Blues States Are Red States!

Change the colors associated with the Democrats (to blue) and Republicans (to red)...

Seemingly inconsequential ?....trivial, even?? least that is the implication from the Democrats, Liberals, communists and dupes, in both the media and the political class.

Think nothing of it!
A mere bag a' shells!

9. According to the Left,'s just arbitrary....not an intentional machination with a political aim....

This is what the Leftist 'Mother Jones' magazine said about the switch:

" Since the advent of color TV, there has been a formula to avoid charges of giving any party an advantage by painting it a "better" color. Here is the formula: the color of the incumbent party alternates every 4 years. I've never gotten ironclad confirmation of this rule, but it seems to be correct. ...Democrats had usually been colored red prior to the 2000 election: it's a coincidence.

In the six elections prior to 2000 every Democrat but one (Dukakis in 1988) had been coded red, but that was just because of how the cycle of incumbency happened to work out during that period. If the formula had continued, the incumbent Republicans would have been blue in 2008, but by then it was too late. The color of the parties had entered American folklore and become permanent." The Story Behind Red States and Blue States Mother Jones

Get that?

From the far Left 'Mother Jones'...." the color of the incumbent party alternates every 4 years".... "it's a coincidence"....


A coincidence???
10. Turns out there was full court press by chuckle, be amused, that anyone should think there was anything but serendipity behind the move that removed "red" from any association with Democrats.

Brings to mind what the British printed on the stamps during the Stamp Act:
"Honi soit qui mal y pense".....evil to him who thinks evil of it.

....the NYTimes found it amusing to imagine that the Democrats were afraid of being identified with socialism......imagine that.

" Mark Monmonier, a professor of geography at Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and an expert in the use of maps as analytical and persuasive tools, found himself automatically reversing the current color code. ''I remember talking in a class about the red states and blue states,'' he said, ''and a student actually corrected me.''
[Get is such an insignificant point, that a brilliant guy like me, forgot it! He he..]

Online political discussion groups buzz with conspiracy theories about the maps, suggesting that Republican states were made red because that color typically represents the enemy on military combat maps, or because red has more negative psychological baggage (fiery, dangerous) than friendly, pacific blue.

Others have thought it simply a naïve attempt to avoid trafficking in stereotypes (Democrats are Reds, or socialists). Professor Monmonier suggested -- jokingly -- that the red-left, blue-right association more rightly follows the conventional ordering of visible light (red, yellow, green, blue, and so forth).

But in the United States, at least, the color coding has rarely been static.

By the 1990's, the color scheme was becoming a bit more formalized -- at least on network and cable television. But other news outlets continued to vary." Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times

"...conspiracy theories... simply a naïve attempt..." "... jokingly...." "... was becoming a bit more formalized...."

Get it....nudge accident....nothing malicious behind making the Republicans the 'reds.'
And if you think it is evil....well, evil to you!

Now....if you're imbecilic enough to believe that.....then you'll believe this one, too:
" The Times, which published its first color presidential election map in 2000, followed the networks, although Archie Tse, a graphics editor who made the choice, provided a different rationale: ''Both Republican and red start with the letter R,'' he said." Ibid.
Control the language, and you win the debate.

No group knows, and uses that knowledge better, than the Liberal Party.

It is the advantage they have by owning the media.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times


4. How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red?
I have a video tape of the 1988 election returns of CNN showing democrats as red (as they always had been) and republicans blue Then in 1992 they reversed it and evryone just blindly followed it and now its accepted as having always been that way!!!
How did CNN get away with changing the party affiliation colors Democrats blue and Republicans red

The assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

I guess that elites were worried that even fools who they can trick into voting Democrat/Liberal/Progressive might catch on to the fact that they were voting for the descendants of Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

Why then does Foxnews use the current Red/Blue designation?

Are they in on it?


btw, you're in a Blue State, MY Blue State. Try to act like you deserve it.

NY Is fast becoming a bankrupt, third-world shithole.... that's why I left in the nineties. You can keep the high prices and outrageous taxes... I went and visited some friends in Franklin Square earlier this year... cost a fortune to not do much of anything.
BTW.....the star of the flag of or blue? How about the hammer and sickle?

11. " The former system made more sense and was deliberately changed by media partisans who didn’t like to suggest Democrats should be associated with the color red.

I’m not making this up. In fact, even the predictably leeward-tilting Wikipedia acknowledges the newly adopted U.S. hue standard stands in stark contrast to the system of political colors in most other countries that bother to hold elections:

“This unofficial system of political colors used in the United States is the reverse of that in most other long-established democracies, where blue represents right-wing and conservative parties, and red represents left-wing and social democratic parties.

12. I have a suggestion for the color scheme....

These are traditional:

"Colors are often assigned according to the party’s ideology.


Because of its association with Mussolini’sCamicie Nere(Blackshirts) as well as Hitler’sSchutzstaffel(SS), internationally black typically designates a fascist or anarchic party. In the 1960s and 70s in the U.S., however, the socialistBlack Panther Party (BPP)adopted black for its color.


Unlike in the USA, conservative parties internationally are typically identified with blue. This tradition is reputed to have begun inGreat Britainwhere the Tories adopted blue as their color circa 1900 in response to Labour’s use of red.


As with blue, the rest of the world typically uses red to designate a more liberal, left-leaning party, including everything from progressive and pro-labor parties to socialists and communists. This tradition apparently began with theFrench revolution of 1848, when a red flag was used to “represent theblood of angry workers.” The Origin of the Red State Blue State Dichotomy keeping with the current direction of the Democrat Party....and as soon as the DNC becomes Sharia compliant, the new map color for Democrats should be....


In the Muslim world, because green wasMohammed’s favorite color, it is frequently adopted by Islamist political parties.Hamas, theKingdom of Saudi Arabiaand theIslamic Republic of Iranall use green on their flags.

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