Bogus Argument Proves Trump is Right About Muslim Ban


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
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The latest dimwit argument against a temporary ban on unscreened Muslims entering the U.S. is that it wouldn't have stopped the U.S. born Islamic terrorist from killing all those people in Orlando. The point that is missed is that screening Muslim immigrants NOW may save lives 30 years hence, when they or their U.S. born children decide to buy a one-way ticket to Paradise. Why is that so hard to understand?
The latest dimwit argument against a temporary ban on unscreened Muslims entering the U.S. is that it wouldn't have stopped the U.S. born Islamic terrorist from killing all those people in Orlando. The point that is missed is that screening Muslim immigrants NOW may save lives 30 years hence, when they or their U.S. born children decide to buy a one-way ticket to Paradise. Why is that so hard to understand?
It would not have.
Just as screening any incoming muslims or any other immigrants is no guarantee that other mass shootings or terrorist attacks will not happen.
It would not have.
Just as screening any incoming muslims or any other immigrants is no guarantee that other mass shootings or terrorist attacks will not happen.

Yes, I already said it would not have prevented the Orlando attack. Are you suffering from short term memory loss or a lack of reading comprehension?

Also, opposing a preventative measure because it wouldn't be 100% effective is a perfect example of a dimwit argument.
It would not have.
Just as screening any incoming muslims or any other immigrants is no guarantee that other mass shootings or terrorist attacks will not happen.

Yes, I already said it would not have prevented the Orlando attack. Are you suffering from short term memory loss or a lack of reading comprehension?

Also, opposing a preventative measure because it wouldn't be 100% effective is a perfect example of a dimwit argument.
Fuck 100% it wouldn't even be 1%.
Your proposal is sheer idiocy.
please post where I said or implied that .

screening any incoming muslims or any other immigrants is no guarantee that other mass shootings or terrorist attacks will not happen.

opposing a preventative measure because it wouldn't be 100% effective is a perfect example of a dimwit argument.

Fuck 100% it wouldn't even be 1%.

IF screening 100% of incoming muslims wouldn't even be 1% effective as a preventative measure, THEN screening fewer incoming muslims would be even less effective. THEREFOR, there is little or no reason to screen any incoming muslims.

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