and also have fresher perspectives. I feel that the Democratic Party needs to look to the future with its candidates and not focus so much on established names of the past. Steer away from the far left socialist ideas and away from politicians with baggage and embrace the more moderate candidates that will appeal across the political aisle.

The only goal is to defeat Trump*. We can worry about the other stuff later.

The goal in my opinion should be to provide a platform that is realistic and good for the country as whole that addresses the biggest areas of opportunity that the platform will work towards. If we are electing someone solely to defeat Trump (or anybody really) then it's probably not a good, long term goal. You could also end up electing someone that is just as bad if not worse because their platform was overlooked or the bad parts excused for the sake of winning the moment. The "other stuff" that you mentioned could very well be more important than winning one election in my personal opinion.

Defeating Adolf Trump* isn't a longtime goal - it's the immediate goal.
If Trump was a dictator Madonna, Depp and Di Niro would be dead. And that is just to start. This guy has taken everything thrown at him. Even the kitchen sink.
Take it with a grain of salt.


Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate, after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force... MORE

DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida, since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state... Developing..


Drudge report?

Better use the whole shaker.

Maybe. Maybe not.
Take it with a grain of salt.


Sources close to Bloomberg campaign tell DRUDGE REPORT that candidate is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate, after their polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be formidable force... MORE

DRUDGE has learned that Bloomberg himself would go as far as to change his official residence from New York to homes he owns in Colorado or Florida, since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state... Developing..


Drudge report?

Better use the whole shaker.

Maybe. Maybe not.
History say yes, not maybe.

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