Blockade of German minister's ferry


Nov 14, 2012
Farmers are unhappy with the government´s plan to abolish agricultural subsidies. They blocked a ferry where Habeck (economy minister and vice chancellor) was travelling on and even tried to storm it.

"BERLIN, Jan 5 (Reuters) - German leaders expressed concern on Friday that political debate in the country was becoming dangerously radicalised after a crowd of protesting farmers prevented the vice chancellor from leaving a ferry and tried to storm the vessel.

The blockade on Thursday by around 250-300 protesters was sparked by plans to phase out agricultural subsidies as the government scrambles to fix its finances after a court ruling in November threw its spending plans into disarray.

"What worries me is that the mood in this country is heating up so much," said Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck, after the ferry on which he was returning from an island vacation in northern Germany was forced to turn around."

Farmers are unhappy with the government´s plan to abolish agricultural subsidies. They blocked a ferry where Habeck (economy minister and vice chancellor) was travelling on and even tried to storm it.

"BERLIN, Jan 5 (Reuters) - German leaders expressed concern on Friday that political debate in the country was becoming dangerously radicalised after a crowd of protesting farmers prevented the vice chancellor from leaving a ferry and tried to storm the vessel.

The blockade on Thursday by around 250-300 protesters was sparked by plans to phase out agricultural subsidies as the government scrambles to fix its finances after a court ruling in November threw its spending plans into disarray.

"What worries me is that the mood in this country is heating up so much," said Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck, after the ferry on which he was returning from an island vacation in northern Germany was forced to turn around."

That's the result of the German Government putting US interests before it's own Country and people, yet they can find money for weapons to Nazis in Ukraine, expect more backlash from the people.
Farmers are unhappy with the government´s plan to abolish agricultural subsidies. They blocked a ferry where Habeck (economy minister and vice chancellor) was travelling on and even tried to storm it.

"BERLIN, Jan 5 (Reuters) - German leaders expressed concern on Friday that political debate in the country was becoming dangerously radicalised after a crowd of protesting farmers prevented the vice chancellor from leaving a ferry and tried to storm the vessel.

The blockade on Thursday by around 250-300 protesters was sparked by plans to phase out agricultural subsidies as the government scrambles to fix its finances after a court ruling in November threw its spending plans into disarray.

"What worries me is that the mood in this country is heating up so much," said Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck, after the ferry on which he was returning from an island vacation in northern Germany was forced to turn around."

that was going too far ……
Farmers are unhappy with the government´s plan to abolish agricultural subsidies. They blocked a ferry where Habeck (economy minister and vice chancellor) was travelling on and even tried to storm it.

"BERLIN, Jan 5 (Reuters) - German leaders expressed concern on Friday that political debate in the country was becoming dangerously radicalised after a crowd of protesting farmers prevented the vice chancellor from leaving a ferry and tried to storm the vessel.

The blockade on Thursday by around 250-300 protesters was sparked by plans to phase out agricultural subsidies as the government scrambles to fix its finances after a court ruling in November threw its spending plans into disarray.

"What worries me is that the mood in this country is heating up so much," said Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck, after the ferry on which he was returning from an island vacation in northern Germany was forced to turn around."

Don't worry, nothing happens because communists don't leave without fight.
Germany has more as 5m Muslim migrants, mostly from the most retarded countries including ISIS.
They are the primary force which will fight for Scholz & Co in exchange for citizenship.

This is the only agenda why communist western regimes let millions of IQ-10 migrants in.
The let in their future privat armies

Putin does it already

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that was going too far ……
After the "independent" media discredited the farmers as "Reichsbürgers", the farmers plan to go further and even block Highways beginning on January 8.

The government plan will of course not only hit the farmers but all Germans that will see more price hikes. The plan is absolutely absurd, the government said the "Migrationswende" will start this year, instead they further burden the German shoulders.


Interview 1860 - We're All German Farmers Now! - #NewWorldNextWeek

Corbett • 01/12/2024 • 32 Comments
"This week on the New World Next Week: the Epstein client list is not a client list, but it is a hangout that misses the deeper issues raised by the Epstein affair; we're all German farmers now as yet another round of farmer protests demonstrate the rousing of free humanity; and copyright lawsuits abound in the fake Drake AI music universe (but Mickey Mouse is fair game!)."

Story #1: The Epstein List - Full List Of Names Revealed In Unsealed Court Records So Far
Story #2: Germany's Farmers Fighting Back Against Green Tyranny
Story #3: Everyone's Suing AI Over Text And Pics. But Music? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

"We're Sick of Lying Politicians" - German Farmers/Polish Farmers/Dutch Farmers​


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