BLM violence

Hate group - Wikipedia
A hate group is a social group that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society. According to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),...
Let me see....they say Black lives matter and if you respond with all lives matter they beat you up.....yeah I'd say they are racist....
And not to mention DUMB, as well.

They are undermining all the progress the black community has made since the 1960s. They are literally resurrecting the "White Power" movement all by themselves, fulfilling the wishes of their Democrat Masters.
And right in there with "racist"...."hateful"....."violent"...."treasonous".....and "terrorist organization".....BLM also are a distinct arm of the Democratic Party.

Black Lives Matter has benefited from the largesse of top Democratic donors, including billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the Center for American Progress. Soros gave, in one year, an estimated $33 million to BLM back in 2015.

Democrats view BLM as "uncontrollable" but "indispensible", according to David Horowitz, a conservative author who has written extensively about left-wing activism. “It’s a violent movement, but it’s really been embraced by the Democratic Party, and it’s very important to the Democratic Party.” Just look at the suck up behavior of top leftists like Martin O'Malley, who apologized for saying "All Lives Matter", and Bernie Sanders who allowed BLM loudmouth jerks to take over a stage and microphone, he was speaking into.

Fast foward now to 2020, and we have THIS concrete evidence of the connection of BLM and the Democratic Party. Click the link to this fabulous RedState expose' article by Elizabeth Vaughn, to see how donation$$$ to BLM, get skimmed straight into ACT BLUE >>Democratic Party coffers. It it weren't for the cahoots of the mass media with Democrats, this would be the top media story of the year, equal to the coronavirus. >>>

So who is BLM ? To put it in leftist jargon, they are the "running dogs" of the Democrats.

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How can anyone NOT believe BLM is a domestic terrorist organization and why haven't they been listed as such????

Why are big companies giving these people money?? Blacks themselves state they see none of it in their communities, so where is that money going?

How long will this go on?

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